How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 17, 2024

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Prepare historical data


Calculate cash flow drivers


Build a cash flow model


Validate and refine your model


Visualize and communicate your results


Update and monitor your forecast


Here’s what else to consider

Cash flow forecasting is a vital skill for corporate finance professionals, as it helps them plan and manage the financial resources of a business. Excel is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you create, analyze, and present cash flow forecasts with ease. In this article, you will learn how to use Excel to forecast cash flow in six steps.

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  • Nicoleta Tole FCCA Become Unfireable: Future-proof your finance career | Finance Transformation Consultant | Coach | Course Facilitator |…

    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (5) 6

  • Juan Vasquez Huanca MBA | Contabilidad y Finanzas | Gestión de Costos | NIIF | Impuestos | Presupuestos | KPIs | Flujo de Caja

    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (7) 4

How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (8) How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (9) How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (10)

1 Prepare historical data

The first step is to gather and organize the historical data of your business, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. You can use Excel to import, format, and clean the data from various sources, such as accounting software, bank statements, or invoices. You should aim to have at least three years of monthly data for accuracy and reliability.

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  • Nicoleta Tole FCCA Become Unfireable: Future-proof your finance career | Finance Transformation Consultant | Coach | Course Facilitator | Management Consultant | Lifelong Learner
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    The first step, even before data gathering, is getting clear on what the requirements are. What currency dies it need to be ran in? Are you likely to need multiple currencies? What assumptions do you need to make and are they fully understood by the business? What is the seasonality of the business you are preparing the CF for?


    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (19) 6

  • Gary Mosiniak CFO/ General Counsel at Marrik Dish Company, LLC
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    Consider making your Excel file a shared workbook where other key employees can add data and assumptions directly to the worksheet(s).

  • Chuene Mabokela Assistant Director Budgets, Management Accounting at Department of Energy
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    Paying attention to the trend(spending trend) also informs the company on how it performed previously, which will also assist in building up for future trend. Involving all stakeholders or managers for inputs, linking them with their set objectives, cascading then down to strategic plan of the organisation also can contribute positively in beneficial forecasting eventually.


2 Calculate cash flow drivers

The next step is to identify and calculate the key drivers of your cash flow, such as revenue, expenses, working capital, capital expenditures, and financing activities. You can use Excel formulas, functions, and charts to analyze the trends, patterns, and relationships of these drivers over time. You should also consider the impact of seasonality, growth rates, and external factors on your cash flow drivers.

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  • Gary Mosiniak CFO/ General Counsel at Marrik Dish Company, LLC
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    Layer worksheets by drivers of the cashflow so that those decision makers closest to microeconomic and macroeconomic variables of the business can input to designated worksheet. For example, there could be a worksheet designated for drivers like revenue, expenses, capital expenditures. The workbook could then be shared with department heads like Marketing, Purchasing, Human Resources, Plant Manager, Facility etc., for their input. Worksheet templates could be prefilled with historical and or pro forma numbers. Department heads can approve and/or revise then or initiate new data and assumptions. The privacy and trust settings of shared worksheet and files amongst users should be restricted according to confidentiality and need to know basis


3 Build a cash flow model

The third step is to build a cash flow model that projects your future cash inflows and outflows based on your historical data and assumptions. You can use Excel to create a spreadsheet that links your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. You can also use Excel features, such as scenarios, data tables, and goal seek, to test different scenarios and sensitivity analysis.

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  • (edited)

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    The key to effective cash flow modeling in Excel is pairing standardized templates with standardized processes. Adopt a direct method forecast and clearly document the cash vs. accrual timing and treatment of all financial transactions.Cash flow forecast models, notably 13-week cash flows, are a gold standard of rolling forecasts. Map out all key accounts that will feed the forecast and establish the backend data import processes necessary to update actual and roll the cash flow model forward.Time-to-update should be low and forecast accuracy should be high if the templates are sound and the process is well-refined.


    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (52) 46

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    Fully agree with the comment emphasizing the use of standardized templates and processes for effective cash flow modeling in Excel. The suggestion to adopt a direct method forecast and ensure meticulous documentation aligns with best practices, contributing to high forecast accuracy and efficiency.

4 Validate and refine your model

The fourth step is to validate and refine your cash flow model to ensure that it is logical, consistent, and realistic. You can use Excel to check and correct any errors, inconsistencies, or circular references in your formulas and calculations. You can also use Excel tools, such as data validation, conditional formatting, and error checking, to improve the quality and accuracy of your data and inputs.

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  • Gary Mosiniak CFO/ General Counsel at Marrik Dish Company, LLC
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    Always keep a back up of an unedited master file. As key data is added it is prudent to keep back ups at different stages of completion. In the event data is corrupted or lost its easier to restore it from back up files then start from scratch


    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (70) 1


5 Visualize and communicate your results

The fifth step is to visualize and communicate your cash flow forecast results to your stakeholders, such as managers, investors, or lenders. You can use Excel to create and customize charts, graphs, dashboards, and reports that highlight the key insights and findings of your cash flow analysis. You can also use Excel features, such as slicers, sparklines, and pivot tables, to make your results more interactive and dynamic.

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  • Gary Mosiniak CFO/ General Counsel at Marrik Dish Company, LLC


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    I once completed a very detailed projected three-year monthly cash flow operating plan for Chapter 11 bankruptcy workout utilizing Excel in just a few days. Not only was the cashflow projected for three years, but I performed at least 5 different scenarios (15 years total) before it was approved by stakeholders. Excel was my workhorse and presentation of the workout scenarios would have been impossible without it.


    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (79) 1


6 Update and monitor your forecast

The final step is to update and monitor your cash flow forecast regularly to track your actual performance against your projections. You can use Excel to import, refresh, and compare your actual data with your forecast data. You can also use Excel functions, such as IF, SUMIF, and VLOOKUP, to calculate and display the variances and deviations of your cash flow metrics.

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    Monitoring actual performance against projected cash flows is equally essential. Excel's spreadsheet capabilities enable users to track substantial cash inflows and outflows alongside projected amounts, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of variances.Excel is a valuable tool for forecasting cash flow and monitoring performance against projections. Its robust features enable businesses to create dynamic forecasts, analyze historical data, and present information visually. Regularly updating and monitoring cash flow forecasts using Excel empowers businesses to make informed financial decisions and adapt to changing circ*mstances effectively.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Juan Vasquez Huanca MBA | Contabilidad y Finanzas | Gestión de Costos | NIIF | Impuestos | Presupuestos | KPIs | Flujo de Caja
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    It is relevant to understand that the forecasted cash flow (based on inputs and outputs) is not the same as the budgeted PnL (based on accounting rules mainly of accruals and provisions). All companies focus their efforts on the Budgeted PnL to project the EBITDA or EAT for the next periods and usually forget about Cash flow. It is crucial to prepare the cash flow using the main assumptions used to prepare the Budget to project whether the company would obtain enough cash to operate in the short time. Excel has options to link both financial tools


    How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (96) 4

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    Cash flow forecasting is critical for businesses to plan for future cash needs. Excel is a powerful tool that allows creating and updating cash flow forecasts. Excel's features make it ideal for creating dynamic models, analyzing historical data, and presenting information visually. Regularly updating and monitoring cash flow forecasts is essential for making informed financial decisions and adapting to changing circ*mstances effectively.


Corporate Finance How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (105)

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How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? (2024)


How can you use Excel to forecast cash flow? ›

For each week or month in your cash flow forecast, list all the cash you have coming in. Have one column for each week or month, and one row for each type of income. Start with your sales, adding them to the appropriate week or month. You might be able to predict this from previous years' figures, if you have them.

How to do cash flow forecast Excel? ›

For each week or month in your cash flow forecast, list all the cash you have coming in. Have one column for each week or month, and one row for each type of income. Start with your sales, adding them to the appropriate week or month. You might be able to predict this from previous years' figures, if you have them.

How do you do forecasting with Excel? ›

On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click Forecast Sheet. In the Create Forecast Worksheet box, pick either a line chart or a column chart for the visual representation of the forecast. In the Forecast End box, pick an end date, and then click Create.

Is there a cash flow function in Excel? ›

There are five: NPV function, XNPV function, IRR function, XIRR function, and MIRR function. Which one you choose depends on the financial method that you prefer, whether cash flows occur at regular intervals, and whether the cash flows are periodic. Note: Cash flows are specified as negative, positive, or zero values.

What is the formula for the cash flow forecast? ›

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure. Operating Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital. Cash Flow Forecast = Beginning Cash + Projected Inflows – Projected Outflows = Ending Cash.

How to build a cashflow forecast? ›

How to forecast your cash flow
  1. Forecast your income or sales. First, decide on a period that you want to forecast. ...
  2. Estimate cash inflows. ...
  3. Estimate cash outflows and expenses. ...
  4. Compile the estimates into your cash flow forecast. ...
  5. Review your estimated cash flows against the actual.

What is the formula for forecasting? ›

Historical forecasting: This method uses historical data (results from previous sales cycles) and sales velocity (the rate at which sales increase over time). The formula is: previous month's sales x velocity = additional sales; and then: additional sales + previous month's rate = forecasted sales for next month.

How accurate is forecasting in Excel? ›

When it comes to basic forecasting, Excel can be useful, but it isn't as precise as inventory planning software. If you're dealing with changing market dynamics and need customized and accurate predictions, it's recommended to use advanced software like Inventory Planner.

What is the formula for forecasting revenue in Excel? ›

For example, using a simple linear regression method to forecast revenue based on time would use the formula y = b + mx + e , where y is revenue, x is time period, b is intercept, m is slope, and e is error term. The LINEST function in Excel can be used to calculate b and m which can then be used to generate forecasts.

Can you create a cash flow diagram in Excel? ›

The first step is to install the ChartExpo add-in. Then, you can enter your income and expenses into Excel. Generate the cash flow chart with ChartExpo. Finally, you can customize the chart to suit your needs.

What is a cash flow spreadsheet? ›

The CFS highlights a company's cash management, including how well it generates cash. This financial statement complements the balance sheet and the income statement. The main components of the CFS are cash from three areas: Operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

What are the methods of cash flow forecasting? ›

There are two primary types of forecasting methods: direct and indirect. The main difference between them is that direct forecasting uses actual flow data, where indirect forecasting relies on projected balance sheets and income statements. Generally speaking, direct forecasting provides you with the greatest accuracy.

How do I forecast free cash flow? ›

To calculate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) of the company for each year of the forecast period, you must use the formula: Revenue - COGS - OPEX - Taxes + D&A - CAPEX - Change in WC. Additionally, you should calculate the tax rate and effective tax rate of the company using historical data or statutory rates.

What is the formula for calculating cash flow? ›

Summary. Net Cash Flow = Total Cash Inflows – Total Cash Outflows. Learn how to use this formula and others to improve your understanding of your cash flow.

How do you calculate future cash flow NPV in Excel? ›

How to Calculate NPV Using Excel
  1. Step 1) Create a sheet and set up values: In this example, we will calculate the NPV over a 10 years period. The Discount Rate, return of requirement is set to 10%. ...
  2. Step 2) Start the NPV Function: Select cell E9. Type =NPV. ...
  3. Step 3) Enter NPV Values: Select B9 to Apply "rate"

What is a 3 year cash flow forecast? ›

These forecasts always start in the current month. They then look ahead at the next 3 full financial years, plus the remainder of the current financial year. Unlike the 1 year P&L forecast option, a 3 year cash flow displays all balance sheet accounts, all P&L accounts, and a cash flow view.

How to create a cash flow model? ›

How To Do A Cash Flow Projection Model
  1. List Your Estimated Sales Income. ...
  2. List Any Other Cash Inflows Or Receivables. ...
  3. List All Cash Outflows And Expenses. ...
  4. Combine the above into a simple spreadsheet. ...
  5. Start modeling with your cash flow projection.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.