Administrative Changes to AFI36-2606, Reenlistment … · Administrative Changes to AFI36-2606, Reenlistment In The United States Air Force, 9 MAY 2011 ... and the Selective Reenlistment - [PDF Document] (2024)

Administrative Changes to AFI36-2606, Reenlistment In The United States Air Force, 9 MAY 2011


Paragraph 5.6.Active Duty Oath of Enlistment -- CANCELLED

Reference to Paragraph 5.6.Active Duty Oath of Enlistment MUST READ:

“All Airmen enlisting or reenlisting must take the following oath: I, (State

your full name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and

defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and

that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the

orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the

Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

30 October 2013




9 MAY 2011

Incorporating Change 1, 29 August 2012





ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.

RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.


Certified by: AF/A1P

Maj Gen Sharon K. Dunbar

Pages: 88

This Instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-26, Total Force

Development; Department of Defense Instruction DoDI 1304.29, Administration of Enlisted

Bonuses, Accession Bonuses for New Officers in Critical Skills, Selective Retention Bonuses for

Active Members; and the DoD Financial Management Regulation Volume 7A, Military Pay

Policy and Procedures – Active Duty and Reserve Pay, and Chapter 2, Repayment of Unearned

Portion of Bonuses and Other Benefits. It provides guidance and procedures for reenlisting and

extending enlistments in the Regular Air Force (RegAF). It also provides guidance on Career

Job Reservation (CJR) and the Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) program. It applies to

Airmen of the RegAF and does not apply to the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard. This

AFI may not be supplemented. This publication requires collecting and maintaining of

information protected by the Privacy Act (PA) of 1974 authorized by 10 U.S.C. 8251, , 1- U.S.C.

833, 10 U.S.C. 8013, 10 U.S.C. 501 through 520, 37 U.S.C. 308, 44 U.S.C. 3101, Executive

Order 9397 and 13478 (SSN). System of Records Notices F036 AF PC F, Request for Selective

Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) and/or Advance Payment of SRB, F036 AF PC G, Selective

Reenlistment Consideration and F036 AF PC L, Unfavorable Information File (UIF) applies.

Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are

maintained in accordance with Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records,

and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located at Refer recommended changes and

questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the AF

Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication: route AF Form 847 to the AFPC

Publishing Office, 550 C Street West Ste 48, Randolph AFB Texas 78150-4750, or email



2 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Vigilance should be taken to protect Privacy Act (PA) and Personal Identifying Information (PII)

when submitting or sending nominations, applications or other documents to DoD agencies

whether through government internet systems (e-mail), postal methods, faxing or scanning. As a

minimum review the following references and take appropriate actions to protect your PA/PII

that contains sensitive or For Official Use Only (FOUO) information before sending: AFI 33-

332, Privacy Act Program, Chapter 7 and 12, DoD 5400.11-R, Department of Defense Privacy

Program; AFI 33-119, Air Force Messaging, and AFI 33-129, Web Management and Internet

Use. Forms affected by the PA have an appropriate PA statement.

Refer to attachment 1 for Glossary of References and Supporting Information.


This change provides new guidance regarding reenlisting in the United States Air Force. The

Selective Reenlistment Program prohibits commanders from denying reenlistment on the basis of

the same condition for which a MEB/PEB found an Airman fir for duty and clarifies

commanders must provide specific reason for denial of reenlistment. The AF Form 545, Request

for Career Job Reservation is deleted from the Air Force forms inventory and replaced by

memorandum when required. Provides eligible Airmen with approved retraining (B-quota)

Career Job Reservation (CJR) to reenlist in current skill in lieu of extending and establishes new

CJR Exception to Policy (ETP) procedures. The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) further

restricts Airmen from performing duties outside their SRB specialty more than 90 days in a 360

period, establishes termination and recoupment for unauthorized/erroneous SRBs. Delegates

repayment determinations to the AFPC/CC or AFPC/CD (in his/her absence), when Airmen are

paid a bonus under this directive. Reenlistment clarifies that Airmen retaining under

CAREERS/NCORP must be reenlistment eligible in order request cancellation of an extension

that has not been entered for immediate reenlistment, prohibits corrections items 2, 5, 8, 18b, 19b

and 19f to the DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United

States, requires civilian directors/commanders to submit an AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment

Program Consideration within 7 calendar days when reenlistment is not approved, streamlines

High Year of Tenure (HYT) processing, waives HYT for FTA/TSgts receiving Zone A/E SRBs

to 10 and 22 years respectively; restricts Military Personnel Sections (MPS) from

removing/deleting an executed contract. Establishes a new Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code of

3A and updates RE codes 4D/4E to meet new HYT policies, updates the authorized Term of

Enlistment (TOE) table and prohibits waiving obligated service for all reenlistments and

establishes 2-year reenlistments for 6-year initial enlistees reenlisting to HYT. Updates the

Conditions Authorizing Reenlistment table to include Post 9/11 GI Bill. Extensions establishes

minimum MPS grades to sign/approve extension documents, clarifies that Airmen in SRB skills

with at least a 3-level extending IAW Table 6.1 Rule 12, 13, 14, 16 and 29 may extend more

than required to qualify for an SRB. Establishes new procedures for Airmen medically

disqualified and within the final 6 months of service, clarifies that only Airmen in RE code 4K

may extend no more than 24 months for promotion, establishes the FSS commander as the

extension approval/disapproval authority in denial of extension cases, streamlines HYT

extension procedures, provides FTA/TSgt receiving a Zone A/E SRB to extend HYT to 10 and

22 years respectively and updates the Reasons for Extensions of Enlistment table. A margin bar

(/) indicates newly revised material.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 3


1.1. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

(SAF/MR). ............................................................................................................. 7

1.2. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1). ....... 7

1.3. Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC). ............................................... 7

1.4. Military Personnel Section (MPS). ........................................................................ 7

1.5. Unit Commander. ................................................................................................... 8


2.1. SRP Objective. ....................................................................................................... 9

2.2. SRP Authority. ....................................................................................................... 9

2.3. SRP and Airman Promotion Program Relationship. .............................................. 9

2.4. SRP Roster/RIPS and Procedures. ......................................................................... 9

2.5. Delaying SRP Actions. .......................................................................................... 11

2.6. When to use AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration. ....... 11

2.7. Commander Action on AF Form 418: ................................................................... 11

2.8. MPS Action with AF Form 418. ............................................................................ 12

2.9. Early SRP Consideration. ...................................................................................... 12

2.10. Processing SRP Non-selection Appeals. ................................................................ 13

2.11. SRP Appeal Authority. .......................................................................................... 15


3.1. CJR Program Eligibility. ........................................................................................ 16

3.2. CJR ―Rank-order‖ Process. .................................................................................... 16

3.3. CJR Waiting List. .................................................................................................. 17

3.4. Processing Wing or Senior Host Commander Override Requests. ........................ 17

3.5. Actions on Receipt of Approved CJRs. ................................................................. 18

3.6. Actions Involving Retraining and Special Duty CJRs. .......................................... 18

3.7. Processing CJR Exception to Policy (ETP) Request. ............................................ 19


4.1. Purpose and Application. ....................................................................................... 20

4.2. SRB-Eligible AFSCs. ............................................................................................ 20

4.3. General Eligibility Criteria. ................................................................................... 21

4.4. SRBs when applying for Commission. .................................................................. 22

4 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4.5. Zone A Eligibility. ................................................................................................. 23

4.6. Zone B Eligibility. ................................................................................................. 23

4.7. Zone C Eligibility. ................................................................................................. 23

4.8. Zone E Eligibility. .................................................................................................. 24

4.9. Special Conditions. ................................................................................................ 24

4.10. Eligibility for Retrainees and Retraining-out (Voluntarily/Involuntarily) of SRB

Skills. ..................................................................................................................... 25

4.11. Eligibility for Airmen in Additionally Awarded SRB Skills (Including

CONUS/Overseas Imbalanced SRB Skill into an awarded SRB Skill). ................ 25

4.12. Use of SRB Airmen. .............................................................................................. 26

4.13. Computing SRB Awards. ...................................................................................... 26

4.14. Method of Payment. ............................................................................................... 27

4.15. SRB Reduction or Termination Actions. ............................................................... 28

4.16. Termination/Recoupment/Repayment of SRB. ..................................................... 29

4.17. SRB AFSC Disqualification. ................................................................................. 30

4.18. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion. ................................................................................ 30

4.19. Assignment Limitation Code (ALC)-O and SRBs. ............................................... 30

4.20. SRBs and Airmen Approved for Special Duty/Reporting Identifiers (except

9S000). ................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 4.1. Notification of SRB Termination/Reduction. ........................................................ 31


5.1. Eligibility. .............................................................................................................. 33

5.2. Term of Reenlistment. ........................................................................................... 34

5.3. CAREERS/NCORP Retrainees. ............................................................................ 35

5.4. Reenlistment Ceremony. ........................................................................................ 35

5.5. Who May Administer the Oath of Enlistment. ...................................................... 36

5.6. Active Duty Oath of Enlistment. ........................................................................... 36

5.7. Processing and Place of Reenlistment. .................................................................. 36

5.8. Reenlistment Documents. ...................................................................................... 37

5.9. Reenlistment Agreements. ..................................................................................... 37

5.10. Discharge for the Purpose of Immediate Reenlistment. ........................................ 37

5.11. Leave Settlement. ................................................................................................... 38

5.12. Informed Decision (ID) Program. .......................................................................... 38

5.13. Airmen Reenlisting for the Purpose of Obtaining an Air Force Commission. ...... 38

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 5

5.14. Reenlistment of Non-US Citizens. ......................................................................... 39

5.15. Reenlistment of Sole Surviving Sons or Daughters. .............................................. 39

5.16. Identifying and Notifying Reenlistment-Ineligible Airmen. .................................. 39

5.17. High Year of Tenure (HYT) and Age 55 Restrictions. .......................................... 39

5.18. Air Force Fitness Program, Airmen Medically Disqualified and Airmen in

Reporting Identifier (RI) 9A000/9A100/9A200/9A300. ....................................... 40

5.19. Erroneous Reenlistment Documents and Enlistment Documents Returned for

Correction. ............................................................................................................. 41

5.20. Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) Codes. .................................................................... 43

5.21. Waiver of Reenlistment Ineligibility Conditions (Lost Time and Civil Court

Convictions). .......................................................................................................... 43

5.22. Prisoners Returned to Duty Program (RTDP). ...................................................... 44

Table 5.1. Applicants Eligible for Immediate Reenlistment (RE-1 Series). ........................... 44

Table 5.2. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-2 Series). ................................. 46

Table 5.3. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-3 Series). ................................. 48

Table 5.4. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-4 Series). ................................. 49

Table 5.5. Conditions Requiring a Waiver to Reenlist or Extend. .......................................... 51

Table 5.6. Terms of Reenlistment. .......................................................................................... 53

Table 5.7. Conditions Authorizing Reenlistment. ................................................................... 54

Table 5.8. Disposition of Reenlistment/Extension Documents. ............................................. 55


6.1. Extension Approval Authority. .............................................................................. 57

6.2. Extension Limitations. ........................................................................................... 57

6.3. Extensions for Lengthy-Service Airmen. ............................................................... 58

6.4. Extensions for Service-Directed Requirements. .................................................... 58

6.5. Extensions for Reenlistment-Ineligible Airmen. ................................................... 58

6.6. Extensions for Airman Medically Disqualified (Medical Hold). ........................... 59

6.7. Extensions for National Call to Service (NCS) Airmen. ....................................... 60

6.8. Extension Reasons. ................................................................................................ 61

6.9. Leave Settlement. ................................................................................................... 61

6.10. How to Complete and Process Extension of Enlistment Requests: ....................... 61

6.11. Erroneous Extension Documents. .......................................................................... 62

6.12. Extension Cancellation. ......................................................................................... 64

6.13. High Year of Tenure (HYT) and Age 55 Restrictions. .......................................... 66

6 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

6.14. Extension Counseling Requirements. .................................................................... 67

6.15. Extension Appeal Processing. ................................................................................ 67

6.16. Involuntary Extensions. ......................................................................................... 68

Table 6.1. Reasons for Extensions of Enlistment. .................................................................. 69


7.1. Background: ........................................................................................................... 78

7.2. Program Overview: ................................................................................................ 78

7.3. Eligibility Criteria/Qualifications: ......................................................................... 78

7.4. Required Documentation: ...................................................................................... 79

7.5. Recoupment: .......................................................................................................... 79

7.6. Active Duty Service Commitment: ........................................................................ 79

Table 7.1. Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Contract Amounts. ................................ 80


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 7

Chapter 1


1.1. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

(SAF/MR). The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs serves

as an agent of the Secretary and provides guidance, direction and oversight for all matters

pertaining to the formulation, review and execution of plans, policies and budgets addressing


1.2. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1). AF/A1 is

the functional authority and is responsible for policy oversight and advisory services related to

the Air Force Reenlistment Program.

1.2.1. The Chief, Force Management Policy Division (AF/A1PF) provides functional

management of the Air Force Reenlistment Program and: Develops, coordinates and enforces Air Force reenlistment policy.. Issues departmental level program guidance to implement Air Force reenlistment

policy. Decision authority for all requests outside established Air Force guidance.

1.3. Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC). The Director, Personnel Services

(AFPC/DPS) will manage the Air Force Reenlistment Program by establishing eligibility criteria,

and processing requirements, for the Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP), Career Job

Reservations (CJRs), Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB), Selective Reenlistment Bonus

(SRB) Program, reenlistment and extension of enlistment. This includes establishing qualitative

standards and guidelines for program implementation and evaluating the quality of SRP

decisions and will:

1.3.1. Interpret Air Force policy.

1.3.2. Provide guidance and implementation instructions to the MPS.

1.3.3. Provide operational oversight for standardization and evaluation of the Air Force

reenlistment program.

1.3.4. Review/forward approved requests for retention that are outside current Air Force

guidance to A1PF for determination.

1.4. Military Personnel Section (MPS). The MPS Career Development Section is the base-

level office of primary responsibility (OPR) for reenlistment programs. MPSs will operate the

reenlistment programs within Air Force-directed guidelines. The MPS will assist commanders in

maintaining mission readiness by affording qualified Airmen the opportunity to pursue an Air

Force career. The servicing MPS identifies Airmen who require SRP consideration or

reconsideration, SRP quality monitoring and require reenlistment ineligibility counseling each

month. The MPS will:

1.4.1. Act as principle advisor to commanders and Airmen on all reenlistment issues.

1.4.2. Provide a structured program in compliance with this AFI.

8 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

1.4.3. Coordinate reenlistment and retention issues with appropriate wing personnel.

1.4.4. Review/forward approved requests for retention that are outside current Air Force

guidance to AFPC/DPSOAE.

1.5. Unit Commander. Initiates (as required), reviews and coordinates on all requests for

action and recommends approval/disapproval of reenlistment program actions that are consistent

with other qualitative actions. Commanders will:

1.5.1. Ensure appropriate retention decisions and requirements are taken as outlined in this


1.5.2. Ensure requests outside established Air Force guidance are thoroughly

viewed/considered and such requests are in the best interest of the Air Force. Commanders

forward their approved requests to MPS for processing.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 9

Chapter 2


2.1. SRP Objective. The SRP objective is to ensure the Air Force retains only Airmen who

consistently demonstrate the capability and willingness to maintain high professional standards.

The SRP applies to all enlisted personnel.

2.2. SRP Authority. Commanders have total SRP selection authority as long as no other

factors barring immediate reenlistment exist. Commanders may non-select any Airman for SRP

as long as the Airman is in his/her SRP window according to paragraph 2.4. The selection/non-

selection decision should not be based on Airman’s career intent and should be consistent with

other qualitative decisions. Commanders will not use the SRP to deny reenlistment when

involuntary separation is more appropriate. Commanders may reverse their selection/non-

selection decision at any time.

2.3. SRP and Airman Promotion Program Relationship. The objective of both programs is

to ensure the career force consists of highly qualified, professional noncommissioned officers

(NCO). SRP non-selection makes Airmen ineligible for promotion and automatically cancels

projected promotion line numbers.

2.4. SRP Roster/RIPS and Procedures. The MPS Career Development Section receives a

Master SRP Roster from the Personnel Systems Manager (PSM) NLT the 1st of each month.

This roster indentifies, First Term Airmen (FTA) who completed 33 months (4 year enlistees) or

57 months (6 year enlistees) on current enlistment; second term/career Airmen within 13 months

of ETS; and National Call to Service (NCS) Airmen who complete 33 months of current

enlistment. Two separate RIPs are also produced: one for the Airman and one for the Airman’s

supervisor. The RIPS notify the Airman of his/her SRP/CJR eligibility window and provides

instructions on reenlistment. Supervisor’s use the other RIP to provide a recommendation to the

commander in order to aid in the selection/non-selection decision.

2.4.1. The MPS sends SRP consideration rosters and RIPs monthly to the unit commanders.

Units use the roster to control/suspense RIPs to supervisors. The SRP Roster is separated

into the following four parts: Part I (SRP Actions) identifies Airmen requiring SRP consideration or

reconsideration. Part I also generates Reports on Individual Personnel (RIP) for airmen

requiring SRP consideration (except for airmen with RE code 3B). The RIPs assist

supervisors and commanders in evaluating airmen for continued service. Only

supervisors wishing to recommend denial of reenlistment must initiate an AF Form 418,

Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration. Commanders must take SRP action

within 30 calendar days for Airmen whose ineligibility condition no longer exists. Part II (SRP Monitor) identifies Airmen with quality indicators (low EPR

ratings, an Unfavorable Information File (UIF), etc.), who were already considered under

SRP. Unit commanders use this product to determine if SRP reconsideration is

appropriate. If so, the unit will initiate an AF Form 418 for selection/non-selection

according to paragraph 2.7.

10 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Part III (CJR Eligibility) identifies eligible FTA who have not yet applied for a

CJR. RIPs advise Airmen and immediate supervisors of the CJR eligibility criteria and

their responsibilities. Part IV (Reenlistment Ineligibility) identifies reenlistment-ineligible airmen.

Refer to paragraph 5.16.

2.4.2. Commanders review the SRP roster to consider whether members should be denied

reenlistment, selected for reenlistment or to reverse previous non-selection. The commander

only receives AF Form 418s non-recommending retention from supervisors. The supervisor

initiates an AF Form 418 and completes Section I and II and forwards to the commander. If the commander agrees with the supervisor’s recommendation to non-select,

the commander completes the Sections III and IV of the AF Form 418 and forwards to

the MPS along with Part I of the SRP roster. See paragraph 2.7. If the commander disagrees on the non-selection, then the commander destroys

the AF Form 418 and no further action is required. See paragraph 2.4.4. If the commander determines the Airman will not be selected for reenlistment,

then the commander may direct the supervisor to initiate an AF Form 418 or he/she may

initiate an AF Form 418 and forward to the MPS. See paragraph 2.7. Only the commander’s decision selects or non-selects the Airman for continued


2.4.3. Commander’s should consider the following before making a decision: Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) ratings. Unfavorable information from any substantiated source. The Airman’s willingness to comply with Air Force standards (i.e. fitness,

dress/appearance, timeliness etc.). The Airman’s ability (or lack of) to meet required training and duty performance

levels. A fit for duty finding by a Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) does not

automatically entitle an Airman to reenlist upon completion of their required active

service. However, an Airman may not be denied reenlistment on the basis of the same

condition for which a PEB found the Airman fit for duty.

2.4.4. After 30 days (from date of SRP Roster), if the commander has not taken action to

deny reenlistment (AF Form 418), then MilPDS automatically updates RE code to allow

reenlistment. RE codes update as follows (See Table 5.1. for definitions): RE code 3C changes to RE code 1R.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 11 RE code 1M changes to RE code 1K or 1P or 1Q

(Note: If the PSM office hasn’t received the Master SRP Rosters [RRSRTR], they

should confirm that EOM is configured to handle/distribute this roster. If your PSM

office has verified the configuration and still has not received this roster by the 1st of

month then they should contact the Operations Control Center [DSN 665-4393] to see if

there is an issue with delivery/receipt of MILPDS products).

2.5. Delaying SRP Actions. When Airmen require SRP consideration upon arrival to the new

duty location, the gaining commander may delay SRP consideration for no more than 90

calendar days after Date Arrived Station (DAS).

2.5.1. If the Airman received SRP consideration, the former MPS advises the gaining MPS

of the selection or non-selection status and forwards the supporting documentation.

2.5.2. If the Airman did not receive SRP consideration, the new commander may delay SRP

consideration as outlined in paragraph 2.5.

2.6. When to use AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration. The AF

Form 418 documents non-selection for continued service or reconsideration actions.

Commanders use the AF Form 418 when:

2.6.1. Denying reenlistment during the SRP process.

2.6.2. Airmen were initially ineligible for consideration during their SRP window for

reasons in Table 5.2, Table 5.3 or Table 5.4, but later become eligible for consideration.

Commander must initiate SRP consideration within 30 calendar days.

2.6.3. Airmen previously denied reenlistment and commander reverses decision.

2.6.4. Airmen require early SRP consideration (refer to paragraph 2.9.).

(Note: When removing negative RE codes (to include RE code 4K) for Airmen who are not in

their SRP window or not eligible for SRP consideration, update RE code 3C or 1M respectively.

These Airmen will appear on the SRP roster upon entering their SRP window. If the Airman is

in his/her SRP window, then update RE code to 3B and these Airmen will appear on Part I of

next month roster for SRP reconsideration).

2.7. Commander Action on AF Form 418: The commander places an "X" or initials in the

appropriate item of Section III and enters the specific reason(s) for non-selection in the remarks

area. The commander signs and dates the form and attaches any supporting documentation to

substantiate non-selection decision. Supervisor recommendation is optional. (Note: When

Airmen are TDY and will not return within 30 days of the decision date, commander includes the

following statement in the upper margin of the AF Form 418: "Airman is TDY until [expected

return date]").

2.7.1. For Airmen non-selected under SRP: The commander should discuss the non-selection with the Airman’s supervisor

before making final decision. The commander should discuss the following items with

the Airman: specific reasons for non-selection, areas needing improvement, promotion

ineligibility (to include automatic cancellation of projected promotion line numbers) and

the possibility of future reconsideration and selection.

12 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Counsel Airman on appeal process and ensure they understand they must

acknowledge receipt of notification immediately, but they have 3 workdays to render an

appeal intent. Ensure Airman completes Section IV to acknowledge receipt of notification of

non-selection during the personal interview. Ensure Airman completes Section V to render appeal intent within 3 workdays

of acknowledgment, if applicable. Provide Airman with a copy of the AF Form 418 and supporting documentation,

maintains a copy of the package and sends the original to the MPS for processing. If appealing, directs the Airman to report to the MPS for counseling on appeal

process and requirements.

2.7.2. For Airmen reconsidered and selected: The commander places an "X" or initials in the appropriate item of Section II

and commander signs and dates the form. Forwards AF Form 418 to MPS for update of appropriate RE code.

2.8. MPS Action with AF Form 418. Upon receipt of the AF Form 418 from unit, the MPS


2.8.1. Quality reviews the AF Form 418 and return to unit if incomplete. If the AF Form

418 is complete, update Section VI by entering the Airman’s current RE code and new RE

code (2X, 4J, etc) and date MilPDS was updated.

2.8.2. Update appropriate RE code in MilPDS (2X, 4J, etc) upon receipt of the AF Form

418, regardless of appeal intent.

2.8.3. Review Section V to determine member’s intent to appeal. If member does not intend

to appeal, forward the form for filing in Automated Records Management System (ARMS).

If member intends to appeal refer to paragraph 2.10 through 2.11 for processing procedures. Update appeal suspense date in appropriate block. Counsel the Airman on the appeal suspense requirements and appeal process.

2.9. Early SRP Consideration. Commanders will conduct early SRP consideration for Airmen

who have not previously received formal SRP consideration as specified below.

2.9.1. Airman is otherwise eligible to reenlist (RE code 3C or 1M) and requests voluntary

early separation for one of the reasons listed below: PALACE CHASE. Officer training program (other than Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps)

[AFROTC]). (Refer to paragraph 5.13.2 for additional RE code update information). Early release to further education. Sole surviving son or daughter. Early release from extension or voluntary separation programs directed by


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 13 Accepting public office. Pregnancy or childbirth. End of year early release. Miscellaneous reasons.

2.9.2. Early separation programs directed by USAF. AFPC/DPSOS will announce the

program and give the eligibility criteria and processing instructions. AFPC/DPSOAE must

work with AFPC/DPSOS once the separation is loaded to change RE code to 3A or 2X for

FTA and verify RE code has been changed to 1J or 2X for second term and career Airmen.

2.10. Processing SRP Non-selection Appeals. Airmen must submit an appeal to the MPS no

later than 10 calendar days from the day they complete AF Form 418, Section V. Written

requests to extend past the 10 calendar days may be approved by the FSS commander, if

circ*mstances warrant. FSS commanders limit the extension to 5 calendar days and only one

extension may be approved. The Airman must request the extension on or before the 10th

calendar day suspense. Airmen with unique and documented circ*mstances such as emergency

leave, illness or injury may be granted a delay to submit their appeal. In such cases, the Airman

must immediately advise the MPS of the circ*mstances and provide the MPS with supporting

documentation. The MPS will forward supporting documentation to AFPC/DPSOAE for review

and if approved, a new appeal suspense date will be established. Request submitted after the 10

calendar day period will be disapproved and the Airman is considered to have failed to submit

the appeal. (Exception: If the 10th calendar day falls on a weekend or holiday, Airman may

submit an appeal on the following duty day). The MPS will:

2.10.1. Suspense a copy of the AF Form 418 pending receipt of the appeal package. Appeals not received within the required time frame, complete Section VI by

marking Airman’s appeal was ―not‖ received by the appeal date, date and signs the block.

Forward the original for file in the ARMS and return a copy to the Airman’s commander. Appeals received within the required time frame, complete Section VI by

marking Airman’s appeal ―was‖ received by appeal date, date and signs the block.

Continue appeal processing.

2.10.2. The MPS constructs a case file containing the AF Form 418, documentation

submitted by the Airman and commander, the last 5 EPRs, a copy of AF Form 1137 (if

applicable) and any other pertinent information. Legal reviews are not considered new

information; and commander recommendations are not consider new information, unless the

commander adds new documentation/information. (Note: Give Airmen 3 workdays to rebut

any new information added to the case file after they submit their appeal). Reviewing officials must return cases to the MPS before forwarding up the

chain when new documentation or comments are added to the case file by any reviewing

official. (Note: This does not apply to commander recommendations based on existing

documentation/matters or legal reviews).

14 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 The MPS will provide the Airman a copy of the added documentation and

suspense the rebuttal. If the Airman fails to submit a rebuttal as required, the MPS will

indicate ―The Airman failed to submit rebuttal remarks to the documentation dated,

(insert date) as required in the remarks and forward the case file to the next reviewing


2.10.3. Within 5 workdays, the MPS sends the case file to the base legal office for review

and suspense’s for completion. The base legal office refers the case back to the MPS after

legal review.

2.10.4. Within 5 workdays of receiving the legal review, the MPS will forward the case file

to the Airman’s appeal authority as outlined in paragraph 2.11. All packages must be routed

through the Airman’s group commander when the appeal authority is the wing commander

and routed through both the group and wing commanders when the appeal authority is

Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF). Any commander in the reviewing chain may approve

an Airman’s appeal. (Note: Once the case file has been sent to the appropriate approval

authority it cannot be sent to the next level to have the decision overturned).

2.10.5. When the SECAF is the appeal authority process the case as follows: After all routing is complete as outlined in paragraph 2.10.1 through 2.10.4; the

MPS will maintain a copy of the case file and mail the original package to the Airman’s

parent Major Command (MAJCOM)/Direct Reporting Unit (DRU)/Field Operating

Agency (FOA) A1 for administrative accuracy and SRP eligibility verification. MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1 will send the case file to MAJCOM/DRU/FOA legal

office for review and the MAJCOM/DRU/FOA legal office includes legal advisory in

case file. If upon receipt of the MAJCOM/DRU/FOA legal review the

MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1 approves appeal, complete Section VII and the case is returned

to the servicing MPS. If the MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1 recommends disapproval, the

MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1 includes the MAJCOM/DRU/FOA legal review and

MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1 denial recommendation and forwards the case file to

AFPC/DPSOAE for processing. AFPC/DPSOAE will send case file to AFPC/JA for legal review. Upon receipt

of AFPC/JA legal review, AFPC/DPSOAE will forward to AF/A1PF for processing to

the SECAF and for final decision. After receiving SECAF decision, AFPC/DPSOAE

will notify and return the case (along with a copy of the SECAF memo) to the servicing

MPS, and will send a copy of the SECAF memorandum to Airman’s MAJCOM/FOA A1

and ARMS.

2.10.6. Any commander in the reviewing chain may approve an Airman’s appeal. The

appeal authority completes section VII of the AF Form 418. (Exception: SECAF memo

constitutes completion of this section).

2.10.7. Upon receipt of completed appeal case files, the MPS will provide a copy to the

Airman’s commander. The commander notifies the Airman of the final appeal decision and

ensures the Airman receives a copy of the SECAF memo.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 15

2.10.8. Appeal approval at any level restores reenlistment eligibility effective back to the

date of the commander’s disapproval. If the Airman was rendered ineligible for certain

personnel actions (i.e. promotion consideration, reenlistment), these actions are given

reconsideration based upon the date the commander signed the AF Form 418. MPS updates

the appropriate RE code, forwards the AF Form 418 and/or appeal approval memorandum

for filing in the ARMS, and maintains the case file in accordance with AF Records

Information Management System Records Disposition Schedule.

2.10.9. If the appeal is disapproved, the MPS verifies RE code 2X is updated and maintains

the case file in accordance with AF Records Information Management System Records

Disposition Schedule.

2.11. SRP Appeal Authority.

2.11.1. First Term Airmen (FTA) or career Airmen who will complete 20 or more years

Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS) on current Expiration Term of Service

(ETS) appeal to their respective group commander. (Exception: These Airmen appeal to

their wing commander, if the group commander made the SRP non-selection decision).

2.11.2. Second term and career Airmen who will complete fewer than 16 years TAFMS on

their current ETS appeal to their respective wing commander (Exception: These Airmen

appeal to their MAJCOM/DRU/FOA A1, if the wing commander made the SRP non-

selection decision).

2.11.3. Career Airmen who will complete at least 16 years, but fewer than 20 years TAFMS

on current ETS appeal to the SECAF.

2.11.4. In the joint base construct, the wing commander level for appeal purposes must be an

Air Force commander above the group level.

16 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Chapter 3


3.1. CJR Program Eligibility. The CJR program objective is to prevent surpluses and

shortages in the career force. AFPC controls first term reenlistments by maintaining a career job

requirement file for each Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC).

3.1.1. All First Term Airmen (FTA), regardless of AFSC, must have a CJR in order to

reenlist. If the Airman does not receive a CJR during his/her window based on the CJR

―rank-order‖ process, they will not be allowed to compete for a CJR later in their career and

he/she will be required to separate on their DOS. Four-year enlistees enter their CJR window on the first duty day of the month

they complete 35 months, but not later than the last duty day of the month they complete

43 months. (Example: SrA Jones enlisted on 27 June 2005 for 4 years. SrA Jones could

receive a CJR as early as 1 May 2008, but no later than 31 January 2009). Six-year enlistees enter their CJR window on the first duty day of the month they

complete 59 months, but not later than the last duty day of the month they complete 67

months. (Example: SrA Smith enlisted on 27 June 2005 for 6 years. SrA Smith could

receive a CJR as early as 1 May 2010, but no later than 31 January 2011). National Call to Service (NCS) enlistees enter their CJR window on the first

duty day of the month they complete 35 months, but no later than the last duty day of the

month they complete 38 months. (Note: Commanders and supervisors receive monthly

computer generated products [refer to paragraph 2.4.1] identifying CJR-eligible Airmen

who have not received an approval).

3.1.2. FTA who requests a CJR in their secondary AFSC must complete a memorandum

requesting a CJR in other than their CAFSC. Requests are submitted through the MPS to

AFPC/DPSOAE via normal processing procedures.

3.2. CJR “Rank-order” Process. AFPC/DPSOAE uses a quality "rank-order" process to issue

CJRs to Airmen serving in constrained AFSCs. The rank-order factors are:

3.2.1. Unfavorable Information File (UIF). Any UIF code puts the Airman at the bottom of

their AFSC list. (Example: An SSgt with a UIF will be considered after all other Airmen

who do not have a UIF [regardless of rank]).

3.2.2. Top 3 Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR). (Note: EPRs are not added together, they

are considered as individual factors).

3.2.3. Grade (SSgt will be considered before SrA).

3.2.4. Projected grade (SSgt selects will be considered before SrA).

3.2.5. Date of Rank (DOR) (senior DOR will be considered first).

3.2.6. Total Active Federal Military Service Date (TAFMSD) (senior TAFMSD will be

considered first).

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 17

3.3. CJR Waiting List. Airmen on the waiting list compete on a monthly basis within their

Control AFSC (CAFSC). The waiting list rank order number may fluctuate as information

changes or as new Airmen apply. (Example: If an Airman has received an UIF or if new Airmen

with projected promotions apply since the last board, the Airman moves down on the list).

Monthly notification RIPs advise Airmen and their supervisor of current waiting list numbers

and encourage retraining.

3.3.1. Airmen receive final rank-order consideration during the 5th month prior to their

DOS. If a CJR has not been approved by 5 months prior to their DOS, the Airman cannot

reenlist in their current AFSC and will separate on their DOS. (Example: If an Airman’s

DOS is 15 Nov 09, final rank-order consideration occurs through June 2009).

3.3.2. Airmen will only meet CJR boards during their CJR eligibility window (35th – 43rd

month for 4 year enlistees, 59th – 67th month for 6-year enlistees or 35th – 38th month for

Nation Call to Service enlistees). Their CJR window will not be extended to match the new

DOS from any extension. (Note: Airmen who extend their enlistments with approved CJRs

will have their CJR expire on the new DOS. MPS must request AFPC/DPSOAE update CJR

expiration date to reflect new DOS).

3.3.3. Airmen who are on the CJR waiting list and whose AFSC is removed from the

constrained list will receive a CJR. Airmen who are removed from the waiting list prior to

the AFSC being removed (RE code 3I) will not receive supplemental consideration unless

A1/A1PF provides further guidance.

3.4. Processing Wing or Senior Host Commander Override Requests. Airmen qualify for a

Commander Override if they were on the CJR waiting list, but are removed 5 months prior to

DOS (RE code 3I). When a Commander Override request is approved, AFPC/DPSOAE will

reduce the number of CJRs available in that AFSC during the next monthly CJR board. This

means that one Airman on the constrained wait list will not receive a CJR. Therefore,

commanders must ensure the Airman they recommend is deserving of a wing or senior host

Commander Override request. Commander Override approval authority rests with AFPC/CC.

3.4.1. Wing or senior host commander may request a Commander Override in rare instances

and only if the Airman meets all of the following: Not have a UIF or lost time on their current enlistment. No record of nonjudicial punishment (NJP) on current enlistment. All EPRs must be 5s-―Truly among the Best‖ in the overall performance


3.4.2. Commanders process override requests to the wing or senior host commander through

the MPS. Units include in the case file a: Memorandum signed by the Airman, to include an endorsem*nt from the

commander. Copies of all EPRs. Current SURF (AAD005-Active Amn Reenlistment SURF).

18 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Any other supporting documentation to be considered. (For example: Copy of

approved decoration citations or additional awards the Airman has received (if


3.4.3. The Chief, MPS will review the case file and process/route the case file to the wing or

senior host commander for approval/disapproval. The MPS will return a Commander’s

Override request to the originating unit that does not meet the minimum criteria in


3.4.4. The wing or senior host commander will review the case file and indicate his/her

decision. If the wing or senior host commander disapproves the request, the case file is

returned to the Chief, MPS who will notify the Airman’s commander of the disapproval.

3.4.5. If wing or senior host commander recommends approval, the commander will indicate

his/her approval and return to the case file to the MPS. The MPS will forward approved case

files to AFPC/DPSOAE in accordance with current processing instructions.

3.4.6. AFPC/DPSOAE will review request and ensure all requirements are met. Case files

not meeting the criteria or missing required documents will be returned to the MPS for

correction. AFPC/DPSOAE will: Construct case file and forward to AFPC/CC for approval/disapproval. If the Commanders Override is disapproved, AFPC/DPSOAE will notify the

MPS of disapproval action. The MPS will notify the commander of the disapproval. If the Commanders Override is approved, AFPC/DPSOAE will: Update CJR code ―C‖ in MilPDS. Notify MPS of approval action. The MPS will notify the unit commander

of the approval. Reduce the number of CJRs available in that AFSC during the next

monthly CJR board.

3.5. Actions on Receipt of Approved CJRs. Approved CJRs will not expire until the Airman’s

DOS. If an Airman extends his/her enlistment, the MPS must submit a request to

AFPC/DPSOAE to update CJR expiration to match the new DOS. Airmen can have an approved

CJR on file and an approved separation on file at the same time. MPS notifies the Airman who

receives approved CJRs while in TDY or patient status.

3.6. Actions Involving Retraining and Special Duty CJRs. Eligible FTA may apply for

Career Airman Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS) retraining even if they have

approved CJRs in their current skills or are on the CJR waiting list.

3.6.1. MPS must notify AFPC/DPSOAE in accordance with current processing procedures

(prior to reenlistment/extension) when individuals are selected for retraining. Once notified,

AFPC/DPSOAE will update CJRs as follows:

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 19 AFPC/DPSOAE issues CJR in the retraining AFSC (reenlistment availability

code "B") when the Airman can satisfy the retraining retainability requirement by

extending. B-quota Airmen are not eligible to reenlist in the retraining-in AFSC until

completion of technical training and must meet the criteria in paragraph 5.1. (Note:

Eligible Airmen may reenlist in their current CAFSC in lieu of extending for retraining).

Also see paragraph 4.10. If the Airman received an approved Base of Preference (BOP) in

conjunction with retraining, the Airman must reenlist IAW AFI 36-2110,

Assignments. Also see paragraph 4.10. AFPC/DPSOAE issues retraining CJR in the current AFSC (reenlistment

availability code "K") when the Airman cannot satisfy the retraining retainability

requirement by extending their enlistment. K-quota Airmen must reenlist within 45 days

of CJR being issued and is not eligible to extend for the retainability. See paragraph 4.11

for SRB eligibility.

3.6.2. Airmen may request a CJR in their current skills, as an exception to the normal CJR

eligibility criteria (paragraphs 3.1), if they were eliminated from retraining for reasons

beyond their control or if the Air Force cancelled their retraining.

3.6.3. Airmen who apply and are approved for a special duty assignment who do not have a

CJR, may apply for CJR in the special duty or Reporting Identifier (RI) (8XXXX or 9F, 9L,

9R or 9S only). If approved, the AFPC/DPSOAE will update the CJR in the special duty


3.7. Processing CJR Exception to Policy (ETP) Request. Ordinarily, Airmen in constrained

AFSCs who were ineligible for a CJR during their CJR window will not have or be given

another opportunity to compete/apply for a CJR. However, AFPC/DPSOAE will consider

exceptions to policy request when reasons beyond the members control (FTA who did not have

their citizenship, pending Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), etc…) prevented them from being

eligible for a CJR during their normal window. MPSs will assist the Airman in applying for a

CJR as an ETP.

3.7.1. Commanders are responsible for investigating allegations and disapproving

unsubstantiated ETP requests. Substantiated requests will be processed to the MPS. The

MPS will process the ETP to AFPC/DPSOAE via normal processing procedures.

3.7.2. If an ETP is approved by AFPC/DPSOAE, the Airman will be supplementally ―rank-

ordered‖ using their respective CJR window. If a CJR is earned, the quota will be taken from

the overall quota in that constrained AFSC and the MPS notified. If the Airman did not rank

high enough to earn a CJR, AFPC/DPSOAE will advise the MPS. The MPS shall advise the

commander of AFPC/DPSOAE’s determination.

20 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Chapter 4


4.1. Purpose and Application. The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Program is a

monetary incentive paid to Airmen serving in certain selected critical military skills who reenlist

for additional obligated service. The bonus is intended to encourage the reenlistment of

sufficient numbers of qualified enlisted personnel in military skills with either demonstrated

retention shortfalls or high training costs. Airmen can expect to serve in the SRB specialty for

the entire enlistment for which the bonus was paid. The SRB program set forth in this Chapter is

subject to authorization under 37 USC 308 for such bonuses. The combined CSRB and SRB

received during a career shall not exceed $200.000, unless specifically authorized as an

exception by the PDUSD(P&R). (Note: SRB computation is to a maximum of 24 years of

service for all SRB authorized specialties).

4.1.1. Airmen do not qualify for the SRB if they reenlist or extend their enlistments for any

purpose other than continued active service in the SRB skill. Prior service enlistees are not

eligible for reenlistment bonuses; however, they may be eligible for a prior service enlistment

bonus if there is a program currently in effect.

4.1.2. Reenlist IAW paragraphs 5.1.2, 5.1.4; or extend IAW Table 6.1, Rules 12, 13, 14, 16

and 29 (in one increment) in the Regular Air Force (RegAF) for at least 3 years. SRB

designations are further broken down by Zones, which are determined by the Airman’s Total

Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS) at the time of reenlistment or date he/she enters

the extension. SRB eligibility zones are: Zone A is between 17 months and 6 years of service. Zone B is between 6 and 10 years of service. Zone C is between 10 and 14 years of service. Zone E is between 18 and 20 years of service. Airmen reenlisting/extending in Zone E will incur an Active Duty Service

Commitment (ADCS) for a period equal to the term for which the SRB is paid. See

paragraph 4.8.

4.1.3. Eligible Airmen may receive an SRB in each zone, but only one SRB per zone. The

SRB multiple indicates the severity of the retention problem and the level of pay authorized

to deal with the problem. The maximum SRB payable is $90,000 per zone. Eligible Airmen

may receive more than one zone at the same time. (Example: An Airman who reenlists and

receives a Zone A SRB then reenlists again prior to the Zone A SRB expiring and is eligible

for a Zone B, the Airman would receive both payments until they receive the last Zone A


4.2. SRB-Eligible AFSCs. AF/A1PF and career field managers review each Air Force

Specialty for award or adjustment of the SRB at least once per year. (Note: Reenlistments or

extensions of any length executed prior to the release of AF/A1PF announcement message are

valid and will not be cancelled or declared void for the purpose of qualifying for a SRB).

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 21

4.2.1. AF/A1PF may use one or more of the following criteria to designate SRB skills: Shortfalls in meeting current and projected retention objectives (retention rates

and size of specific year groups, as well as adjacent year groups). Shortages in current and projected NCO (SSgt through MSgt) manning. High training investment and replacement cost for the skill. Expected improvement in retention resulting from designation as an SRB skill.

4.2.2. AF/A1PF announces SRB changes (increases, decreases, additions and deletions). The effective date of increases and additions is as soon after the announcement

date as possible. The effective date of decreases and deletions is at least 30 days from the

announcement date.

4.3. General Eligibility Criteria.

4.3.1. Airmen qualify for the SRB if they meet all the following: Are serving in the grade of A1C or higher. Are qualified and serving in an SRB skill in the appropriate zone and reflected

on the current SRB authorized listing. Both CASFC and DAFSC must match SRB

AFSC. See paragraph 4.10 through 4.12. (Note: The Airman must be performing

(DAFSC) in the SRB AFSC and maintain a CAFSC in the SRB-AFSC. Any

unauthorized/erroneous SRB will necessitate re-accomplishment of the

reenlistment/extension documents and will be terminated and recouped). Are eligible to reenlist or extend. Reenlist or extend their enlistments (in one increment) in the RegAF, without a

break in service of more than 24 hours, for a period of at least 3 years (refer to paragraph

5.4). Extensions qualifying for an SRB begin payment on the day the extension is

entered and SRB eligibility is based on the following: Zone is determined by the date the Airmen will enter the extension. AFSCs and multiples in affect (by Zone) on the date extension is approved

determine the amount of SRB. Future changes to SRB skills list do not affect the

Airman’s SRB entitlements. (Example: If an Airman extends while serving in the

Zone A window, but will be in the Zone B window on the day the extension is

entered, the Airman receives a Zone B bonus. Likewise if an Airman extends while

serving in Zone A, but will be in Zone B, and there is no Zone B authorization, the

Airman would not qualify for a SRB). Have not previously received readjustment pay, severance pay or

separation pay.

22 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4.3.2. Airmen in Air Reserve components don’t receive the SRB if they enlist in the RegAF,

following discharge from the Reserves, during or at the end of an active duty for training

(ADT) period. Reservists on RegAF extended active duty (EAD) tours may receive an SRB

if they enlist in the RegAF. They must meet all other eligibility criteria.

4.3.3. Break-in service Airmen may receive the SRB if they reenlist in the Air Force within

3 months after discharge or release from active duty (other than ADT).

4.3.4. Former officers may receive the SRB if they reenlist in the RegAF within 3 months

after release from active duty as officers, as long as they served as enlisted Airmen just

before serving as officers. They must meet all other eligibility criteria.

4.4. SRBs when applying for Commission. Airmen are not eligible for an SRB if they reenlist

or enter an extension in order to get required retainability for a commissioning program after the

selection date. Airmen may be eligible for an SRB if they reenlist or enter an extension before

the selection date. In these cases, SRB payments does not occur pending official selection or

non-selection. See paragraph 4.4.3.

4.4.1. Airmen selected for a commissioning program and need retainability are not

authorized the SRB.

4.4.2. Airmen selected for a commissioning program and are receiving SRB installment

payments from previous reenlistment/extension will have their SRB suspended/terminated

effective one day prior to class start date of commissioning program. AFPC/DPSIPS will provide AFPC/DPSOAE a class roster of all prior service

commissioning program selectees, prior to each OTS class start date. AFPC/DPSOAE will take action to suspend/terminate future SRB installments

via current processing procedure effective the class start date. Indianapolis (DFAS-IN) terminates payments effective the date of

commissioning IAW Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation

(DoDFMR) Volume 7A), and reinstates payments when commissioning does not occur

and the Airman returns to duty in the SRB skills, minus unserved days.

4.4.3. Airmen applied for commissioning program and results not announced. Airmen may

reenlist and qualify for an SRB, but will not receive the SRB unless non-selected for the

commissioning program. The following actions must occur: The MPS must advise member that SRB payment will be suspended pending

selection/non-selection. The MPS must notify AFPC to request suspension of the SRB via current

processing procedures. AFPC sends case file to DFAS citing Airman is pending selection/non-selection

for a commissioning program and requests SRB payment suspension. The MPS must notify AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing procedures when

results announced to release suspension (non-selected) or terminate SRB (selected). AFPC/DPSOAE will forward the case file to DFAS and request either release of

suspension or termination of SRB as appropriate.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 23

4.4.4. Airmen serving in SRB AFSCs who have applied (or within 12 months of applying)

for a commissioning program or are awaiting selection results and do not have sufficient

retainability to await the outcome of their selection board may request an extension IAW

Table 6.1, Rule 28 of this AFI. The extension will not exceed 4 months after the board

convenes and maximum total extension period is 12 months. The MPS will: Provide memorandum from the Airman and approved by the commander.

(Note: Include the board convening date). Completed AF Form 1411 and cite ―To await OTS results‖ in the remarks. Counsel Airmen that exercising this option may affect future SRB Zone


4.5. Zone A Eligibility. Airmen must be eligible according to paragraph 4.3 and all of the


4.5.1. Have completed at least 17 months continuous active service (other than ADT as a

reservist) but less than 6 years Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS) on the

discharge date. The reenlistment or extension must permit completion of at least 6 years


4.5.2. Reenlist or extend their enlistments (in one increment) in the RegAF for at least 3


4.5.3. Have not previously received a Zone A SRB.

4.5.4. Eligibility is based on discharge date. The discharge date is the day prior to the

reenlistment or day prior to entering an enlistment. Also see paragraph 4.1.1 and 4.10.

4.6. Zone B Eligibility. Airman must be eligible according to paragraph 4.3 and all of the


4.6.1. Have completed at least 6 years but less than 10 years TAFMS (including current

enlistment and periods of active duty, including ADT as a reservist) on the discharge date

(for reenlistments the day prior to the reenlistment or for extensions the day prior to entering

an extension). The reenlistment or extension must permit completion of at least 10 years


4.6.2. Reenlist or extend enlistment (in one increment) in the RegAF for at least 3 years.

4.6.3. Have not previously received a Zone B SRB.

4.6.4. Eligibility is based on discharge date. The discharge date is the day prior to the

reenlistment or day prior to entering an enlistment. Also see paragraph 4.1.1 and 4.10.

4.7. Zone C Eligibility. Airman must be eligible according to paragraph 4.3 and all of the


4.7.1. Have completed at least 10 years but no more than 14 years TAFMS (including

current enlistment and periods of active duty, including ADT as a reservist) on the discharge

date (for reenlistments the day prior to the reenlistment or for extensions the day prior to

entering an extension). The reenlistment or extension must permit completion of at least 14

years TAFMS.

24 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4.7.2. Reenlist or extend enlistment (in one increment) in the RegAF for at least 3 years.

4.7.3. Have not previously received a Zone C SRB.

4.7.4. Eligibility is based on discharge date. The discharge date is the day prior to the

reenlistment or day prior to entering an enlistment. Also see paragraph 4.1.1 and 4.10.

4.8. Zone E Eligibility. Airman must be eligible according to paragraph 4.3 and all of the


4.8.1. Have completed at least 18 years, but no more than 20 years TAFMS (including

current enlistment and periods of active duty, including ADT as a reservist) on the discharge

date (for reenlistments the day prior to the reenlistment or for extensions the day prior to

entering an extension). The reenlistment or extension must permit completion of at least 20

years TAFMS.

4.8.2. Reenlist or extend enlistment (in one increment) in the RegAF for at least 3 years.

4.8.3. Have not previously received a Zone E SRB.

4.8.4. Eligibility is based on discharge date. The discharge date is the day prior to the

reenlistment or day prior to entering an enlistment. Also see paragraph 4.1.1.

4.8.5. Airmen reenlisting/extending in Zone E will incur an ADSC 69 equal to the period for

which the SRB is paid. AFPC/ADSC OPS will update ADSC 69. AFPC/ADSC OPS will

forward to AFPC/DPSOAE for verification and processing to DFAS. The only ADSC

waiver for retirement that is applicable is for ―hardship‖ as stated in AFI 36-3203, Service


4.9. Special Conditions. Airmen with exactly 6 years of active duty on the date of reenlistment

or beginning of an extension of enlistment may be paid a Zone A bonus, if otherwise eligible and

if they have not previously received a Zone A bonus. If they have received a Zone A bonus or no

Zone A bonus is designated, they may be paid a Zone B bonus if otherwise eligible. Airmen with

exactly 10 years of active duty on the date of reenlistment or beginning of an enlistment may be

paid a Zone B bonus if otherwise eligible and they have not received a Zone B bonus. If they

have received a Zone B bonus or no Zone B bonus is designated, they may be paid a Zone C

bonus if otherwise eligible.

4.9.1. Airmen who are in a special duty and who have an assignment back into their CAFSC

may reenlist in the CAFSC and receive the SRB. See paragraph

4.9.2. Airmen who are in SRB authorized AFSCs and are obtaining retainability for duties

into any AFSC or special duty outside their SRB-AFSC are not authorized to reenlist in the

SRB AFSC. These Airmen will reenlist in the special duty AFSC without SRB entitlement,

if additional retainability is required or he/she may extend their enlistment to meet

retainability requirements. Airmen must complete at least 50 percent of their enlistment

before being considered/applying for release from the SRB AFSC. Airmen departing from

SRB-AFSCs prior to completing their full enlistment will have their remaining payments

terminated. If departing prior to serving 50 percent of the term of enlistment, the unearned

portion of the bonus will be recouped and future payments terminated.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 25

4.10. Eligibility for Retrainees and Retraining-out (Voluntarily/Involuntarily) of SRB

Skills. Airmen attain SRB eligibility when they qualify for and serve in an SRB-designated

skill. When CAREERS retrainees must reenlist in accordance with paragraph or second

term/career Airmen reenlist to obtain retraining retainability, their CAFSCs and retraining-in

AFSCs determine SRB eligibility and the multiple as indicated below:

4.10.1. Airmen retraining from an SRB skill to another SRB skill with an equal multiple are

eligible for the SRB at the same multiple.

4.10.2. Airmen retraining from an SRB skill to another SRB skill with a higher or lower

multiple are eligible for the SRB at the multiple for the current skill, or the retraining-in skill,

whichever is lower.

4.10.3. Airmen are not eligible for the SRB if they are retraining from a non-SRB skill to an

SRB skill or from an SRB skill to a non-SRB skill.

4.10.4. Second term/career Airmen retraining into a feeder AFSC are eligible for the SRB at

the multiple for the current skill or the retraining-in skill, whichever is lower.

4.10.5. Airmen will not normally be authorized to retrain out of the skill until they have

completed the contract period for which they received the bonus. Airmen who received an

SRB are identified by ALC-O. Voluntary Retraining (not CAREERS) - Airmen with ALC-O may volunteer as

an ETP to retrain only if they have completed at least 50% of their current enlistment.

No other request will be considered. AF/A1PF is the approval authority for these types

of requests. There are several factors that will determine whether requests will be

approved (manning, career field health, last SRB payment, etc.). If approved all

unearned portions of the bonus will be recouped and all future/anniversary payments will

be terminated. AFPC/DPSOAR will notify AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing

procedures of affected Airmen in order to initiate termination/recoupment actions through

DFAS. Involuntary Retraining - AFPC/DPSOAR will make every effort to prevent

involuntary retraining Airmen with ALC-O. Airmen who are involuntary retrained as a

result of the NCORP are not required to repay unearned portions of an SRB. However,

they will not receive any future/anniversary payments. AFPC/DPSOAR will notify

AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing procedures of affected Airmen in order to initiate

termination of future payments through DFAS.

4.11. Eligibility for Airmen in Additionally Awarded SRB Skills (Including

CONUS/Overseas Imbalanced SRB Skill into an awarded SRB Skill).

4.11.1. Airmen with an assignment into an awarded SRB AFSC (other than their current

CAFSC); or Airmen who are in a special duty and who have an assignment back into their

SRB- CAFSC may reenlist in the SRB skill provided: Meet all reenlistment eligibility criteria. Receive official notification of an assignment into the SRB AFSC.

26 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Reenlist within 90 days of their departure date on Permanent Change of Station

(PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) into the SRB skill. If they reenlist

more than 90 days prior to departure, they will reenlist in their current CAFSC and will

receive the corresponding SRB and multiple (if applicable).

4.11.2. Airmen may be eligible to delay obtaining required PCS or PCA retainability in

order to qualify for the SRB IAW Table 6.1, Rule 12, if they have a DOS prior to 90 days

before the PCS or PCA projected departure date and are otherwise eligible. Also see AFI 36-

2110, Assignments.

4.11.3. Airmen can expect to serve in the SRB skills for the entire period of the enlistment.

4.11.4. Airmen request reenlistment from a special duty back into their CAFSC. MPS

process requests according to AFCSM 36-699, Military Personnel Flight (MPF)

Management and Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS) User Guidelines, Volume 1,

Chapter 3. MPS also advises Airmen regarding eligibility, estimated bonus amount, bonus

recoupment if not fulfilling the term of enlistment or if not maintaining technical

qualification, and the possibility of changes to SRB skills and multiples throughout the year.

4.12. Use of SRB Airmen. SRB recipients may not perform duty outside their SRB specialty

for more than 90 consecutive days in a 360 day period. (Note: This does not apply to

deployment taskings. Airmen in SRB skills may be tasked to deploy/fill non-SRB duties without

SRB interruption.)

4.13. Computing SRB Awards.

4.13.1. Compute all SRB award amounts using one month’s base pay, times the years

extending/reenlisting, times the SRB multiple. (Note: The Airman’s base pay on date of

discharge is used to calculate the SRB. Therefore, if SSgt Jones was promoted on 1 May

2009 and reenlisted on 1 May 2009, the SRB would be calculated on his/her base pay for the

rank of SrA). Example of SRB award amount:

One month’s base pay: $1,000

Multiplied by 6 (number of years reenlisted): Equals $6,000

Multiplied by x 3 (SRB multiple for Airman’s AFSC)

Equals $18,000 (total bonus award)

Divided by 2 equals $9,000 (50% lump sum initial payment)

Divided by 5 (remaining number of annual installments)

Equals $1,800 (equal annual installments)

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 27

4.13.2. Airman do not receive SRB for obligated service or any service exceeding 24 years

TAFMS. Example of Zone E SRB calculation (when reenlistment will take Airman

beyond 24 years TAFMS:)

Yr Mo Dy

Step 1: (Calculate Time Served) DOE = 2002 07 26

Subtract-----> TAFMSD = 1991 06 25

11 01 1 = 11 Years 02 Months

(Round up partial month)

Yr Mo Dy

Step 2: (Calculate Obligated Service) DOS = 2003 10 27

Subtract---> DOE = 2002 07 26

1 03 01 = 1 yr 3 mos oblig serv

(Drop Days)

Yr Mo

Step 3: (Add) Time Served 11 02 (From Step 1)

Plus Oblig Serv 1 03 (From Step 2)

Total 12 05

(Note: Airmen will be paid the full years of the Term of Enlistment minus obligated service not

to exceed 24 years TAFMS).

4.14. Method of Payment.

4.14.1. Initial payment: Airmen receive 50 percent of the total amount (less applicable taxes)

on the reenlistment date or the day they enter an extension. Airmen with a break in service

(prior service) of more than 24 hours do not receive payment until 30 days after arrival at the

first permanent duty station following reenlistment.

4.14.2. Installment payments: Airmen receive the remaining 50 percent of the SRB amount

(less applicable taxes) in equal annual amounts on each anniversary of the initial payment for

the term of the reenlistment or extension. An Airman receives three installment payments for

a four-year reenlistment, four installment payments for a five-year reenlistment or five

installment payments for a six-year reenlistment.

28 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4.14.3. Accelerated payments: Accelerated payments are installment payments made in

advance of the normal anniversary dates to Airmen who can document that unexpected,

unusual circ*mstances of an emergency nature have created or will create an extreme

financial hardship. Airmen and MPS process accelerated payment cases as follows: The Airmen will prepare request for accelerated payments and include: copies

of monthly leave and earning statements; complete documentation of hardship (copies of

all monthly statements of debts, etc.), complete monthly expenditures that show monthly

payments and total debts (rent or mortgage payments, electricity, gas, telephone, charge

accounts, credit union, etc.); and documentation of other income or savings (spouse’s

monthly income, investments, and other sources). The Airman forward’s the request to his/her unit commander who will

investigate the request and recommend approval or disapproval. If the commander

disapproves request, the commander will notify the Airman of the decision. If the

commander recommends approval, the Airman forwards the request to the MPS. The MPS will: Review the request and if the Chief, MPS approves, forwards the request

to AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing procedures for approval or disapproval. If Chief, MPS disapproves request, return package to unit. Upon receipt AFPC/DPSOAE will: Review the request and if approved, will advise DFAS-IN to issue the

appropriate payment authorization. Coordinate with AFPC/DPSO on all recommendations for disapproval. Notify the MPS of disapproval via current processing procedures.

4.15. SRB Reduction or Termination Actions.

4.15.1. Airmen serving in SRB skills announced for reduction or termination must extend or

reenlist before the effective date of change in order to receive the bonus. (Note: Airmen

may only reenlist if he/she has a service-directed reason or are within the reenlistment

window as established by Air Force policy).

4.15.2. Airmen approved for retraining or who are in a retraining status are only authorized

the SRB multiple in effect at the time of approved retraining. Airmen whose SRB was

reduced or terminated since approval for retraining must reenlist/extend (if authorized)

within 30 calendar days after award of the 3-skill level and enter upgrade training for the next

higher skill level to qualify for the SRB multiple level in effect when he/she received final

approval. Failure to reenlist within the prescribed time period will result in loss of eligibility

for the SRB at the previous multiple. (Note: The Airman must get retraining approval

before the specialty termination or multiple reduction effective date and the Airman must be

in the same SRB zone on the date of reenlistment).

4.15.3. AF/A1PF announces SRB reduction or termination actions. MPS must notify all

affected reenlistment eligible Airmen.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 29

4.15.4. The MPS will: Ensure all reenlistment eligible Airmen acknowledge receipt of the

information, render their option election, request SRB authorizations, and initiate

reenlistment processing. Forward the original notification for filing in the ARMS and give the Airman a

copy. (Note: MPS uses the memorandum in Figure 4.1 when RIPs fail to produce or

when memorandums are more practical). When Airmen are TDY, the home station MPS requests the TDY location

notify and counsel the Airman. The MPS at the TDY location notifies the home station

MPS of the Airman’s intent and returns the signed notification for file in the ARMS. The

MPS will refer to AFCSM 36-699, Volume 1, Chapter 3 for reenlistment processing

requirements. For all projected reenlistments with an effective date on or after the effective

date of the SRB listing, verify the SRB multiple against the new listing to see if the SRB

has changed. If there is a change to the SRB multiple, correct the Airmen’s AF Form 901,

Reenlistment Eligibility Annex to DD Form 4 to reflect the correct SRB multiple. If the SRB has changed, the SRB authorization currently on file in MilPDS

must be deleted and a new authorization requested. If an E63/E6C has been accomplished, process an E64/E6D to change the

projection on DFAS files after the SRB authorization has been changed in MilPDS. If the Airman’s reenlistment consummated on DFAS files with an incorrect

SRB entitlement, process the correction to AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing

procedure. For each AFSC where the SRB is decreased or deleted, contact all Airmen who

are otherwise eligible for reenlistment and provide reenlistment options. Ensure

reenlistment/extension eligible Airmen are aware of the date by which they must reenlist.

(Note: Do not contact Airmen if not otherwise reenlistment eligible [i.e., outside the

reenlistment eligibility window]).

4.16. Termination/Recoupment/Repayment of SRB. SRB termination also requires

recoupment of the percentage representing the unserved part of the additional obligated service.

Commanders cannot authorize termination without recoupment. Airmen must remain

technically qualified for effective performance in the SRB skill and complete the full term of

enlistment or extension of enlistment in the SRB skill. Failure to do so may result in termination

and recoupment. SRB termination/recoupment/repayment will be processed as outlined in the

DoDFMR Volume 7A, Chapter 2.

4.16.1. The AFPC/CC (AFPC/CD in the absence of the AFPC/CC) on a case-by-case basis,

is delegated the authority to make repayment determinations consistent with the criteria set

forth in DODI 1304.29, Administration of Enlistment Bonuses, Accession Bonuses for New

Officers inCritical Skills, Selective Reenlistment Bonuses, and Critical Skills Retention

Bonuses for Active Members for Airmen paid a bonus under this instruction.

30 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4.17. SRB AFSC Disqualification. Airmen disqualified from SRB-authorized AFSCs will

have their future payments terminated and recouped, if applicable IAW the DoDFMR.

4.17.1. AFPC/DPSIDC refers all AFSC disqualification cases (AFI 36-2101, Classifying

Military Personnel [Officer and Enlisted]) to AFPC/DPSOAE for review/action. AFPC/DPSOAE will review all cases and refer those with SRB-authorized

AFSCs to DFAS for termination and recoupment, if applicable IAW the DoDFMR.

AFPC/DPSOAE will refer cases back to AFPC/DPSIDC when complete or if no SRB

termination/recoupment action is required.

4.18. Combat Zone Tax Exclusion. The SRB (initial payment and annual installments) are not

taxable for Airmen who reenlist or extend (36 or 48 months) in a month during which they

qualify for combat zone tax exclusion. They must either reenlist or extend in the designated

combat zone, or at another location during the same month in which they served in the

designated combat zone. If the Airman sells leave in conjunction with reenlistment, only leave

days earned while in the deployed location are tax excluded.

4.19. Assignment Limitation Code (ALC)-O and SRBs. Second term and career Airmen

serving in SRB skills must have a SRB updated in MilPDS prior to reenlisting. ALC-O does not

update on second term or career Airmen unless the SRB is updated prior to the reenlistment

being updated. Refer to AFCSM 36-699 for update procedures. (Note: If this code is not

updated, future actions such as retraining, commissioning programs and approval into special

duties are affected).

4.20. SRBs and Airmen Approved for Special Duty/Reporting Identifiers (except

9S000). Airmen are not eligible for an SRB if they reenlist or enter an extension in order to get

required retainability for a special duty or reporting identifier (except 9S000). (Note: Airmen in

SRB AFSCs with approved special duty/reporting identifier (other than 9S000) will reenlist in

the CAFSC of the special duty/reporting identifier AFSC). See paragraph 4.12 for Airmen in

Additionally Awarded SRB Skills (Including CONUS/Overseas Imbalanced SRB Skill into an

awarded SRB Skill).

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 31

Figure 4.1. Notification of SRB Termination/Reduction.




(Use your letter head)

MEMORANDUM FOR (Airman’s Rank/Name)

FROM: MPS /Office Symbol

Street Address

Base, State, Zip Code

SUBJECT: Termination/Reduction of Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)

1. Your AFSC has been identified for SRB termination/reduction effective (enter date).

2. In order to receive the SRB at the current rate, you must reenlist (if eligible) before (effective

date), unless you are presently in a retraining status. If you are approved for retraining, or are in

a retraining status, you must reenlist within 30 calendar days after award of the 3-skill level if

otherwise eligible. Eligibility is based on current reenlistment policy in effect at the time.

Failure to reenlist within the prescribed time period will result in loss of eligibility for the SRB at

the previous rate.

3. The SRB list in effect on the date you were approved for retraining applies. If you have

retrained into an SRB AFSC and are currently qualified in the SRB AFSC (awarded 3-skill

level), you must reenlist before (effective date) to receive SRB multiple indicated on the

Retraining Counseling Statement.

4. If you are a Second Term or Career Airman, you may be eligible to extend your enlistment

and gain entitlement to the SRB at the current rate. The extension of enlistment must be for

service-directed requirements, such as PCS retainability. Also, the extension must be for a

period between 36-48 months. You must sign the extension before (effective date). The SRB

will be paid on the date of entry into the extension of enlistment.

5. Please acknowledge receipt below and immediately return the original of this notification.


MPS Representative

1st Ind; (Unit/Airman concerned) (date)

I acknowledge my AFSC is undergoing a SRB termination/reduction action and understand I

must reenlist, or execute an extension of enlistment, before (effective date). I make the

following election (initials):

_____I elect to reenlist, or extend my enlistment 36-48 months and receive the SRB at the

current rate. If retraining, I will reenlist within the prescribed time period.

32 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

_____I do not elect to reenlist (or extend) at this time. I understand I will not be entitled to the

SRB at the current rate should I reenlist (or extend for 36-48 months) on or after (effective date).


Airman’s Rank/Name

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 33

Chapter 5


5.1. Eligibility.

5.1.1. Airmen may be eligible to reenlist if they meet all of the requirements: Are eligible for immediate reenlistment according to Table 5.1. Can fill a specific requirement in their skill or another skill through retraining. Are selected by their commander under the Selective Reenlistment Program

(SRP) (refer to Chapter 2). Meet a condition listed in Table 5.7. To qualify for an SRB is not a reason to reenlist.

5.1.2. In addition to the above basic eligibility criteria, FTA may reenlist if they have an

approved CJR and are: Four-year enlistees with at least 36 consecutive months on their current

enlistment, are at least in the grade of A1C with 12 months time in grade (TIG) and

eligible according to Table 5.7. Also see Table 5.5. Six-year enlistees with at least 60 consecutive months on their current

enlistment, serving in the grade of SrA or higher and eligible according to Table 5.7.

Also see Table 5.5. National Call to Service (NCS) enlistees with at least 36 consecutive months on

their current enlistment, serving in the grade of A1C/E-3 or higher and eligible according

to Table 5.7. Also see Table 5.5.

5.1.3. FTA may reenlist in a retraining status if they are eligible according to Table 5.7,

complete retraining and possess the 3-skill level in the new AFSC.

5.1.4. Second term and career Airmen must already possess another awarded AFSC with a

skill level commensurate with their current grade in order to reenlist in the retraining AFSC

at the 3-skill level, be within 90 days of ETS or have a service directed reason. (Note:

Airmen must project reenlistment NLT 120 days prior to their DOS or they will be projected

for separation).

5.1.5. The MPS will project all reenlistments in-system upon receipt of approved AF Form

901, Reenlistment Eligibility Annex to DD Form 4 or no later than 120 days before DOS,

whichever comes first. Failure to project reenlistment automatically causes MilPDS to

project the Airman for separation, and will cancel other personnel actions. The MPS will

refer to AFCSM 36-699, Volume 1, Chapter 3, for procedures for projecting reenlistments

and requesting CJR/SRB authorizations. (Note: Air Force Reserve (AF Reserve) and Air

National Guard (ANG) personnel are not authorized to enlist, reenlist, or extend under this

AFI unless recalled to Extended Active Duty under 10 USC §12301 voluntary or involuntary

recall. Enlisted personnel who wish to apply under 10 USC §12301(d), voluntary recall,

must apply through AFPC/DPSOAA Enlisted Accessions. EAD orders will indicate recall

34 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

authority. Contact AFPC/DPSOAA for guidance and instructions or refer to AFI 36-2002,

Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions).

5.2. Term of Reenlistment.

5.2.1. Term of Enlistment (TOE). The minimum TOE is four years unless the Airman has

more than 24 months of obligated service or is reenlisting to reach High Year Tenure

(HYT). Under no circ*mstances will the reenlistment, along with combined obligated

service exceed 72 months or exceed the Airman’s HYT plus 1 month. Airmen do not have the option to add additional months to the reenlistment

contract (refer to Table 5.7, Authorized Terms of Enlistment). Regardless of the number

of years authorized, a reenlistee’s new DOS must always equal or exceed the previous

DOS. (Note: An Airman may only reenlist for 6 years if they are within 29 calendar days

of DOS. Similarly, Airmen can reenlist for 5 years only if they have 12 months or less of

obligated service). If an Airman has between 25 and 36 months of remaining obligated service, they

can reenlist for 3 years plus obligated service. Airmen reenlisting to reach their HYT may not exceed their HYT month. For

Airmen reenlisting to HYT who are eligible for an SRB, their SRB will be calculated

based only on TOE years (must be a minimum of 3 years). If the TOE is less than 3

years, the Airman is ineligible for an SRB. Also see Table 5.6. Airmen with more than 36 months of obligated service are not authorized to


5.2.2. Annotate the TOE on the DD Form 4/1, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document – Armed

Forces of the United States, section 8 to reflect the TOE in years and months. (Note: The

MPS must line through ―weeks‖ and type in ―months.‖ Annotate the number of months

needed to satisfy the full enlistment. The Airman will initial the change to the reenlistment


5.2.3. Obligated service. Includes remaining obligated service (in excess of 29 calendar

days) into the reenlistment. Obligated service is that time in excess of 29 calendar days from the Date of

Enlistment (DOE) to the Date of Separation (DOS). Any partial month of 29 calendar

days or less will not be considered in the total obligated service. SrA who cannot reenlist to their HYT may be eligible to extend under Table 6.1,

Rule 27.

5.2.4. Constructive Reenlistments. The Chief, Operations Division, Air Force Personnel

Center is delegated authority to approve a constructive reenlistment when determined a

constructive reenlistment is appropriate (i.e., for Airmen to reach his/her HYT) under the

authority of 10 USC 1552 (a) (2) without consideration by the Air Force Board for

Correction of Military Records. (Department of Defense Instruction 1332.41, Boards for

Correction of Military Records (BCMRs) and Discharge Review Boards (DRBs); USC 1552. Airmen submit these requests through his/her commander to AFPC/DPSOAE

for review/processing.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 35 For example: I request a constructive reenlistment to obtain 13 months

retainability to retire at my HYT. I am ineligible to reenlist based on HYT and I cannot

extend since I have already extended 42 months of the 48-month maximum.

5.2.5. Airmen scheduled for reenlistment within 7 calendar days of their DOS, must

complete the following statement during reenlistment processing: "I intend to reenlist

immediately after separation. I hereby authorize my retention in service for a period not to

exceed 7 calendar days beyond my date of separation (DOS), to complete separation

processing, should I, immediately before or after separation, and before reenlistment,

decline to reenlist." Retain this statement with the reenlistment package until reenlistment

occurs. Airmen may not request reenlistment once they enter the 7-calendar day extension

period; this extension is for separation processing only. Do not complete AF Form 1411 for

this extension, and do not complete this statement for Airmen scheduled to reenlist more than

7 calendar days before their DOS.

5.3. CAREERS/NCORP Retrainees. Airmen who retrained under CAREERS/NCORP may

request cancellation of an extension obtained for retraining that has not been entered contingent

upon immediate reenlistment. Airmen must be reenlistment eligible IAW paragraph 5.1 and may

only request cancellation of the extension within 30 days after class grad date. Airmen who ask

for cancellation after 30 days must submit an ETP to have their request granted. All other

extensions will be considered as obligated service. See paragraph 5.1 for reenlistment eligibility.

(Note: Extension cancellation and reenlistment must occur the same date).

5.3.1. The MPS will: Ensure extension has not been entered and the cancellation is within 30 days

after class graduation. Ensure only the extension authorized for CAREERS/NCORP retraining is

cancelled. (Example 1: Airmen extends 23 months for CAREERS/NCORP retraining; all

23 months may be forgiven if not entered). (Example 2: Airman extends 7 months for an

assignment and 16 months for CAREERS retraining, only the 16 months for CAREERS

retraining could be forgiven if not entered). Complete Section VIII of the AF Form 1411, Extension or Cancellation of

Extension of Enlistment in the Regular Air Force/Air Force Reserve/Air National Guard. Project the reenlistment in MilPDS and cancel the extension upon receipt for

completed reenlistment documents. Extensions obtained for CAREERS/NCORP retraining that has been entered will

not be forgiven and will be considered as obligated service. Airmen will reenlist under

the rules of this AFI.

5.4. Reenlistment Ceremony. Commanders will honor all reenlistees through a dignified

reenlistment ceremony, without special gimmicks or publicity stunts. MPS will refer

questionable cases to AFPC/DPSOAE.

36 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

5.4.1. Airmen may request any commissioned officer (active, reserve, guard or retired) to

perform the ceremony and invite guests. The reenlistee and the officer administering the

oath must be physically collocated during the ceremony. Reenlistments can be conducted on

any day of the year. Conduct the ceremony in any place that lends dignity to the event. The

US flag must form a backdrop for the participants.

5.4.2. Reenlistee and reenlisting officer must wear an authorized uniform for the ceremony.

(Exception: The uniform requirement is optional for retired officers).

5.5. Who May Administer the Oath of Enlistment. The oath may be taken before the

President, the Vice-President, the Secretary of Defense, any commissioned officer, or any other

person designated under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. Active duty,

reserve, guard or retired commissioned officers of the US Armed Forces may administer the

oath. Officers who resigned their commissions, and were transferred to the Obligated Reserve

Section (ORS) or the Nonaffiliated Reserve Section (NARS), may not administer the oath.

(Exception: Commissioned warrant officers in the grade of CW2, CW3 and CW4 may also

administer the oath).

5.6. Active Duty Oath of Enlistment. All Airmen enlisting or reenlisting must take the

following oath:

―I, (State your full name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the

Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true

faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United

States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform

Code of Military Justice. So help me God.‖ (Note: Airmen may omit the words ―So help me

God‖, if desired for personal reasons).

5.7. Processing and Place of Reenlistment. Airmen must reenlist at their home station unless

they are absent due to deployment, hospitalization or are in a pipeline status (school, overseas

returnee, etc). Airmen must be present for duty and will not reenlist while on leave, while in a

separation status or after departing their unit of assignment on terminal leave for separation.

5.7.1. MPS gives Airmen departing on deployment a reenlistment package if they desire to

reenlist and their ETS or DOS will expire while deployment. The package will include, at a

minimum, the new DD Form 4/1 and 4/2, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces

of the United States and the Airman’s copy of the AF Form 1089, Leave Settlement Option. The home station MPS: Obtains the Airman’s signature on AF Form 901, Section III. Retains the forms and ensures the commander completes Section IV.

(Exception: If the commander will be the on-site commander at the deployed

location, include the AF Form 901 in the reenlistment package. The Personnel

Support for Contingency Operations (PERSCO) at the deployed location will assist

the reenlistee). Coordinates with the MPS at the deployed location to ensure proper

completion of the reenlistment documents.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 37

5.7.2. The MPS/PERSCO at the deployed location: Gives the Airman their copy of the DD Form 4/1 and AF Form 901, if more than

30 calendar days will expire between the reenlistment date and the date the Airman will

return to home station. Mail all remaining copies to the home station MPS for final processing.

5.8. Reenlistment Documents. The completed DD Form 4 and the AF Form 901 formally

document a reenlistment and represent a legally binding contract between the Air Force and

reenlistee. The MPS completes the DD Form 4 IAW DODI 1304.02, Accessions Processing

Data Collection Forms and AF Form 901 IAW current Air Force guidance. The information

contained hereon and any associated annexes becomes a part of the Airman’s military personnel

record and is used to document specific pay, enlistment bonuses, incentives, promotion,

assignment and reassignment, training, medical support and other personnel management

actions. Incomplete or inaccurate documents are returned to the Airman’s servicing MPS for

corrections or re-accomplishment and can result in an erroneous reenlistment agreement,

possible loss of payment of SRB entitlement, etc. Any unauthorized/erroneous SRB will

necessitate re-accomplishment of the reenlistment/extension documents and will be terminated

and recouped.

5.8.1. Special care shall be taken to ensure all items are completed correctly without errors.

White-out or correction tape or fluid shall not be used on these forms. Corrections in items

2, 5, 8, 18b, 19b and 19f will necessitate the deletions and re-creation of the DD Form 4.

5.8.2. The forms shall only be signed in black, blue or blue-black ink when completed

manually (non-digitally signed).

5.9. Reenlistment Agreements. The MPS documents only approved/authorized Air Force

reenlistment agreements on AF Form 901. (Note: All reenlistment agreements must be

identified on the AF Form 901. If the Airman has no reenlistment agreement(s), the MPS will

mark the block indicating no reenlistment agreement(s).

5.9.1. Authorize only the following guarantees on AF Form 901: Approved retraining. Approved Airman for training program that leads to an Air Force commission. Approved Base of Preference (BOP) or in-place BOP (for FTA only). Other approved agreements authorized by current Air Force reenlistment policy.

(Note: The MPS will specify the approved agreement in the area provided).

5.10. Discharge for the Purpose of Immediate Reenlistment. Discharge always occurs before

Airmen reenlist. However, the discharge is conditional because it is without effect if the Airman

does not reenlist within 24 hours. MPS will not give the completed AF Form 901 to the Airman

until reenlistment occurs. Do not use the AF Form 901 for prior service enlistments or for

former officer entering the Air Force in enlisted status. (Note: Commanders or civilian directors

holding the position may not refuse to sign AF Form 901, Section IV and then permit Airman to

remain otherwise eligible for reenlistment. In such cases commanders will immediately notify

the MPS of the specific circ*mstances in writing and submit the required documentation (AF

Form 418, etc.) within 7 calendar days).

38 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

5.10.1. The AF Form 901, Section V, documents discharge for the purpose of immediate


5.10.2. The Chief, MPS or designated representative authenticates the AF Form 901, Section

V. Designated representatives must be assigned to the MPS or GSU personnel function and

in the grade of TSgt, GS-6, or higher.

5.10.3. MPS ensures the commander or civilian director holding the position documents

certification on AF Form 901, Section IV, and returns them in time for authentication on or

before the discharge date (refer to Table 5.6, step 8). (Note: DD Form 256AF, Honorable

Discharge Certificate will not be issued to Airmen to be discharged for the purpose of

immediate reenlistment within 24 hours).

5.11. Leave Settlement. Airmen may sell a maximum of 60 days accrued leave during their

career. Accrued leave may be sold upon reenlistment or entering into the first extension of

enlistment, to include subsequent reenlistments. The Airman’s base pay on date of discharge

determines the payment. Airmen document their leave sell option (each reenlistment and first

extension of enlistment) on an AF Form 1089. MPS ensures Airman documents any changes on

a new AF Form 1089. MPS will refer to AFCSM 36-699, Volume 1, Chapter 3 for DJMS-AC

update instructions.

5.11.1. Airmen may change their leave settlement election provided: Airmen extending must do so NLT 10 calendar days prior to entering into the

extension of enlistment. Airmen reenlisting must do so at any time before they reenlist.

5.12. Informed Decision (ID) Program. The Career Assistance Advisors (CAA) at every

installation will publicize and conduct an ID seminar. This seminar is an educational experience

specifically designed to enhance one’s knowledge of Air Force benefits, highlight program

requirements and processes. All first term and second term Airmen are required to attend unless

pending involuntary separation. See AFI 36-2624, The Career Assistance Advisor, First Term

Airmen Center and Enlisted Professional Enhancement Programs.

5.13. Airmen Reenlisting for the Purpose of Obtaining an Air Force

Commission. Publications governing selection for a program leading to an Air Force

commission take precedence over reenlistment restrictions imposed by this publication.

5.13.1. Airmen may reenlist to get the service retainability required for the particular

commissioning program. This includes FTA who have not completed 36 months TAFMS on

their current enlistment (60 months for 6-year enlistees).

5.13.2. MPS updates reenlistment eligibility (RE) code 3A for FTA selected for Air Force

commissioning programs who have not reached the SRP consideration point. MPS updates

RE code 1J for all other Airmen selected for commissioning programs. (Note: MPS cannot

update RE code 1J or 3A until the Airman is projected for separation).

5.13.3. Refer to paragraph 4.4 for restrictions pertaining to Airmen serving in SRB skills.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 39

5.14. Reenlistment of Non-US Citizens. Non-US citizens, enlisting on or after 1 November

1982, must become US citizens during their initial enlistment before they are eligible to reenlist.

Airmen may be eligible to extend under paragraph 6.5.4. (Exception: Citizens of Micronesia

and Palau may be eligible for reenlistment even if they do not have their citizenship. These cases

will be worked through AFPC/DPSOAE to AF/A1PF for approval). Non-US citizens who

obtain US citizenship and whose RE code is 2I must have SRP consideration completed to

remove the RE code of 2I and reenlist. Non-US citizens who fail to obtain US citizenship during

their initial enlistment will separate with RE code 2I.

5.15. Reenlistment of Sole Surviving Sons or Daughters. Airmen who qualify as sole

surviving sons or daughters waive any right to claim discharge or assignment limitations as sole

surviving sons or daughters upon their reenlistment. They may request reinstatement of their

sole survivor status through assignments at any time. If approved, they may again qualify for

assignment limitation, but not for discharge or release from active duty.

5.16. Identifying and Notifying Reenlistment-Ineligible Airmen. MPS uses the SRP roster to

identify first term, second term and career Airmen ineligible to reenlist. MPS sends the

commander a monthly list of ineligible Airmen for informational purposes only.

5.17. High Year of Tenure (HYT) and Age 55 Restrictions. The reenlistment terms outlined

in Table 5.7 prevent Airmen from violating the HYT and age 55 restrictions discussed below.

Request for HYT adjustments/corrections will be sent to AFPC/DPSOR or AFPC/DPSOS via

current processing procedures. (Note: Under no circ*mstances will any reenlistment or

extension exceed the Airman’s HYT.).

5.17.1. Airmen with a HYT date of 20 or more years TAFMS may not reenlist if their new

DOS will exceed the month following their HYT date; however, they may qualify for an

extension of enlistment to establish a DOS at HYT (refer to paragraph 6.13 and Table 6.1).

5.17.2. First Term Airmen may not reenlist if the new DOS will exceed the year and month

during which they will reach HYT. Also see paragraph However, they may qualify

for an extension of enlistment to establish a DOS at HYT (refer to paragraph 6.13.1 and

Table 6.1). This restriction does not affect SrA with 16 or more years TAFMS. These

Airmen may receive an HYT date of at least 20 years TAFMS. SSgts may not reenlist if the new DOS will exceed the year and month during

which they will reach HYT. Also see paragraph However, they may qualify for

an extension of enlistment to establish a DOS at HYT (refer to paragraph 6.13.1 and

Table 6.1). This restriction does not affect SSgt with 16 or more years TAFMS. These

Airmen may receive an HYT date of at least 20 years TAFMS. Reenlistment eligible FTA in SRB skills authorized to receive a Zone A SRB,

may reenlist for periods exceeding their HYT date, provided the reenlistment occurs

before they complete 6 years TAFMS and don’t establish a DOS exceeding 10 years

TAFMS. See paragraph 4.5 for additional eligibility criteria. Airmen in the grade of TSgt authorized to receive a Zone E SRB, may reenlist

for periods exceeding their HYT dates, provided the reenlistment authorizes the Airman

the Zone E SRB and don’t establish a DOS exceeding 22 years TAFMS. See paragraph

4.8 for additional eligibility criteria.

40 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) – For Airmen authorized a CSRB, the

HYT reduction policy is waived for TSgts and MSgts who accept the CSRB, up to 25

years of service only. The HYT will be adjusted to 25 years after the CSRB contract is


5.17.3. Airmen may not reenlist if the new DOS exceeds the month following their 55th

birthday month. Airmen must get an approved waiver in order to reenlist for a period that

exceeds the month following their 55th birthday month. (Exception: Airmen may reenlist for

a period that permits them to serve at least 20 years TAFMS. Approved HYT waivers also

constitute waivers of the age 55 restriction). (DELETED) (DELETED) (DELETED) (DELETED)

5.17.4. For HYT waivers for CMSgts (and Chief selects), refer to the Chief’s Handbook for

instructions and requirements. For HYT waivers for SMSgts and below, contact AFPC/DPSOR or

AFPC/DPSOS for instructions and additional information/processing instructions and

requirements. AFPC/DPSOR or AFPC/DPSOS will advise the MPS of approved/disapproved

waivers via current processing procedures.

5.17.5. Airmen removed from the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) may not

reenlist for a period that violates the HYT and age 55 restrictions, unless otherwise directed.

5.17.6. (DELETED)

5.18. Air Force Fitness Program, Airmen Medically Disqualified and Airmen in Reporting

Identifier (RI) 9A000/9A100/9A200/9A300. Commanders may review and determine

reenlistment eligibility for Airmen who are in the poor category for less than 6 months and will

review and determine reenlistment eligibility for all Airmen who remain in the poor category for

6 months or more.

5.18.1. Successfully reaching good fit category does not automatically restore reenlistment

eligibility. The commander may remove the reenlistment ineligibility condition by

completing an AF Form 418 or continue the ineligibility until after the Airman’s next fitness

test. See paragraph 2.6 through 2.7. The commander documents the decision on AF Form

108, Fitness Program Improvement Processing. Ineligible Airmen (RE code 4J) requiring

retainability to reach the good fit category may request an extension of enlistment according

to Table 6.1, Rule 18. If eligibility for reenlistment is denied, Airmen will be placed in RE

Code 2X and will not be eligible to extend or reenlist (except to appeal the non-selection). If

the Airman is later made reenlistment eligible then the commander will complete an AF

Form 418 and the MPS or equivalent will update the RE code to a more applicable code.

Refer to AFI 10-248, Fitness Program for additional information.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 41

5.18.2. Airmen in RE code 4K may not reenlist when pending evaluation by a Medical

Evaluation Board (MEB) or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) unless waiver is approved.

See Table 5.5, Item 2. Airmen in RE code 4K may voluntarily extend their enlistment under Table 6.1

Rule 9 of this AFI. Limit extensions to a period outlined/recommended by the PCM, not

to exceed a maximum 24 months. See Chapter 6.

5.18.3. All Airmen disqualified from their AFSC and in RI of 9A000, 9A100, 9A200 or

9A300 are updated to RE code 4G. Commanders may not waive Airmen in RE code 4G to

permit reenlistment unless the Airman has been selected and approved for retraining or

Special Duty. In these cases the commander will take action as outlined in paragraph 2.6 and

2.7. Airmen disqualified and in RI 9A000 or 9A100 may execute a one-time

extension in order to remain on active duty for a total period of 12 months to

qualify/compete for retraining/Special Duty. Under no circ*mstances will the extension

period combined with the remaining obligated service exceed 12 months. The length of

the extension, if any is based on the date of the formal disqualification approval not to

exceed 12 months. Airmen will extend IAW Table 5.1, Rule 28 of this AFI. If the

Airman is not approved for retraining or Special Duty during this period, he/she will

separate on their DOS. Airmen in RI 9A200/9A300 will remain in RE code 4G and separate on DOS

unless the commander initiates early separation or subsequently completes retention

versus separation package and retain the Airman.

5.19. Erroneous Reenlistment Documents and Enlistment Documents Returned for

Correction. This paragraph applies to the DD Form 4 and AF Form 901. There are two types

of erroneous reenlistment documents. The first consists of contractual errors made in violation

of this publication, such as the reenlistment of ineligible Airmen or Airmen not issued a CJR and

erroneous or incorrect SRB. Only AFPC/DPSOAE authorizes correction of contractual errors.

MPS will not remove or delete executed reenlistments documents from any system of record

without prior approval from AFPC/DPSOAE. (Note: Executed documents are finalized

contracts where the Airman has taken the oath of enlistment, both parties have signed the DD

Form 4, Section E and the MPS has received the document for update in the system of record).

The second is administrative, involving typographical errors, strikeovers, misspellings, erroneous

computation of required retainability, etc.

5.19.1. Contractual Errors. The MPS processes a case file to AFPC/DPSOAE according to

the following guidance. The Airman will: Complete and sign a memorandum which must include their SSAN and

outlines the facts of the situation as well as their desires. Route the memorandum through their commander for signature. Forward the signed memorandum to the MPS for further action.

5.19.2. The MPS will: Review the memorandum and ensure it contains all required data.

42 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 The MPS Career Development Section will have the memorandum endorsed by

the Chief, MPS. Once the memorandum is completed, the MPS Career Development Section

will scan all documents and email the memorandum, the reenlistment contract, and

current AAD005 SURF, to AFPC/DPSOAE for approval/disapproval.

5.19.3. AFPC/DPSOAE will: AFPC/DPSOAE resolves each case in the Air Force's best interest and will

either declare the contract valid or erroneous and without effect. The MPS will be notified via current processing procedures of the

approval/disapproval. The Airman may petition the AFBCMR if they do not agree with the final


5.19.4. Administrative Errors. MPS will not correct administrative errors discovered in

items 2, 5, 8, 18b, 19b and 19f of the DD Form 4. Administrative errors in these items will

necessitate the deletions and re-creation of the DD Form 4. Also see paragraph

Administrative errors (non-SRB related) may be corrected on the AF Form 901, if the

Airman and Air Force agree. Any unauthorized/erroneous SRB will necessitate re-

accomplishment of the document(s) and will be terminated and recouped. The MPS will

process case files according to paragraph 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 when there is disagreement. If

the Airman and Air Force agree, the MPS makes corrections on all copies of the forms before

distribution, or on the ARMS copy after distribution and initial each correction. If the

corrections were made on the forms, stamp ―Corrected Copy‖ in the upper margin of the

corrected pages and make a photocopy of the corrected forms for the Airman. The MPS

corrects MilPDS and DJMS-AC, as appropriate and distributes the documents IAW Table


5.19.5. Documents Returned to MPS for Correction(s). AFPC/DPSOAE will return

enlistment contracts for correction (Example: Missing signatures, when dates don’t match

reenlistment date on DD Form 4 and/or AF Form 901, incomplete contracts, missing pages,

or incomplete forms, etc.) to servicing Chief, MPSs for action. The MPS will make

appropriate corrections to the contract(s) and return the contracts and transmittal to

AFPC/DPSOAE by the established suspense. Also see paragraph 5.19.4. The Airman and the MPS representatives must initial each correction. Stamp

―CORRECTED COPY‖ in the upper margin of the corrected pages. Make a photo copy

of the corrected forms and comply with the disposition instructions in Table 5.8. Do not make corrections to the form stamped ―DO NOT CORRECT THIS

COPY‖ unless there is no ARMS copy and the Airman does not have a copy. In those situations, correct the copy stamped ―DO NOT CORRECT THIS

COPY‖ and type ―Only Available Copy‖ in the upper margin of the corrected pages.

Make a photo copy of the corrected forms and comply with the disposition

instructions in Table 5.8.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 43 Reaccomplish the DD Form 4/1 and AF Form 901, if there is no, ARMS copy

or the Airman does not have a copy. (Note: The Airman’s current commander or

civilian director holding the position will sign the corrected form(s) and the current date

will be used). If contract must be reaccomplished, stamp ―RECONSTRUCTED COPY‖

in the upper margin of the new contract. The forms will be dated using the current

date and signed by the Airman’s current commander. Make a photo copy of the

corrected forms and comply with the disposition instructions in Table 5.8. (Note:

Commanders may not refuse to re-accomplish these documents or deny reenlistment). The MPS sends the original documents to AFPC/DPSOAE for review as

outlined in Table 5.8 and corrects MilPDS and DJMS-AC, as appropriate.

5.20. Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) Codes. Accurate RE codes are vital to ensure the Air

Force retains and reenlists only those Airmen selected for continued service and prevents

ineligible Airmen from continued service. The MPS will update, monitor, and maintain accurate

RE codes in MilPDS. Incorrect codes can prevent or allow the selection of Airmen for

reenlistment, promotion, separation, retirement and reassignment. The MPS will:

5.20.1. Update RE codes in MilPDS using the following hierarchy: 2#, 4#, 3#, and 1#.

(Note: No RE code will take precedence over RE codes in 2#, to include pending MEB/PEB.

MPS will re-update RE code to ―2#‖ in such cases.

5.20.2. Update the appropriate RE code according to the hierarchy in paragraph 5.20.1 in

MilPDS when two or more RE codes apply.

5.20.3. Update the appropriate RE code with the longest duration in MilPDS when two or

more RE codes in the same series apply.

5.20.4. Leave RE code 2X in MilPDS unless SRP selection occurs or RE code 2X is being

replaced by a higher priority code.

5.20.5. Verify RE codes in MilPDS NLT 60 days for all Airmen separating. Incorrect or

inappropriate RE codes will be corrected as required. Refer requests for corrections to

AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing procedures. (Note: See Tables 5.1 - 5.4).

5.21. Waiver of Reenlistment Ineligibility Conditions (Lost Time and Civil Court

Convictions). Airmen may request waivers to reenlist or extend to their unit commander

because they have 5 or more days lost time, or have a civil court conviction (Table 5.4, item 5 or

13). (Note: Civil court convictions automatically render Airmen ineligible for the length of the

maximum allowable Manual for Courts Martial (MCM) confinement period for the same or most

closely related offenses. The MPS must contact the base legal office to determine the MCM

confinement period).

5.21.1. Airmen must request a waiver to reenlist or extend. The Airman’s supervisor will

complete an AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration. Refer to

paragraph 2.6 through 2.8 for processing the AF Form 418. If the waiver is approved, the commander ensures the Airman acknowledges

receipt, and then sends the AF Form 418 to the MPS for processing. The MPS updates

RE code 1A (can only be updated immediately before Airman reenlists or extends) and

sends the waiver for file in ARMS.

44 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 When Airmen receive approved waivers and reenlist, the reenlistment

ineligibility condition no longer applies. When Airmen receive approved waivers to extend their enlistment, the

MPS will re-update the ineligibility conditions after updating the extension. Waivers

are only valid for one extension. When Airmen elect separation after receiving approved waivers, the MPS

re-update the ineligibility condition, unless a higher priority code applies.

5.21.2. If disapproved, the commander ensures Airman acknowledges receipt. The Airman

may elect to appeal the disapproval decisions. Process the appeal as outlined in paragraph

2.10 through 2.11.

5.22. Prisoners Returned to Duty Program (RTDP). A returned prisoner is an Airman

sentenced by court martial to a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge (including those whose

sentences didn’t include confinement) which was suspended or remitted, or an Airman sentenced

to a period of confinement, with or without discharge, and later returned to duty from a DoD

regional confinement facility under the direction of AFSFC/SFC. Returned prisoners cannot

reenlist unless they serve at least 6 months after returning to duty, are otherwise eligible, and

their unit commanders select them for reenlistment under the SRP or approve reenlistment

waivers (refer to paragraph 5.21).

Table 5.1. Applicants Eligible for Immediate Reenlistment (RE-1 Series).



An applicant is eligible for immediate reenlistment (within 24 hours

after separation) and eligible for prior service enlistment under any

of the following conditions, provided the Airman is otherwise eligible.




entry in



1 Ineligible to reenlist, but condition waived. (Do not separate Airmen with

this RE code. Remove this code from MilPDS when an Airman elects to

separate. Update the appropriate RE code from Table 5.2, Table 5.3, or

Table 5.4 before the Airman separates. Refer to paragraph 5.20 and Table

5.5., note 1 and 4).


2 Eligible to reenlist, but elects separation. (Airmen selected under the SRP

and elect separation are given RE code 1J) (See notes). 1J

3 Career Airmen selected by the commander under the SRP and 13 months

or less remain before completing 20 years TAFMS. (Do not separate

Airman with this RE code).


4 Eligible to reenlist, Second Term or Career Airmen not yet considered

under the SRP. (Do not separate Airman with this RE code). 1M

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 45



An applicant is eligible for immediate reenlistment (within 24 hours

after separation) and eligible for prior service enlistment under any

of the following conditions, provided the Airman is otherwise eligible.




entry in



5 Eligible to reenlist, Second Term or Career Airmen with less than 19

years TAFMS selected by the commander under the SRP and either 13

months or less remain before original ETS, or Airmen serving on an

extension of enlistment. (Do not separate Airman with this RE code).


6 Eligible to reenlist, Career Airmen with more than 20 years TAFMS

selected by the commander under the SRP and either 13 months or less

remain before original ETS, or Airmen serving on an extension of

enlistment. (Do not separate Airman with this RE code).


7 First Term Airmen selected for reenlistment under the SRP. (see notes)

(Do not separate Airman with this RE code). (See item 2.) 1R

8 Air National Guard and United States Air Force Reserve Airmen serving

on voluntary or involuntary EAD. (These Airmen are eligible to request

enlistment in the RegAF only and must apply IAW AFI 36-2002.

Enlistment requests must come through AFPC/DPSOAA for approval).



1. Refer to paragraph 5.13 to determine applicable RE code for FTA selected for programs

leading to an Air Force commission.

2. Refer to paragraph 2.9 and Table 5.3 for Airmen who receive early SRP consideration for


3. 1A should not be updated on FTA.

46 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Table 5.2. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-2 Series).


An applicant is ineligible to reenlist in the Regular Air Force and,

unless specifically authorized by paragraph 6.5. or Table 6.1., not

authorized to extend enlistment under any of the following


RE status

code entry

in MilPDS


1 AFPC denied reenlistment. (Reserved for AFPC use only). 2A

2 Separated with a general or under-other-than-honorable-conditions

(UOTHC) discharge


3 Involuntarily separated with an honorable discharge; or entry level

separation without characterization of service. 2C

4 Returned prisoner with less than 6 months of service since return to

duty. (See note 1). 2D

5 Serving a period of probation and rehabilitation (P&R) (See note 1). 2E

6 Undergoing, or separated while undergoing rehabilitation in a DoD

regional confinement facility under the direction of AFSFC/SFC. (See

note 1).


7 Participating in or failed the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and

Treatment (ADAPT) program for drugs, or has failed to complete the

ADAPT program. (This code remains valid until the Airman completes

the program or the commander removes the ineligibility condition for

an Airman in the aftercare program).


8 Participating in the ADAPT program for alcohol, or has failed to

complete the program. (This code remains valid until the Airman

completes the program or the commander removes the ineligibility

condition for an Airman in the aftercare program. Do not update this

code for self-identified Airmen unless they fail the program).


9 Non-U.S. citizen serving on initial enlistment. (Refer to paragraph

5.14). 2I

10 Under investigation by military or civilian authority, the outcome of

which may result in discharge or court-martial action (see note 1). (Do

not separate Airmen with this RE code).


11 Has been formally notified by the commander of initiation of

involuntary separation action. (See note 1 & 2). 2K

12 Civil court charges pending for an offense for which the MCM

authorizes confinement for the same or most closely related offense, or

court-martial charges have been preferred, or court-martial action is

under appellate review.


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 47


An applicant is ineligible to reenlist in the Regular Air Force and,

unless specifically authorized by paragraph 6.5 or Table 6.1., not

authorized to extend enlistment under any of the following


RE status

code entry

in MilPDS


13 Serving a sentence or suspended sentence of court-martial; or separated

while serving a sentence or suspended sentence of court-martial. 2M

14 Conscientious objector whose religious convictions preclude

unrestricted assignment. Update this RE code when the Airman

requests separation or is discharged for this reason. (See note 1).


15 Absent without leave (AWOL); deserter or dropped from rolls (DFR). 2P

16 Personnel medically retired or discharged. 2Q

17 Airman is within 23 months of 55th birthday, completed at least 18

years, 1 month of TAFMS, and 13 months or less remain until DOS.

(See notes).


18 Airman is within 23 months of 55th birthday, completed at least 18

years, 1 month of TAFMS, and more than 13 months remain until DOS.

(See notes).


19 Airman possesses an HYT date of at least 20 years TAFMS, is within

23 months of HYT date, and 13 months or less remain until DOS. (See



20 Airman possesses an HYT date of at least 20 years TAFMS, is within

23 months of HYT date, and more than 13 months remaining until

DOS. (See notes).


21 Applied for retirement or retirement has been approved. 2V

22 Retired and recalled to active duty. 2W

23 First Term, Second Term, or Career Airman nonselected for

reenlistment. (See note 1). 2X


1. Refer to Table 6.1 to determine the Airman’s eligibility to request an extension of the

current enlistment.

2. MPS must initiate a request via current processing procedure to AFPC/DPSIDC. Include

all pertinent documentation in the case file.

48 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Table 5.3. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-3 Series).


An applicant is ineligible for immediate reenlistment (within 24

hours after separation), but eligible for prior service enlistment with

an approved waiver (provided the Airman is otherwise qualified)

under any of the following conditions (See notes).

RE status


entry in

MilPDS is

1 FTA who separates before completing 36 months (60 months for a 6-

year enlistee) on current enlistment and who has no known disqualifying

factors or ineligibility conditions except grade, skill level, and

insufficient TAFMS (Refer to paragraph 2.4).


2 First Term, non-prior service, female Airmen who enlisted into the Air

Force and it was later discovered they were pregnant before their

enlistment, and were immediately discharged.

3 First term Airman "involuntarily separated" (entry-level) for inability to

satisfactorily progress in a required training program without

characterization of service; or a first-term Airman "involuntarily

separated" for failure to progress in military training required to be

qualified for service with the Air Force or for performance of primary

duties. (See Note 4).

4 First Term, Second Term or Career Airman who was ineligible to

reenlist (Table 5.2, Table 5.3, or Table 5.4), the ineligibility condition no

longer exists, and the Airman requires SRP consideration or

reconsideration. (AF Form 418 is required.) (Do not separate Airmen

with this RE code).


5 FTA not yet considered under the SRP. Remove this code from MilPDS

when Airmen are selected or non-selected for reenlistment, or become

ineligible for reenlistment). (Do not separate Airmen with this RE



6 Second Term or Career Airman who refused to get PCS or TDY

assignment retainability, to include declining retainability for a

deployment. (See note 3).


7 Second Term or Career Airman who refused to get retainability for

training, retraining, or Professional Military Education (PME) or who

declined to attend training, retraining, or PME.


8 FTA selected under SRP, no CJR available and removed from the CJR

waiting list. 3I

9 Reserved for use by AFPC or the AFBCMR when no other reenlistment

eligibility code applies or is appropriate. 3K

10 Separated with Special Separation Benefit (SSB). 3S

11 Separated with Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI). 3V


1. Unless specifically authorized by paragraph 6.5, or Table 6.1, Airmen serving in these RE

codes cannot extend their enlistments.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 49

2. Airman who does not possess RE codes 1#, 2R, 2S, 2T, 2U, 3C, 3I, or 4D cannot extend

under rules 12, 13, and 14.

3. AFI 36-3802, Personnel Readiness Operations contains procedures for declining

retainability for AEF deployments. This does not include indeterminate TDYs as prescribed in

AFI 36-2110.

4. Only applies to initial technical trainees. Airmen separated under this provision are not

updated to a RE code of 2C.

Table 5.4. Conditions Barring Immediate Reenlistment (RE-4 Series).


An applicant is ineligible to reenlist in the Air Force and, unless

specifically authorized by paragraph 6.5. or Table 6.1., is not

authorized to extend enlistment under any of the following





entry in



1 Separated for hardship or dependency reasons (see note 1). 4A

2 Separated for concealment of juvenile records, minority, failure to meet

physical standards for enlistment, failure to attain a 9.0 reading grade

level as measured by the Air Force Reading Abilities Test (AFRAT), or

void enlistments.


3 Grade is SrA/E-4, completed at least 7 years TAFMS, but fewer than 16

years TAFMS and has not been selected for promotion to SSgt/E-5; or

Grade is SSgt/E-5, completed at least 14 years TAFMS, but fewer than

16 years TAFMS and has not been selected for promotion to TSgt/E-6.


4 4 year enlistee and grade is A1C (with less than 12 months TIG) or

below and Airmen completed 31 or more months, if a FTA; or 6 year

Enlistee and grade is below SrA and has completed 55 or more months,

if a FTA; or second Term/career Airmen and grade is A1C or below and

has less than 16 years of TAFMS. (See notes 2, 3, and 4).


5 Five or more days lost time during current enlistment. (Airmen with 5

or more calendar days lost time are not eligible to reenlist unless they

receive an approved waiver according to Table 5.5. (See notes 2 and 3).


6 No AFSC skill level commensurate with grade (see notes 3 and 5). 4G

7 Serving suspended punishment pursuant to Article 15, UCMJ. (See note

3). 4H

8 Serving on the Control Roster (See note 3). 4I

9 Received poor fitness assessment and the commander determined the

individual is ineligible. 4J

10 Airman is pending evaluation by MEB/PEB. (Refer to paragraph

5.18.2). 4K

11 Separated commissioning program eliminee OTS, AECP and so on. 4L

12 Air Force breach of enlistment/reenlistment agreement. 4M

50 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011


An applicant is ineligible to reenlist in the Air Force and, unless

specifically authorized by paragraph 6.5. or Table 6.1., is not

authorized to extend enlistment under any of the following





entry in



13 Convicted by civil authorities. (Airman remains ineligible for length of

the maximum allowable MCM confinement for the same or most

closely related offense). (See note 2).



1. This code does not apply to Airmen separated for the sole reason of pregnancy. Refer to

paragraph 2.9.

2. Refer to paragraph 6.5 to determine if the Airman is eligible to extend.

3. Refer to Chapter 6 to determine if the Airman is eligible to request an extension of


4. Update this code on FTA (4-year enlistee) who has completed 31 months on current

enlistment, is serving in the grade of A1C and has less than 12 months TIG (refer to

paragraphs 5.1. and 5.21.) and no other higher priority ineligibility factor exists. Update

this code on FTA (6-year enlistee) who has completed 55 months on current enlistment and

does not hold the grade of SrA.

5. Update this code on FTA upon completing 31 months (4-year enlistee) or 55 months (6-

year enlistee) on current enlistment who does not possess a skill level commensurate with

grade in an awarded AFSC (CAFSC, 2AFSC, 3AFSC or 4AFSC). FTA must possess an

AFSC at the 3-skill level. Second Term and Career Airmen serving in the grade of SrA or

SSgt must possess an AFSC at the 5-skill level (3-skill level when no 5-skill level exists).

Second Term and Career Airmen serving in the grade of TSgt or MSgt must possess an

AFSC at the 7-skill level. Second Term and Career Airmen serving in the grade of SMSgt

or CMSgt must possess an AFSC with at least a 9-skill level. Airmen serving in Reporting

Identifiers (except 9A000, 9A100, 9A200, 9A300, 9JXXX, or 9TXXX) or Special Duty

Identifiers are considered to possess an AFSC skill level commensurate with grade.

6. Airmen who do not possess RE codes 1#, 2R, 2S, 2T, 2U, 3C, 3I, or 4D cannot extend

under Table 6.1, Rules 12, 13, and 14.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 51

Table 5.5. Conditions Requiring a Waiver to Reenlist or Extend.


If the Airman is ineligible to reenlist or

extend due to:

the Airman may request a waiver

from the commander (except for

rule 4) to reenlist or extend

provided the Airman is otherwise

eligible and is:

1 five or more days lost during current

enlistment (Table 5.4, item 5);

not using this waiver provision for the

purpose of separation (see notes 1, 2,

and 3, and refer to paragraph 5.21

(See note 4).

2 pending MEB/PEB Airmen in SRB AFSCs may request

waiver through their commander.

AF/A1 is final approval. Airmen may

initiate the request 6 months prior to

DOS (See note 5).

Airmen in non-SRB AFSCs may

request waiver through their

commander. FSS/CC is final

approval. Airmen may initiate the

request 6 months prior to DOS (See

note 6).

3 receiving a PCS assignment that requires

the Airman to reenlist immediately

following completion of technical school


FTA who is unable to extend to

qualify for the assignment. (The

Chief, MPS at the technical training

location is the approval authority for

this waiver. See note 2).

4 civil court conviction (Table 5.4, item 13); a first term, second term, or career

Airman (see notes 1, 2, and 3, and

refer to paragraph 5.21).


1. Update RE code 1A in MilPDS before executing the extension or reenlistment. RE code

1A is only applicable to FTA who previously had an approved CJR and the CJR was later

suspended. FTA who did not receive an approved CJR during their CJR window are

ineligible to request a CJR while holding RE code 1A and; therefore, cannot reenlist.

Remove RE code 1A from MilPDS immediately following update of the extension or

immediately following the Airman’s reenlistment (refer to paragraph 4.20.) and update to a

more applicable RE code.

2. Airman must meet all other eligibility requirements for reenlistment or an extension of


3. The commander may waive two or more ineligibility conditions at the same time, but

must waive all conditions. The commander may not grant a waiver to any Airman who

possesses another ineligibility condition for which there is no waiver provision.

52 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

4. An Airman who has lost time or has been in confinement is not eligible to extend until

their lost time has been computed and corrected.

5. To qualify, the Airman must be currently performing in the SRB skills (C/DAFSC), must

not be assigned in a patient status (9P000), medical condition must be stable as determined

by medical authorities and otherwise be eligible to reenlist. The Airman/commander will

submit the following documents to the MPS:

a. Commander recommendation: Certifying the Airman is performing duties within the

AFSC and specify any duties the Airman is unable to perform (if applicable).

b. Primary Care Memorandum (PCM): PCMs assess the Airman’s capabilities and

limitations with respect to performing core task within his/her AFSC, state whether the

Airman’s condition is stable and prognosis for continued improvement.

c. Provide Business Case Analysis: Describe how the Airman’s utilization within the AFSC

fills valid Unit Manning Document (UMD) requirement and benefits the overall community.

d. Waiver processing procedures: The MPS will review the case file for completeness and

return all incomplete requests to the unit. Complete case files will be forwarded to

AFPC/DPSOAE via current processing procedures. AFPC will review for completeness and

forwards to AF/A1PF. AF/A1PF will obtain Functional Manager (FM) and Career Field

Manager (CFM) recommendation and obtain AF/A1 review and final determination.

AF/A1PF notifies appropriate parties of the final decision. The MPS will advise the unit

commander on the final decision. If approved to reenlist through the waiver process, the RE

code 4K will be temporarily removed to allow update of the reenlistment, but the MPS will

re-update the Re code to 4K once the reenlistment consummates. (Note: In all cases,

Airmen will retain the RE code 4K until medically cleared for duty).

6. To qualify, the Airman must be currently performing in the AFSC (C/DAFSC), must not

be assigned in a patient status (9P000), medical condition must be stable as determined by

medical authorities and otherwise be eligible to reenlist. The Airman/commander will

submit the following documents to the MPS:

a. Commander recommendation: Certifying the Airman is performing duties within the

AFSC and specify any duties the Airman is unable to perform (if applicable).

b. Primary Care Memorandum (PCM): PCMs assess the Airman’s capabilities and

limitations with respect to performing core task within his/her AFSC, state whether the

Airman’s condition is stable and prognosis for continued improvement.

c. Provide Business Case Analysis: Describe how the Airman’s utilization within the AFSC

fills valid Unit Manning Document (UMD) requirement and benefits the overall community.

d. Waiver processing procedures: The MPS will review the case file for completeness and

return all incomplete requests to the unit. Complete case files will be forwarded to the

FSS/CC for approval/disapproval. If approved to reenlist through the waiver process, the RE

code 4K will be temporarily removed to allow update of the reenlistment, but the MPS will

re-update the RE code to 4K once the reenlistment consummates. (Note: In all cases,

Airmen will retain the RE code 4K until medically cleared for duty).

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 53

Table 5.6. Terms of Reenlistment.

Rule The Airman is

eligible to reenlist

IAW para 5.1, this

table and is a (see

all notes below)

And has the

following remaining

obligated service

The authorized Term of

Reenlistment in whole years

is plus the remaining

obligated service months

1 First term/second

term and career

Airman. (See notes

1 - 6)

29 calendar days or


4, 5 or 6

30 days to 12 months 4 or 5

13 – 24 months 4

25 – 36 months 3

2 Second term and

career Airman

reenlisting to HYT

(See note 1, 2 and


48 months or less 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6

3 First term Airmen

reenlisting to HYT

month. (See notes 1,

2, 4 and 6)

2, 3 or 4


1. Airmen must meet conditions authorizing reenlistment in paragraph 5.1

and Table 5.1

2. Current obligated service will determine how many years Airman is

authorized to reenlist. Obligated service is added to the number of years

reenlisting and the combination must not exceed 6 years (72 months).

3. If an Airman has between 25 and 36 months of remaining obligated

service, they can reenlist for 3 years.

4. Current HYT rules apply.

5. Airmen with more than 36 months of obligated service are NOT

authorized to reenlist.

6. All Airmen reenlist IAW rules 1 - 3 above and may later extend as needed

to reach HYT month per Table 6.1, Rule 27 (separation) or Table 6.1, Rule 3

(retirement). Paragraph applies.

54 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Table 5.7. Conditions Authorizing Reenlistment.

Rule A B

If the Airman

is eligible to


according to

Table 5.1 and

is a

the Airman may reenlist (see notes 1, 2 and 3 )

1 First term,

4-year enlistee

after completing 36 consecutive months on the current enlistment if the

Airman has an approved CJR (refer to paragraph Prior

service Airmen are considered FTA when the prior active service is

less than 24 months.

2 First term,

6-year enlistee

after completing 60 consecutive months on the current enlistment if the

Airman has an approved CJR (refer to paragraph

3 Second term or

career Airman

to obtain retainability for promotion to MSgt, SMSgt, or CMSgt (upon

announcement of promotion increment number for the upcoming


4 to get required retainability for service schools.

5 to obtain required retainability for PCS, PCA or TDY assignment, to

include deployments.

6 to obtain required retainability for Post 9/11 GI Bill.

7 to obtain required retainability for completion of an extension to an

overseas tour, or provide 12 months service retainability after arrival of

command-sponsored family members at an overseas location.

8 within the 90-day period before ETS

9 within the 15-month period before an established (or requested) Date

Eligible to Return from Overseas (DEROS) if the Airman requires

additional retainability.

10 within the 15-month period before DOS if the Airman has elected (or

is maintaining) an indefinite DEROS.


1. The authorized and requested term of reenlistment (Table 5.6) must be sufficient to assume

any period of authorized obligated service owed as a result of prior extensions of enlistment.

2. Cash settlement for accrued leave is authorized any time an Airman reenlists not to exceed a

total of 60 days throughout the Airman’s career.

3. Current HYT rules apply per paragraph 5.17.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 55

Table 5.8. Disposition of Reenlistment/Extension Documents.

ITEM Form or Document Total


of Copies


1 DD Form 4,


Document – Armed

Forced of the United


3 Original--mail within 5 days to:


550 C Street West Ste 10

Randolph AFB TX 78150

Note: Remove all extraneous documents.

1st copy--Airman’s copy.

2nd copy--MPS copy. Review ARMS to

ensure a copy is available then destroy after 3


2 AF Form 901,

Reenlistment Eligibility

Annex to DD Form 4

3 Attach to the corresponding copies of the DD

Form 4 and follow the instructions outlined in

item 1, column D.

3 Correspondence

concerning waiver or

special authorization to


3 Attach to the corresponding copies of the new

DD Form 4, and follow the instructions

outlined in item 1, column D.

4 Statement authorizing

retention on active duty

for the purpose of medical


1 Destroy after the Airman reenlists.

5 AF Form 418, Selective

Reenlistment Program


3 Original--mail within 5 days to:


550 C Street West Ste 21

Randolph AFB TX 78151-4723

1st copy--commander’s copy.

2nd copy--Airman’s copy

6 Approved correspondence

authorizing Career Job

Reservation (CJR) per

para 3.1.2

2 Original--MPS copy. Destroy after the

Airman reenlist.

56 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

ITEM Form or Document Total


of Copies


7 AF Form 1089, Leave

Settlement Option

2 Original--Attach to the corresponding copies

of the DD Form 4 or AF Form 1411, if first

extension of enlistment and follow the

instructions outlined in item 1, column D.

1st copy--MPS copy. Destroy 3 months after

the Airman reenlists or enters into the first

extension of enlistment.

2nd copy--Airman’s copy.

8 AF Form 1411, Extension

or Cancellation of

Extensions of Enlistment

in the Regular Air

Force/Air Force

Reserve/Air National


3 Original--mail within 5 days to:


550 C Street West Ste 10

Randolph AFB TX 78150

1st copy--MPS copy. Review ARMS to

ensure a copy is available then destroy after 3


2nd copy--Airman’s copy

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 57

Chapter 6


6.1. Extension Approval Authority. AFPC/DPSOAE reserves authority to approve extensions

of enlistment under certain conditions specified in Table 6.1. Otherwise, base-level officials

resolve all requests for extensions and extension cancellation. (Note: Air Force Reserve [AFR]

and Air National Guard [ANG] personnel are not authorized to enlist, reenlist, or extend under

this AFI unless recalled to Extended Active Duty under 10 USC §12301 voluntary or involuntary

recall. Enlisted personnel who wish to apply under 10 USC §12301[d], voluntary recall, must

apply through AFPC/DPSOAA Enlisted Accessions. EAD orders will indicate recall authority.

Contact AFPC/DPSOAA for guidance and instructions or refer to AFI 36-2002).

6.1.1. The Chief, MPS or their designated representatives may approve or disapprove

extension or extension cancellation requests (AF Form 1411). Designated representatives

must be assigned to the MPS or GSU personnel functions, and possess the grade of TSgt,

GS-6, or higher. The MPS ensures the commander holding the position is on G-series orders

and documents their recommendation on the AF Form 1411, Section VI.

6.1.2. Personnel specified in paragraph 6.1.1 will review extensions executed for the sole

purpose of mobility or deployment exercises. (Note: Do not update extensions in MilPDS

produced for the sole purpose of an exercise).

6.1.3. If deployment occurs, MPS updates these extensions in MilPDS and distributes the

forms according to Table 5.8. If deployment does not occur, MPS destroys the AF Form

1411 at the end of the exercise.

6.2. Extension Limitations.

6.2.1. The MPS will limit extensions to the minimum number of months needed to achieve

the intended purpose. Airmen extend in whole month periods only. Only Airmen in SRB

AFSCs may extend for 36 or 48 months to qualify for an authorized SRB even though less

retainability is required. When enlistments or reenlistments begin on the first day of a

month, the extended DOS is always the last day of the month). (Example: If Airman’s date

of enlistment is 1 May, and the DOS is 30 April, then a 1-month extension would result in a

31 May DOS).

6.2.2. Voluntary extensions for all Airmen are limited to a maximum of 48 months per

enlistment. In the event AFSCs are constrained, Air Staff may limit FTA extensions to a

specified period. (Note: Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of valid extensions.

Involuntary extensions (for example, extensions for STOP LOSS and

administrative/disciplinary hold) do not count towards the maximum number of months an

Airman can extend). See paragraph 6.16.

6.2.3. Refer to paragraph 6.13 for information on HYT and age 55 extension restrictions.

6.2.4. The MPS will not authorize Airmen to cancel a previously approved extension for the

purpose of combining it with additional extensions, reenlist rather than extend, or to enhance

SRB entitlements.

58 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

6.3. Extensions for Lengthy-Service Airmen. Attachment 1 contains the definition of lengthy-

service Airmen. Refer to 10 USC §1176(a) for background information.

6.3.1. The extension approval authorities specified in paragraph 6.1 will not deny extensions

requested by lengthy-service Airmen if the extension period will not exceed 20 years, 1

month of TAFMS, and the Airman is otherwise eligible for the extension. This restriction

applies even if the requested DOS will not permit the Airman to complete 20 years TAFMS.

(Example: If a lengthy-service Airman will complete 18 years, 6 months on DOS, and

requests a 4-month extension to obtain a passing fitness score, approval authorities cannot

deny the extension request).

6.3.2. Commanders may not request extension cancellation if the affected Airman is a

lengthy-service Airman (refer to paragraph 6.12.1). The MPS will return request to

commander without taking further action.

6.4. Extensions for Service-Directed Requirements. Airmen may, if otherwise eligible,

reenlist according to Table 5.1, 5.6 and 5.7 or extend their enlistments according to Table 6.1 for

the minimum number of months required.

6.4.1. Eligible Airmen serving in SRB skills, who hold a 3-skill level or higher in the SRB

skill, may extend their enlistments in one increment for a minimum period of 36 months up

to, and including, a maximum period of 48 months. Airmen may use this provision only if

they are extending according to Table 6.1., Rules 12, 13, 14, 16 and 29 and have not already

extended for a total period of 12 or more months. Airmen may use this extension option

even if they require less retainability. Airmen qualify for an SRB entitlement on the day they sign the extension but

will not receive the SRB payment until the day they enter the extension provided they

remain qualified. The MPS will review the current SRB skills list to ensure Airmen are serving in

SRB skills (CAFSC and DAFSC) or when requesting extensions. The day the Airman

enters an extension will determine the SRB Zone. (Example: If an Airman extends

while serving in the Zone A window, but will be in the Zone B window on the day the

extension is entered, the Airman receives a Zone B bonus if eligible according to

paragraph 4.6. The day the Airman signs the extension determines the SRB multiple

level. Future changes to the SRB skills list do not affect SRB entitlements). (Note: The

MPS must accurately review the current SRB authorization listing and accurately

calculate the Airman TAFMS to determine the SRB zone the Airman will be in upon

entering the zone).

6.5. Extensions for Reenlistment-Ineligible Airmen. The MPS may approve extensions for

reenlistment-ineligible Airmen as indicated below. (Note: MPS will not permit Airmen to

extend while SRP reconsideration [RE code 3B] is pending). Commanders must conduct SRP

consideration within 30 days when the ineligibility condition no longer exists. See paragraph

6.5.1. Career Airmen ineligible to reenlist who hold RE codes 2R through 2U may request

extensions according to Table 6.1, Rules 3 or 4, provided they have not refused to obtain

service-directed retainability or cancelled an extension for the purpose of separation.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 59

6.5.2. FTA who have the RE code 3C who require additional retainability may request

extensions according to Table 6.1, if otherwise qualified. FTA do not need approved CJRs in

order to extend.

6.5.3. Reenlistment ineligible Airmen may only request extensions if ineligibility conditions

allows for an extension in Table 6.1. For example, Airmen may not extend to obtain

retainability for promotion under Rule 1, if RE code is 4J.

6.5.4. First term non-US citizens (RE code 2I) may request extensions to attain citizenship

according to Table 6.1, Rule 25, provided they have already applied for citizenship and are

within 120 days of their DOS. The requested extension period may not exceed their

projected swear-in date plus 30 days, or 6 months, whichever is sooner. The MPS may

authorize additional 6-month extensions as required (not to exceed 48 months total). If

citizenship is not granted prior to the end of Airman’s 48 cumulative extension months,

waivers will not be granted and the Airman will separate on their DOS.

6.5.5. Airmen who appeal SRP non-selection (RE code 2X) may request extensions of

enlistment according to Table 6.1, Rule 23, to await the outcome. When the appeal authority

is at the Wing or below, the MPS approves extensions in one-month increments until the

Airman’s appeal is finalized. When the appeal authority is the SECAF, the MPS approves

extensions in three-month increments until the Airman’s appeal is finalized. (Note: MPS

must contact AFPC/DPSOAE three months prior to ETS, if appeal is still being processed

and member has already extended 45 months on current enlistment).

6.5.6. Lengthy-service Airmen who are non-selected under the SRP may request extension

of enlistment in order to obtain minimum retirement eligibility (refer to paragraph 6.3 and

Table 6.1, Rule 4).

6.5.7. Constructive Reenlistment. See paragraph 5.2.4.

6.6. Extensions for Airman Medically Disqualified (Medical Hold). AFPC/DPAMM is the

sole approval authority for Assignment Limitation Code-C (ALC-C), Medical Hold and non

emergent elective surgery during an active duty service member’s final six months of service.

Medical Hold is a method of retaining a service member beyond an established retirement or

separation date for reason of disability processing, for conditions when presumption of fitness

does not apply. It is not used for the purpose of evaluating or treating chronic conditions,

performing diagnostic studies, elective treatment of medical defects, non-emergent elective

surgery or its subsequent convalescence. Extensions approved under this paragraph are subject

to age, HYT and the maximum length limitations/restrictions imposed by paragraphs 6.2 and

6.13. (Note: Commanders may not disapprove.)

6.6.1. The MPS will: Receive verification from AFPC/DPAMM outlining the number of months of

the approved medical hold extension. Process the extension IAW current Air Force procedures. See Table 6.1,

Rule 9. Airmen cannot be forced to remain in service beyond their ETS. They

must agree in writing to a medical hold and execute the AF Form 1411.

60 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Airmen extending under this rule may immediately reenlist once medically

cleared and obligated service (Medical Hold portion) is waived. Airmen who have not entered the extension may request cancellation. The

request must be within 30 days of the MEB/PEB return to duty adjudication. Airmen extending under this rule and later removed from medical hold or

who declines continued medical hold or MEB/PEB in writing will have their DOS

established by AFPC/DPSOS.

6.6.2. Airmen in RE code 4K may voluntarily extend their enlistment under Table 6.1 Rule 1

of this AFI when additional retainability is required for promotion. (Note: In all cases,

Airmen will retain the RE code 4K until medically cleared for duty). Limit extension period

to a maximum of 24 months. Airmen extending under this rule may immediately reenlist once medically

cleared and obligated service is waived. Airmen who have not entered the extension may request cancellation. The

request must be within 30 days of the PCM determination to return to duty.

6.6.3. Limit pregnancy extensions (Airman or spouse) to the minimum number of months

required to establish a DOS of delivery date plus one month. See Table 6.1, Rule 10.

6.7. Extensions for National Call to Service (NCS) Airmen. The Bob Stump National

Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 amended Chapter 31 of 10 USC which

provides the Department of Defense with a short-term enlistment program designed to promote

and facilitate military enlistment in support of national service. This amendment authorizes a

menu of incentives for a 15-month enlistment term to begin upon completion of Basic Military

Training (BMT) and Technical Training School (TTS) followed with additional service on active

duty, in the Reserve Components, or in a national service program. See AFI 36-2002 for

additional guidance.

6.7.1. A NCS Airman who chooses to remain on active duty will be extended for one 24-

month period under Table 6.1, Rule 28 (Rule 28 will be approved by AFPC/DPSOAE). NCS

Airmen are the only Airmen who are authorized to extend for 24 months. NCS Airmen may

request extension no earlier than 6 months prior to DOS and no later than 4 months prior to

DOS. (Note: MilPDS will reject any system update outside the established time frame listed

above. If the NCS is beyond the 4 months prior to DOS, an exception to policy will be

completed by the NCS Airman and signed/approved by the commander to request the 24

month extension. Forward the approval letter and AF Form 1411 to AFPC/DPSOAA,

Enlisted Accessions for update).

6.7.2. NCS Airmen who reach the first day of the 35th month of service, and if otherwise

eligible, will be automatically considered for a Career Job Reservation (CJR).

6.7.3. NCS Airmen will not be authorized additional extensions beyond the initial 24 month

extension. A NCS Airman who does not receive a CJR or is ineligible to reenlist will

separate on their DOS. NCS Airmen who receive a CJR and selected for reenlistment may

execute a 4 or 6-year reenlistment upon receipt of an approved CJR.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 61

6.8. Extension Reasons. Table 6.1 lists the approval conditions for voluntary extensions of

enlistment. MPS will not approve extensions requested for the purpose of:

6.8.1. Personal convenience or monetary advantage, except as specified under Table 6.1,

Rule 28.

6.8.2. Increasing bonus entitlement (not applicable to paragraph 6.4.1).

6.8.3. Providing additional time to make a career decision or deferring separation to coincide

with civilian plans.

6.8.4. Applying for a CJR or requesting retraining.

6.9. Leave Settlement. Airmen may sell leave only upon entry into the first voluntary

extension of their current enlistment

6.9.1. Leave is sold once Airman enters the extension, not upon the date of signature on the

AF Form 1411. If the Airman enters the extension in a different FY from when they signed

the form, ensure the Airman understands leave may be lost. Airmen cannot sell leave if they

have already sold 60 days in their career or are entering a second or subsequent extension of

enlistment. The Airman’s base pay on ETS determines the payment. Airmen eligible to sell

leave complete AF Form 1089. Airmen may change their leave settlement elections at any

time prior to the 10 day calendar period of the effective date of entry into the extension of

enlistment. The MPS ensures Airmen document changes on a new AF Form 1089. The MPS

will refer to AFCSM 36-699, Volume 1, Chapter 3, for DJMS-AC update instructions.

6.10. How to Complete and Process Extension of Enlistment Requests: The MPS uses AF

Form 1411 to document all extension and extension cancellation requests.

6.10.1. The MPS completes the AF Form 1411 and verifies RE codes by MilPDS inquiry

before initiating AF Form 1411 and enters the RE codes in Section I. The MPS ensures the

requests comply with all general limitations and requirements.

6.10.2. The commander makes recommendations by completing AF Form 1411, Section VI,

enters disapproval rationale in the remarks section or on a separate sheet and sends the form

and any attachments to the MPS.

6.10.3. The MPS personnel identified in paragraph 6.1 will take the following actions: The commander recommends approval of the extension by completing Section

VI. Refer to paragraph 6.3 for restrictions concerning lengthy-service Airmen. The

extension is approved/disapproved once the extension action has been updated in

MilPDS. Update approved extensions in MilPDS (refer to AFCSM 36-699,

Volume 1, Chapter 3), verify DFAS file (take appropriate action if needed), and

comply with the disposition instructions in Table 5.8 and refer to 36-13 and 36-14 for

disposition instructions. When the commander recommends disapproval, send request to the Chief,

MPS for decision. Chief, MPS may disapprove the request, or recommend approval then

sends request to the FSS commander for resolution. (Note: Chief, MPS will approve

request for lengthy service Airmen as required by paragraph 6.3).

62 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 Refer to paragraph 6.15 for disapproved extension requests and comply with

the disposition instructions in Table 5.8 and

af61a/afrims/afrims/Table 36-13 and 36-14 for disposition instructions.

6.10.4. When extension requests require AFPC/DPSOAE consideration: The Airman will: Prepare memorandum requesting extension. Forward request to their commander who considers the request and

recommends approval or disapproval. If the commander disapproves request, the

commander will notify Airman of decision not to support the extension. If the

commander recommends approval, the Airman will forward request to MPS. The MPS will: Obtain Chief, MPS recommendation and forwards package to

AFPC/DPSOAE according to current guidance for review and final

approval/disapproval. The MPS will create case files consisting of the memorandum, a current

AAD005 SURF and any additional supporting documentation. (Note: Do not

initiate/complete an AF Form 1411). Upon receipt of AFPC/DPSOAE approval, initiate/complete AF

Form 1411 and attach a copy (or reference) the correspondence to each copy of

AF Form 1411, update approved extensions in MilPDS (refer to AFCSM 36-699,

Volume 1, Chapter 3), verify DFAS files (take appropriate action if needed) and

comply with the disposition instructions in Table 5.8 and Upon receipt of AFPC/DPSOAE disapproval, the MPS advises the

Airman of disapproval and closes the case. AFPC/DPSOAE will: Ensure package is complete and return incomplete packages. Provide the MPS approval/disapproval notification.

6.11. Erroneous Extension Documents. This paragraph applies to the AF Form 1411. There

are two types of erroneous extension documents. The first consists of contractual errors that

exceed the restrictions and limitations in this publication. Only AFPC/DPSOAE can authorize

correction of contractual errors. The second is administrative, involving typographical errors,

strikeovers, misspellings, erroneous retainability computation, etc.

6.11.1. Contractual Errors. The MPS processes a case file to AFPC/DPSOAE according to

the following guidance. The Airman will: Complete and sign a memorandum. The memorandum from the Airman

must include their SSAN and will outline the facts of the situation as well as their


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 63 Route the memorandum through their commander for signature. Take the signed memorandum to the MPS for further action.

6.11.2. The MPS will: Review the memorandum and ensure it contains all required data. The MPS Career Development Section will then have the memorandum

indorsed by the Chief, MPS. Once the memorandum is completed, the MPS Career Development Section

will forward the memorandum, reenlistment contract, and current AAD005 SURF, to

AFPC/DPSOAE for approval/disapproval.

6.11.3. AFPC/DPSOAE will: Resolve each case in the Air Force's best interest and declare the contract valid

or erroneous and without effect. MPS will be notified via current processing procedures of the

approval/disapproval. The Airman may petition the AFBCMR if they do not agree with the final


6.11.4. Administrative Errors. The MPS may correct administrative errors on the AF

Form1411 if the Airman and Air Force agree. The MPS will process case files according to

paragraph 6.11.1 when there is disagreement. If the Airman and Air Force agree, MPS

makes corrections on all copies of the AF Form 1411 before distribution, or the ARMS copy

after distribution. The Airman and MPS representatives must initial each correction. When

correcting the ARMS copy of the AF Form 1411, type ―Corrected Copy‖ in the upper margin

of the AF Form 1411, make a photo copy of the corrected AF Form 1411 and comply with

the disposition instructions in Table 5.8 and


6.11.5. Correcting administrative errors on contracts returned for correction: The MPS

retrieves the ARMS copy and makes appropriate corrections to the form. The Airman and MPS representative must initial each correction. Type

―CORRECTED COPY‖ in the upper margin of the corrected pages, make a photocopy of

the corrected forms and comply with the disposition instructions in Table 5.8 Do not make corrections to the form stamped ―DO NOT CORRECT THIS

COPY‖ unless there is no ARMS copy and the Airman does not have a copy. In those situations, correct the copy stamped ―DO NOT CORRECT THIS

COPY‖ and type ―Only Available Copy‖ in the upper margin of the corrected pages;

make a photo copy of the corrected forms and comply with the disposition instructions in

Table 5.8. Do not reaccomplish the AF Form 1411 unless there is no ARMS copy and the

Airman does not have a copy.

64 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 If contract must be reaccomplished, type ―Reconstructed Copy‖ in the

upper margin of the new contract. All dates for signatures must be actual date signed.

Make a photo copy of the corrected forms and comply with the disposition

instructions in Table 5.8. (Note: Commanders may not refuse to re-accomplish these


6.11.6. The MPS sends the corrected/reconstructed copy IAW Table 5.8, corrects MilPDS,

verifies DFAS files and takes appropriate action if needed, and DJMS-AC as appropriate.

6.12. Extension Cancellation.

6.12.1. Extensions may not be cancelled if, at a minimum, any of the following apply. Other

reasons may preclude cancellation of an extension and will be processed according to

paragraph 6.11.1. (Note: RE code 4K Airmen later cleared may cancel if not entered or

reenlist immediately with obligated service waived, if entered). The Airman has entered the extension. The Airman extended under Table 6.1, Rule 28 (Exception: If Airman

extended as a nominee for the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year). The Airman extended for elective surgery. The duration of the obligation is changed by the Air Force (Example: Airman

extended for a four year controlled tour and after arrival, the controlled tour is changed to

a three year tour). The Airman extended for an assignment (to include to accept retraining or a

special duty) and departed for that (or any other) location. This does not preclude early separation if Airman applies for voluntary

separation or is involuntarily discharged.

6.12.2. The commander may request extension cancellation if a reenlistment ineligibility

condition in Table 5.2 and/or Table 5.4 causes cancellation of the reasons for which Airman

extended. (Note: Commanders cannot request extension cancellation if the affected Airman

is a lengthy-service Airman (refer to paragraph 6.3), the extension reasons were fulfilled or

still exist, or the Airman extended according to Table 6.1, Rules 17 through 24). The commander notifies the Airman, in writing, of their intent to request

extension cancellation, and advises the Airman they may submit a statement on their own

behalf within 3 workdays of acknowledgment. The commander completes AF Form

1411, Section VIII, attaches their intent letter and the Airman’s statement then sends the

documents to the Chief, MPS for approval or disapproval. (Note: Document extension

cancellation on the ARMS copy of the original extension). If the Chief, MPS approves the extension cancellation, complete AF Form

1411, Section IX: The MPS attaches any supporting documentation to the ARMS copy of

AF Form 1411, deletes the extensions from MilPDS, verifies DFAS files (take

appropriate action if needed) and disposes of the forms according to Table 5.8. MPS

then sends the Airman copies of the AF Form 1411 and the initial notification letter to

the commander.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 65 The commander ensures Airman indorses the initial notification letter,

acknowledging receipt of the decision and that an appeal may be submitted in

accordance with paragraph 6.15. The commander will ensure the Airman documents

appeal intent before returning the letter to the MPS for processing according to

paragraph 6.15. The Chief, MPS disapproves extension cancellation request by completing AF

Form 1411, Section VII, and enters their rationale in the remarks section: The MPS sends the Airman’s copy of the AF Form 1411 and the initial

notification letter to the commander and suspense’s the remaining copies of the forms

pending receipt of the Airman’s acknowledgment. The commander ensures the Airman indorses the initial notification letter,

acknowledging receipt of the decision, and returns the letter to the MPS. The MPS attaches the letter to the ARMS copy of AF Form 1411 and

disposes of the forms according to Table 5.8.

6.12.3. Airmen may request extension cancellation to immediately reenlist due to unique and

unusual circ*mstances or when other reasons for cancellation were not used or are

inappropriate and when fulfilling the extension would result in an injustice. The Airman may

request extension cancellation under this provision only when the extension has not been

executed. Extension cancellation and reenlistment must occur on the same day. (Note:

Non-receipt of an SRB is not an injustice). (Note: Document extension cancellation on the

ARMS copy of the original extension). The MPS assists the Airman in completing AF Form 1411, Section VIII and

suspense’s the form pending final action. Refer to paragraph 6.10 for general processing

instructions. Chief, MPS may disapprove the request, but AFPC/DPSOAE is the

approval authority. The MPS completes AF Form 1411, Section IX to document approval or

disapproval, attaches copies of the correspondence to each copy of the AF Form 1411,

and disposes of the form according to Table 5.8. MPS deletes extension from MilPDS as


6.12.4. The Airman may request cancellation of extensions initiated according to Table 6.1,

Rules 12 through 16, if the reason for the extension was cancelled, or no longer exist. Airmen

must request cancellation no later than 30 calendar days following notification that the

original reason for the extension was cancelled or no longer exist. The Air Force will

consider failure to cancel the extensions within this time period as willingness on the part of

the Airman to serve out the extension. (Example: An Airman extended to qualify for a

CONUS PCS assignment, but was notified of assignment cancellation before entry into the

extension. The Airman must submit the cancellation request within 30 calendar days of

assignment cancellation notification). (Note: Request for extension cancellation after the 30

calendar day period will be denied by the MPS and will not be forwarded to AFPC/DPSOAE

for consideration; however, the Airman may petition the AFBCMR for relief).

66 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 The MPS enters the authority for cancellation and a brief explanation in the

remarks section of the AF Form 1411 as follows: "Assignment cancelled per

AFPC/DPAAD email, dated 15 Jun 09."

6.12.5. When an existing extension (not yet entered) is subject to cancellation according to

paragraphs 6.12.2 or 6.12.3 and is to be replaced by an extension of a shorter duration, MPS

administratively corrects the contract according to paragraph 6.11.4.

6.12.6. CAREERS/NCORP retrainess may request cancellation IAW paragraph 5.3 of this


6.13. High Year of Tenure (HYT) and Age 55 Restrictions. The restrictions outlined in

paragraph 5.17 also apply to extensions. Request for HYT adjustments/corrections will be sent

to AFPC/DPSOR or AFPC/DPSOS via current processing procedures. (Note: Under no

circ*mstances will any reenlistment or extension exceed the Airman’s HYT, unless otherwise


6.13.1. Airmen may extend to establish a DOS at their HYT or age 55, provided they are

otherwise eligible and are within 2 years of their HYT date or age 55 (Table 6.1, Rules 3 and


6.13.2. TSgts who wish to serve 6 months time-in-grade before HYT retirement may qualify

for extensions according to Table 6.1, Rule 1.

6.13.3. Second term and career Airmen demoted to the grade of A1C or below who need

additional time for separation processing may qualify for extensions according to Table 6.1.,

Rule 26, if otherwise eligible.

6.13.4. Airmen must get an approved waiver in order to extend enlistment beyond the month

following the 55th birthday month. (Exception: Airmen do not need a waiver if extending

enlistment to retire with 20 years TAFMS [refer to Table 6.1, Rule 4]). For HYT waivers for CMSgts (and Chief selects), refer to the Chief’s

Handbook for instructions and requirements. (DELETED) (DELETED) (DELETED) For HYT waivers for SMSgts and below contact, AFPC/DPSOR or

AFPC/DPSOS for instructions and additional information/processing instructions and


6.13.5. First Term Airmen extending under paragraph 6.4 may extend their enlistments

beyond their HYT if authorized to receive a Zone A SRB and their new DOS won’t exceed

the last day of the month during which they will complete 10 years TAFMS. See paragraph

4.5 for additional eligibility criteria.

6.13.6. Airmen in the grade of TSgt extending under paragraph 6.4 may extend their

enlistments beyond their HYT if authorized to receive a Zone E SRB and their new DOS

won’t exceed the last day of the month during which they will complete 22 years TAFMS.

See paragraph 4.8 for additional eligibility criteria.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 67

6.13.7. Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) – For Airmen authorized a CSRB, the HYT

reduction policy is waived for TSgts and MSgts who accept the CSRB, up to 25 years of

service only. The HYT will be adjusted to 25 years after the CSRB contract is processed.

6.14. Extension Counseling Requirements. Airmen must initial the applicable statements on

the AF Form 1411, Sections VIII and IX. Counselors must be assigned to the MPS or GSU

personnel function and possess the grade of A1C, GS-4, or higher. Counselors explain each

applicable item to the Airman and complete Section X.

6.15. Extension Appeal Processing. This paragraph applies to extensions of enlistment (except

extension approved/disapproved by AFPC/DPSOAE [Table 6.1, Rule 28]) which are

disapproved or cancelled according to paragraph 6.12. FTA appeal to their respective group

commanders. (Exception: These Airmen appeal to their wing commander if the group

commander made the extension non-selection recommendation). Second Term and Career

Airman who will complete fewer than 16 years TAFMS on their current enlistment appeal to

their respective wing commander. (Exception: These Airman appeal to their parent Major

Command [MAJCOM], Direct Reporting Unit [DRU] or Field Operating Agency [FOA]

Director of Personnel [A1] if the wing commander made the extension non-selection

recommendation). Career Airman who will complete at least 16 years, but fewer than 20 years

TAFMS on their current enlistment appeal to the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF). Career

Airman who will complete 20 or more years TAFMS on their current enlistment, appeal to their

respective group commander. Also see paragraph 6.3 for lengthy service airmen. (Exception:

These Airman appeal to their wing commander when their group commander made the

extension non-selection recommendation).

6.15.1. The Airman will sign a statement acknowledging receipt of the disapproval or

cancellation recommendation within 1 workday following receipt of the AF Form 1411.

Airmen also acknowledge that a written appeal may be submitted to the MPS within 5

workdays of the acknowledgment date.

6.15.2. When an Airman does not elect to appeal, the MPS attaches the acknowledgment

statement to the ARMS copy of AF Form 1411 and forwards to ARMS for filing. When the

Airman elects to appeal, the MPS places the acknowledgment statement into suspense,

pending receipt of the appeal. If the Airman does not submit an appeal within the proper

time frame, the MPS annotates the acknowledgment statement and attaches it to the ARMS

copy of AF Form 1411.

6.15.3. When Airmen submit a written appeal: The MPS sends the appeal and a photocopy of all pertinent documentation (AF

Form 1411, attachments, etc.) to the base legal office for review. MPS includes the legal

advisory in the case file then sends the case file to the group commander within 5

workdays. Legal advisories are not considered new information; and commander

recommendations are not considered new information, unless the commander adds new

documentation/information. (Note: Give Airmen 3 workdays to rebut any new

information added to the case file after the appeal is submitted). When group commander is the appeal authority, he/she will approve or

disapprove the appeal and return it to the MPS. If approved, reference paragraph 6.15.4.

If disapproved, reference paragraph 6.15.5.

68 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 When the SECAF is the appeal authority, the case must process through both

the group and wing commander. The group commander may approve the appeal or

recommend disapproval and return it to the MPS. If the group commander approves, see

paragraph 6.15.4. If the group commander disapproves the appeal, package is sent to the

wing commander. If the wing commander approves appeal, see paragraph 6.15.4. If the wing

commander disapproves the appeal, the wing commander returns package to the MPS.

The MPS makes a copy for their records and mails the original package to

AFPC/DPSOAE for processing to the SECAF. If the wing commander denied the extension request, the appeal authority is

their parent Major Command (MAJCOM), Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) or Field

Operating Agency (FOA) Director of Personnel (A1).

6.15.4. When the appeal is approved a new AF Form 1411 will be completed for the

minimum number of months required to achieve its purpose. The MPS officials will

complete Sections V and VII as appropriate, cite the approval correspondence in the remarks

section, and attach the correspondence to all copies of the new AF Form 1411 and forward

the case file to ARMS for filing.

6.15.5. When the appeal is disapproved, MPS ensures the Airman acknowledges receipt of

the disapproval. The MPS attaches the statement and disapproval correspondence to the

ARMS copy of the AF Form 1411. (Note: MPS gives the Airman a copy of the

documentation upon request). Ensure a copy of the case file is sent to ARMS for filing in the

Airman’s electronic records.

6.16. Involuntary Extensions. These include Air Force initiated extensions that do not

consider the member’s desire and may be executed due to STOP LOSS and/or

administrative/legal holds for investigation and disciplinary reasons (this does not include

Medical Hold extensions unless the member is incapacitated and unable to submit a voluntary

statement). Involuntary extensions do not count as obligated service on the next reenlistment

and do not count towards the maximum number of months authorized as outlined in paragraph

6.2.2. Do not include these extensions in section II, number 6 on the AF Form 1411. The MPS

or equivalent will annotate these extensions in the remarks section on the next voluntary

extension completed.

6.16.1. Extension executed for STOP LOSS will be annotated ―STOP LOSS‖ in the remarks

section of the AF Form 1411.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 69

Table 6.1. Reasons for Extensions of Enlistment.






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in




1 Obtain

retainability for

promotion to the

grade of MSgt,

SMSgt, or CMSgt


sequence number

has been released

for the upcoming


the Airman requires retainability

to assume the new grade. This

rule also applies to Airmen

selected for promotion, but who

don’t have an announced

promotion effective date. These

Airmen may not establish a DOS

beyond the last day of the

promotion cycle. TSgt’s may

also use this rule to serve six

months’ time-in-grade before

retirement at HYT. Airmen may

extend under this rule if they are

ineligible to reenlist because of

HYT or age 55.


2 Receive



the Airman was demoted to the

grade of SrA or SSgt and

effective date of rank does not

afford the Airman one additional

promotion opportunity. Also see AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs. (Extension may not exceed the last day of the fourth month following the selection announcement month of the first promotion cycle for which the Airman is eligible. Airmen may not extend if they refused to obtain service-directed retainability or declined PME).


70 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in




3 Retire the first

day of the month

following HYT

date, adjusted


date, or age 55

the Airman is within two years of

HYT date or age 55. (Airmen

must establish a DOS of at least

the last day of their HYT month.

Airmen may not extend under this

rule if they refused to obtain

service-directed retainability or

declined PME).


4 Retire not later

than the first day

of the month


completion of 20

years TAFMS

(for reasons other

than HYT)

the Airman is ineligible to reenlist

due to age 55; or the Airman was

non-selected under the SRP. This

rule applies to Airmen who are

within two years of attaining

minimum retirement eligibility.

Airmen may not extend if they

refused to obtain service-directed

retainability or if they declined



5 the Airman elected retirement

instead of PCS, training, or

retraining and has completed at

least 19 years TAFMS, but fewer

than 20 years TAFMS, on

notification date. Extension may

not exceed a total of 12 months


6 and the Airman is ineligible to

reenlist and rules 4 and 5 do not

apply. (This rule applies to

Airmen who are within two years

of attaining minimum retirement

eligibility. Airmen may not

extend if they refused to obtain

service-directed retainability or

declined PME). (Exception: See

AFI 36-2301, Developmental



AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 71






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in



7 retire in lieu of a

PCS assignment

or PME

the Airman elects retirement on

or before the first day of the

seventh month following

assignment notification. (Do not

use this rule for Airmen assigned

overseas or serving on maximum

CONUS stabilized tours).


8 Retire during a


extension period

the Airman has at least 19 years

TAFMS, is eligible to apply for

retirement, and the requested

extension period does not exceed

a total of 12 months. (Do not use

this rule for Airmen who possess

a reenlistment eligibility code in

the 2 (except 2V), 3, or 4 series,

or for Airmen notified of an

assignment, training, or retraining

but have not accepted or refused

the assignment, training, or

retraining. This rule also does not

apply to disability retirements).



9 Remain on active

duty pending

completion of


medical hold (RE

code 4K). Also

see Table 5.5

the Airman has memorandum

from AFPC/DPAMM which

outlines the recommended

extension length. Limit

extensions to a period outlined in

the memorandum, not to exceed a

24-month period.

(Note: Commanders

may not disapprove.) 7

72 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in



10 To permit


medical care due

to pregnancy

(Airman or


the Airman will not complete 20

years TAFMS on current

enlistment. Reenlistment

ineligible Airmen may execute

extensions under this rule.

For pregnancy extensions, limit

extension period to delivery date

plus 1 month. (Note: Airman

who have applied for or have

been approved for pregnancy

separation are ineligible to



the final disapproval



AGE 55

11 Remain on active

duty beyond age


the Airman has not refused to

obtain service-directed

retainability or cancelled an

extension for the purpose of

separation (Refer to para 6.13)

and is approved for retention

beyond age 55.



12 Obtain

retainability for a


overseas PCS,


assignment; or to

qualify for an

SRB in

conjunction with

an assignment

according to

paragraph 4.11

the Airman requires retainability.

Limit extensions submitted

according to paragraph 6.4 to the

minimum number of months

required for the Airman to

establish a DOS within 90 days of

projected departure date.

Establish a DOS for TDYs for

return date plus 60 days. (If

Airman has sold leave, any

remaining leave that cannot sell

will be added to the 60 days).

I (see


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 73






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in



13 Obtain

retainability for


sponsorship at an

overseas location

the Airman requires retainability. J



14 Obtain

retainability for

an overseas tour

extension or to




the Airman requires retainability.

Airmen must extend in minimum

increments of 3 or more months

in order to maintain an indefinite

DEROS. See AFI 36-2110,

Assignments for indefinite

DEROS requirements.





15 Participate in the



program, AECP,





AF Reserve

Officer Training

Corps or to

qualify for PME

the Airman is a selectee and

requires retainability.


16 Obtain

retainability for

training or


retraining (On-

the-Job Training

(OJT) or formal


the Airman requires retainability.

(Includes Airmen in RI 9A000

and 9A100 in RE code 4G.

Also see paragraph


74 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in




17 Complete the

Control Roster


Limit extension to minimum

number of months to complete

observation period plus 30 days.


18 Attain a passing

fitness score

Airmen in the poor fitness

category may extend for the

minimum number of months

needed to meet standards (See

AFI 10-248, Fitness Program for

extension periods) or until the

commander removes the

reenlistment ineligibility. Limit

extensions to 4 or 7 months.


19 Complete



the commander has not yet

removed the reenlistment

ineligibility factor during

aftercare. (Limit extensions to

the minimum number of months

needed to complete aftercare. Do

not extend Airmen who have

failed the ADAPT Program).


20 Complete period

of probation and


See AFI 36-3208,


Separation of


the Airman requires an extension

of 12 months or less to complete

probation and rehabilitation.


21 Complete



pursuant to

Article 15, UCMJ

Limit extension to minimum

number of months to complete

the suspended punishment period

plus 30 days.


AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 75






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in



22 Complete an

investigation by

military or


authorities, or

await disposition

of civil court

charges, or await

the outcome of an


separation action

The Airman requested extension

to await the outcome. Limit to

minimum number of months as

authorized by the JAG.



23 Process an SRP


the Airman has submitted an

appeal or has rendered intent to

appeal. Limit extensions to one-

month increments when appeal

authority is at the wing level or

below. Limit extensions to three-

month increments when the

appeal authority is the SECAF.

Refer to paragraph 6.5.5).

(Note. Commanders

may not disapprove.) U

24 Process an

extension of

enlistment appeal

(cancellation or


the Airman has submitted an

appeal or has rendered intent to

appeal. (Limit extensions to one-

month increments. Refer to

paragraph 6.15). (Exception:

Initial extension for appeals

where the SECAF is the

approving authority may be

completed for three months

[additional extensions will be in

three-month increments]).


final disapproval



76 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in




25 Attain US


the Airman applied for

citizenship. (Extension may not

be for more than 6 month

increments or the projected

swear-in date plus one month,

whichever is sooner. Refer to

paragraph 6.5.4).



26 Process for




the Airman is a Second term or

career Airman serving in the

grade of A1C or below. (The

extension may not exceed the last

day of the fourth month following

the Airman’s new date of rank).



27 Separate in the

month during

which HYT


the Airman is a First term,

Second term or career Airman

serving in the grade of SrA or

SSgt and is within two years of

HYT date. (Airmen may not

extend under this rule if they

refused to obtain service-directed

retainability or declined PME).


BEST INTEREST OF THE AIR FORCE (cannot be cancelled for any reason unless

otherwise specified)

28 Obtain

retainability for

Tops in Blue

Airman has been selected for

Tops in Blue. Airman may

extend for the number of months

needed to complete the tour plus

1 month.


28a Obtain

retainability for


Airman qualifies under the NCS

program. Airman will be

extended for one 24-month


The group commander

is the final disapproval 8

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 77






If an Airman


an extension of

enlistment to

and the request may be

approved or

disapproved at MPS

level unless


indicated below

and the



entry in



28b Obtain

retainability for

12 Outstanding

Airman of the


Airman is nominated for 12

Outstanding Airman of the Year.

(Note: Extension may be

cancelled if Airman is not



28c Obtain

retainability for

any reason



First Term Airmen with approved

CJRs and selected for

reenlistment may request a one-

time extension under this rule (for

any reason) if it is their first

extension. Extensions must be

for 12 months (waivers to the

number of months will not be

considered). This rule may be

suspended when CJR constrained

AFSCs exist.



29 Qualify for

transfer of

benefits under

the Post-9/11

GI Bill

The Airman has served at least 6

years TAFMS and has eligible

dependents in DEERS.



Airmen are ineligible to extend under rules 12, 13, and 14 unless they possess RE codes 1#, 2R,

2S, 2T, 2U, 3C, 3I, or 4D and are otherwise eligible.

78 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Chapter 7


7.1. Background: The Enlisted Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) is an Office of the

Secretary of Defense (OSD)-driven requirement.

7.2. Program Overview: This is a financial incentive paid to Airmen who reenlist or agree to

continue serving on active duty for at least one additional year in a military skill designated as

critical by the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

PDUSD(P&R). The intent of the bonus is to provide a financial incentive to influence retention

decisions of Service Airmen in designated CSRB-AFSCs taking into consideration current or

projected manning shortages, skill imbalances, and high training costs or high replacement costs,

in cases where less costly methods are inadequate or impractical. The CSRB program set forth in

this Chapter is subject to authorization under 37 USC Section 355 and DoDI 1304.29, for such

bonuses. The combined CSRB and SRB received during a career shall not exceed $200,000

unless specifically authorized as an exception by the PDUSD(P&R).

7.3. Eligibility Criteria/Qualifications:

7.3.1. At a minimum, NCOs must possess the pay grade of TSgt (E-6) and above; and must

have completed at least 19 years of service in a CSRB-authorized skill.

7.3.2. Eligible Airmen are authorized to reenlist at any time during their current enlistment

and the remaining obligated service is waived. Airmen are allowed to project their

reenlistment 6 months in advance provided the reenlistment occurs on the actual day the

Airmen reaches 19 years of TAFMS. (Example: Airman has exactly 19 years of TAFMS

and has 24 months of obligated service remaining on their current enlistment. The 24 months

obligated service will be waived).

7.3.3. Contracts must be no less than 1 year and not more than 6 years.

7.3.4. Eligible Airmen are authorized to extend to receive this bonus, provided the Airman

has a service-directed reason to extend as shown in Table 6.1. (Note: Airmen will not

receive the bonus until they enter their extension).

7.3.5. Airmen will serve in the CSRB skill for the full period of the reenlistment or extension

contract agreement, and incur an Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) for that

reenlistment or extension contract. The ADSC will be based on the years reenlisting.

7.3.6. HYT policy for mandatory retirements may be waived for TSgts/MSgt(E-6/E-7) who

accept CSRB up to 25 years of service only. Once the Airman has completed the appropriate

contract, the MPS or equivalent will be required to email AFPC/DPSOAE requesting the

Airman’s HYT be adjusted to 25 years. AFPC/DPSOAE will coordinate with AFPC/DPSOR

for approval. Once HYT has been adjusted by AFPC, the MPS or equivalent can then

process the reenlistment/extension.

7.3.7. Airmen may withdraw their retirement to reenlist and accept this bonus provided PCS

funds were not expended.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 79

7.4. Required Documentation:

7.4.1. Reenlistment: The AF Form 901 documents the CSRB participation and entitlement.

(See Table 7.1).

7.4.2. Extension: The AF Form 1411 documents the CSRB participation and entitlement.

The MPS documents the remarks Section X by inserting ―Airman is authorized $___ (insert

specific dollar amount of bonus from Table 7.1) in conjunction with the Critical Skills

Retention Bonus Program.‖

7.4.3. The MPS will: Forward all requests (to include the required documentation) to AFPC/ADSC

OPS via current processing procedures. Follow contract disposition schedule as outlined

in Table 5.8 Select ―Critical Skills Ret Bonus (Enlisted)‖ for case type. Annotate in the remarks ―Member is authorized $_____ in conjunction with the

Enlisted CSRB Program.‖ The MPS will also state whether Airman requested lump sum

or installments. Indicate the ADSC end date. This date will equal DOE plus TOE years (months

are not added). Include current reenlistment date and whether the Airman was in a combat zone

during the month in which the reenlistment took place.

7.5. Recoupment: When conditions warrant, any unearned CSRB may be recouped,

terminated, or suspended, as applicable, applying rules in DoDFMR.

7.6. Active Duty Service Commitment: Once an Airman accepts the CSRB program,

AFPC/ADSC OPS will update ADSC 69. AFPC/ADSC OPS will forward to AFPC/DPSOAE

for verification and processing to DFAS. The only ADSC waiver for retirement that is

applicable is for ―hardship‖ as stated in AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements.

80 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Table 7.1. Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Contract Amounts.

The contract amounts below are payable at the Airman’s option in lump sum or in installments

(50% initial payment and equal annual installments on anniversary date):

Years of Service


6 5 4 3 2 1*

Total CSRB


$150,000 $75,000 $50,000 $30,000 $18,000 $8,000

*1-year contract option for Airmen at 24 years of service


DCS, Manpower, Personnel and Services

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 81

Attachment 1



Title 5, U.S.C., Section 552, Public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and


Title 10, U.S.C., Section 1176(a), 8251, Enlisted Airmen: Retention after completion of 18 or

more, but less than 20, years of service

Title 10, U.S.C., Section 1552 (a) (2), Correction of Military Records: Claims incident thereto

Title 10, U.S.C., Section 12301, Reserve Components Generally

Title 10, U.S.C., Section 8251, Definition: In this chapter, the term "enlistment" means original

enlistment or reenlistment.

Title 37, U.S.C., Section 308, Special Pay: Reenlistment Bonus, to provide special pay to Service

members for reenlisting or voluntarily extending their enlistment.

Title 37 U.S.C. Section 355, Special pay: Retention incentives for members qualified in critical

military skills or assigned to high priority units

Title 44, U.S.C., Section 3101, Records management by agency heads; general duties.

System of Records Notice F036 AFPC F, Request for Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)

System of Records Notice F036 AFPC G, Selective Reenlistment Consideration

AFPD 36-26, Total Force Development, 27 September 2011

AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008

AFI 31-501, Personnel Security Program Management, 27 January 2005

AFI 33-364, Records Disposition Procedures & Responsibilities, 22 December 2006

AFI 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions, 7 April 1999

AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), 14 June 2010

AFI 36-2110, Assignments, 22 September 2009

AFI 36-2301, Developmental Education, 16 July 2010

AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs, 31 Dec 2009

AFI 36-2624, The Career Assistance Advisor, First Term Airmen Center and Enlisted

Professional Enhancement Programs, 15 October 2009

AFI 36-2626, Airman Retraining Program, 1 July 1999

AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program, 1 July 2010

AFI 36-3203, Service Retirements, 8 September 2006

AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, 9 July 2004

AFI 36-3802, Personnel Readiness Operations, 23 February 2009

82 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Air Force Records Information Management System

DoDI 1304.29, Administration of Enlisted Bonuses, Accession Bonuses for New Officers in

Critical Skills, Selective Retention Bonuses for Active Members, 15 December 2004

DoDD 1304.21, Policy on Enlistment Bonuses, Accession Bonuses for New Officers in Critical

Skills, Selective Reenlistment Bonuses, and Critical Skills Retention Bonuses for Active

Members, 31 January 2005

DoD Financial Management Regulation (DoDFMR) Volume 7A, Military Pay Policy and

Procedures – Active Duty and Reserve Pay, Chapter 2, Repayment of Unearned Portion of

Bonuses and Other Benefits, 1 September 2010

DODI 1304.02, Accession Processing Data Collection Forms, 9 September 2011

DODI 11332.41, Boards for Correction of Military Records (BCMRs) and Discharge Review

Boards (DRBs)

DODI 1332.14, Enlisted Administrative Separations, Incorporating Change 3, 30 September


Executive Order 9397 and 13478 (SSN)

Prescribed Forms

AF Form 418, Selective Reenlistment Program Consideration

AF Form 901, Reenlistment Eligibility Annex to DD Form 4

AF Form 1089, Leave Settlement Option

AF Form 1411, Extension or Cancellation of Extensions of Enlistment in the Regular Air

Force/Air Force Reserve/Air National Guard

Adopted Forms

AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication

AF Form 1137, Unfavorable Information File Summary

DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United States

DD Form 256AF, Honorable Discharge Certificate

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADAPT—Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program

ADSC—Active Duty Service Commitment

ADT—Active Duty for Training

AECP—Airman Education and Commissioning Program

AFBCMR—Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records

AFPC—Air Force Personnel Center

AFRAT—Air Force Reading Abilities Test

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 83

AFRIMS RDS—AF Records Information Management System Records Disposition Schedule

AFSC—Air Force Specialty Code

ALC—Assignment Limitation Code

ALS—Airman Leadership School

ARMS—Automated Records Management System

AWOL—Absent Without Leave

BMT—Basic Military Training

BOP—Base of Preference

BSRP—Break in Service Reenlistment Program

CAFSC—Control Air Force Specialty Code

CAREERS—Career Airman Reenlistment Reservation System

CDA—Control Duty Assignment

CFM—Career Field Manager

CJR—Career Job Reservation

CSRB—Critical Skills Retention Bonus

CONUS—Continental United States

DAFSC—Duty Air Force Specialty Code

DEROS—Date Eligible to Return from Overseas

DFAS—Defense Finance and Accounting Service

DJMS—AC—Defense Joint Military Pay System - Active Component (Formerly JUMPS)

DoD—Department of Defense

DoDD—Department of Defense Directive

DoDFMR—Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation

DoDI—Department of Defense Instruction

DOE—Date of Enlistment

DOS—Date of Separation

DOR—Date of Rank

DP—Director of Personnel

DRU—Direct Reporting Unit

EAD—Extended Active Duty

EPR—Enlisted Performance Report

ETS—Expiration Term of Service

84 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

FM—Financial Management

FEP—Full Enlistment Program

FOA—Field Operating Agency

FTA—First Term Airman

FY—Fiscal Year

GSU—Geographically Separated Unit

HOR—Home of Record

HYT—High Year of Tenure

IAW—In Accordance With

LPRP—Limited Period Recall Program

MAJCOM—Major Command

MCM—Manual for Courts Martial

MEB—Medical Evaluation Board

MilPDS—Military Personnel Data System

MMPA—Master Military Pay Account

MPS—Military Personnel Section

NARS—Non-Affiliated Reserve Section

NCO—Noncommissioned Officer

NCORP—Noncommissioned Officer Retraining Program

NCS—National Call to Service


OPR—Office of Primary Responsibility

ORS—Obligated Reserve Section

OSD—Office of the Secretary of Defense

OTS—Officer Training School

P&R—Probation and Rehabilitation

PCA—Permanent Change of Assignment

PCM—Primary Care Manager

PCS—Permanent Change of Station

PEB—Physical Evaluation Board

PME—Professional Military Education

POR—Place of Reenlistment

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 85

PDUSD(P&R)—Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

RDS—Records Disposition Schedule

RE—Reenlistment Eligibility

RegAF—Regular Air Force

RIP—Report on Individual Personnel

RNLTD—Report Not Later Than Date

ROTC—Reserve Officer Training Corps

SECAF—Secretary of the Air Force

SDN—Separation Designation Number

SEI—Special Experience Identifier

SRB—Selective Reenlistment Bonus

SRP—Selective Reenlistment Program

SSB—Special Separation Benefit

SSAN—Social Security Number

TAFMS—Total Active Federal Military Service

TAFMSD—Total Active Federal Military Service Date

TDRL—Temporary Disability Retired List

TDY—Temporary Duty

TIG—Time in Grade

TTS—Technical Training School

TOE—Term of Enlistment

TRAC—Transaction Reporting and Control

UCMJ—Uniform Code of Military Justice

UIF—Unfavorable Information File

UMD—Unit Manning Document

UOTHC—Under Other than Honorable Conditions

USC—United States Code

VREAD—Voluntary Retired Extended Active Duty

VSI—Voluntary Separation Incentive


Accelerated Installment Payment—A method of paying a Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)

installment payment before it is due.

86 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Active Duty (AD)—Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. This

includes Airmen of the Reserve Components serving on active duty or full-time training duty,

but does not include full-time National Guard duty.

Active Duty for Training (ADT)—A tour of active duty used for training Airmen of the

Reserve Components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed

Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security

requires. The Airman is under orders that provide for return to non-active status upon completion

of the period of active duty for training. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty

for training, school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by non-prior service


Break in Service Reenlistment Program (BSRP)—The BSRP supplements the Career Airmen

Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS) program by giving eligible former Regular Air

Force (RegAF) First Term Airmen (with a break in active duty greater than 24 hours) a chance to

reenter the Air Force within a specified period of time following their discharge or separation

Career Airmen—Airmen serving on a third or subsequent term of enlistment, other than ADT,

in any component of military service.

Career Airman Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS)—A system designed to

manage the reenlistment of First Term Airmen (FTA), by skill, to preclude surpluses as well as


Career Job Reservation (CJR)—A reenlistment quota.

Commander—A commander at the squadron level or below, including section commanders on

G-Series orders.

Constrained Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) List—An Air Staff list with AFSCs in which

the number of eligible CJR applicants exceed the number of reenlistments required to sustain the

Air Force in that AFSC.

Date of Enlistment (DOE)—Actual reenlistment date; date entering extension (this changes on

Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) only, it does not change on MilPDS)

Date of Separation (DOS)—The last day Airmen are obligated to serve in the Air Force

including the current enlistment, plus approved extensions. DOS is changed upon reenlistment,

extension, or cancellation or if a Airman has lost time.

Detachment Chief—An NCO assigned as Detachment Chief may select or non-select Airmen under

the SRP, has the authority to recommend approval or disapproval of reenlistment and enlistment

extension or cancellation. This includes the Commandants of the NCO Academies and Senior NCO

Academy, and the Vice Commandant, College of Enlisted Professional Military Education.

Enlistment—Voluntary entry into the RegAF in an enlisted status from: (1) a civilian source,

including individuals with prior active military service in another branch of the armed forces,

and having a period of more than 93 days since last separation from active duty; (2) reserve

status on EAD; (3) officer status after release from AD.

Expiration Term of Service (ETS)—Date individual’s enlistment, reenlistment, or extension of

enlistment expires.

AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011 87

Extended Active Duty (EAD)—A tour of AD, (normally for more than 90 days) performed by

an Airman of the Air Reserve components (ARC). Active duty for training and active duty in a

service academy or Armed Forces preparatory school are not creditable as EAD.

Extension of Enlistment—A change to an enlistment document that increases total obligated

active service.

Field Operating Agency (FOA)—One of the subdivisions of the Air Force directly subordinate

to USAF. Its mission does not fit into the mission of any major command. A FOA has the

procedural responsibilities of a major command.

First Term Airmen (FTA)—Individuals who are on their: (1) first enlistment (including

Airmen who have extended their enlistments for 23 months or less), or; (2) first EAD tour, or;

(3) first enlistment with prior active service of less than 24 months.

High Year of Tenure (HYT) Date—The maximum date an Airman may remain on active duty,

based on grade and years of service, as determined by the Secretary of the Air Force.

Immediate Reenlistment—Voluntary reentry into the RegAF in an enlisted status within 24

hours after separation from a RegAF enlistment.

Installment Payment—A second or subsequent payment of the SRB made on the reenlistment

anniversary date.

Lengthy—Service Airman—A reenlistment-ineligible Airman with a DOS that will permit

completion of at least 16 years TAFMS, but less than 20 years TAFMS, and the Airman did not

refuse to get service-directed retainability

Major Command (MAJCOM)—A major subdivision of the Air Force assigned a major part of

the Air Force Mission. Major commands report directly to Headquarters United States Air Force


Obligated Service (Additional)—Obligated service is that time in excess of 29 calendar days

from the discharge date (day prior to Date of Enlistment - DOE) to the Date of Separation (DOS)

- any partial month of 29 calendar days or less will not be considered in the total obligated

service as outlined in DODFMR Volume 7A.

National Call to Service (NCS) Airman—Airman authorized to enlist in RegAF for a period of

15 months beginning date arrived station.

NCO Detachment Chief—An NCO assigned as Detachment Chief may select or non-select

Airmen under the SRP, has the authority to recommend approval or disapproval of reenlistment

and enlistment extension or cancellation. This includes the Commandants of the NCO

Academies and Senior NCO Academy, and the Vice Commandant, College of Enlisted

Professional Military Education.

Reenlistment—Voluntary entry into the RegAF in an enlisted status within 24 hours from a

RegAF enlistment.

88 AFI36-2606 9 MAY 2011

Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) Status Code— These codes determine whether or not one may

reenlist or enlist in a military service at a later time and are contained on military discharge

documents. In general Airmen in:

-Code 1 in first position means eligible for immediate reenlistment.

-Code 2 in first position means ineligible for immediate reenlistment.

-Code 3 in first position means ineligible for immediate reenlistment.

-Code 4 in first position means ineligible for immediate reenlistment.

Second Term Airmen—

(1) Airmen who are serving on their Second Term of enlistment or EAD tour or a combination

thereof (includes Airmen serving on their first enlistment in the USAF having 24 or more months

prior active federal military service);

(2) Airmen with one prior service term of enlistment totaling 24 or more months with other

military departments;

(3) Former United States Air Force Reserve (USAFR) or Air National Guard (ANG) Airmen

who enlist into the RegAF during a period of EAD;

Selected Airmen—Airmen qualified and considered under SRP and selected for reenlistment by

their commander.

Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)—The primary Air Force monetary incentive to attain the

number of reenlistments necessary to support the Career Airmen force in designated specialties.

Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP)—A program designed to permit the reenlistment of

qualified and needed Airmen in the RegAF, who have shown they have the capability and

dedication to adapt to future mission requirements.

Senior Host Commander—Senior commander or the deputy on the base or installation, having

a Military Personnel Section (MPS) under their jurisdiction. The wing commander or deputy

would normally be the senior host commander.

Substantial Evidence—Such relevant evidence as a reasonable person might accept as adequate

to support a conclusion.

Transaction Reporting and Control (TRAC)—A system to project Airman’s gain and loss

actions in the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS).

Unit—In this directive, a unit is an organization; for example, operating location, geographically

separated units (GSU), detachment, etc., unless otherwise indicated.

Administrative Changes to AFI36-2606, Reenlistment … · Administrative Changes to AFI36-2606, Reenlistment In The United States Air Force, 9 MAY 2011 ... and the Selective Reenlistment - [PDF Document] (2024)


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