The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)

Page Six TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Wednesday, December 27, 1944 EDEN FALLS OFF UNDEFEATED LIST Red Grange Would Like to Be Different but Fears Bookies Have Bowl Games Dead Right By RED GRANGE The Original Man-in-Motion Written for NEA Service PASADENA, Dec. 27 Southern California is a 1-to-4 or 20-point favorite over Tennessee in the Rose bowl on Year's day. Duke is given a two-touchdown margin over Alabama in the New Orleans Sugar bowl. Georgia Tech is Judged a touchdown stronger than their rematch in the Miami Orange, bowl. Oklahoma A.

and M. is considered 20 points better than Texas Christian in the Dallas Cotton bowl. As much as I would like to be different, I fear the books have the correct slant. They usually do, as a lot of people were convinced when they refused to string along with them and myself, after I warned what would happen to Navy in the Army game. I can't help but remind you that I called the big one right on the dot.

As for the most worth while of all New Year's the EastWest Shrine hospital game at Kezar stadium, San Francisco -I like the East. For the very good reason that in this third war year little Andy Kerr, George Hauser and Bernie Bierman have the pick of more and superior athletes, led by the versatile and resourceful Les Horvath of Ohio State. Callanan is Replaced It has been said and written that Tennessee is being led to slaughter, and that's the case from where I sit, as Southern California bids for its eighth straight victory in the Tournament of Roses without its star of a year ago, George Callanan, out with a bad knee. Tailback Callanan's loss hurts, but by no means wrecks. Bob Morris is a speedy and capable replacement.

The Trojans have. in Capt. Jim Hardy one of the more skillful passers and quarterbacks and Draft to Hit College Stars WASHINGTON, Dec. 37 (AP) College athletics as well as professional sports will be hit by Jimmy Byrnes' crackdown on 4-F athletes. College stars in this classification will be reviewed by selective service right along with professional This came today from the office of the war mobilization director, who has asked selective to check the physical qualifications of professional athletes in view of the manpower shortage.

College athletics were not mentioned in Byrnes' letter to Selective Service Director Hershey, but the White House explained yesterday that "it applies to everybody." Asked specifically if that college athletes who are 4-F, Byrnes' office said that it does. Almost every college in the country still participating in war-time sports will feel the effect. Football in particular is vulnerable. Teams playing in bowl games New Year's day are spearheaded by athletes who have been rejected for service. In many instances, a 4-F plays alongside a service trainee.

But another phase of Byrnes' double-barreled action in which he cracked down on all horse and dog racing, will not be applied to college sports. In calling on race tracks to close up, Byrnes pointed out that urgently needed transportation facilities were being used at the tracks. There is no intention this time. of extending this transportation restriction to big college football games, Byrnes' office said. This apparently leaves the bowl games free to be played without further government limitations, and games next fall may not be affected.

Duck Season Ends Jan. 1 BOISE, Dec. 27-Season for shooting ducks and geese throughout Idaho ends Jan. 1, 1945. Birds may be shot on New Year's day.

That is the final date. The season is 10 days longer than it has been for several years, and in most parts of Idaho has been successful from the hunter's standpoint. Ducks and geese may be kept in possession 45 days after Jan. 1. The possession limit is 20 ducks in the aggregate of all kinds, plus 10 or in the aggregate of mallard, pintail, or widgeon.

The possession limit can include not more than one wood duck. Four Canadian geese may be possessed. No Upland Bird Limit There is no time limit on possession of upland birds or game animals legally taken. Violations of migratory bird laws have been more numerous this winter. Night shooting has caused difficulties in, several areas.

Eighteen hunters were recently fined for such offenses in a recent patrol near Pocatello. Officers also report the shooting of an unusually high number of swans. Bodies of at least eight have been found. Several arrests have been made for possession of swan. There is no open season on swan or any white goose.

Trapping to End Trapping of several kinds of fur comes to an end in some districts Dec. 31. They include: Mink and raccoon in district three (Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley and Washington counties): Raccoon and mink in district four (Camas, Gooding, Twin Falls, Cassia, Jerome, Blaine, Lincoln, Butte, Minidoka, Lemhi, and Custer counties). Trapping began Nov. 1.

Cold weather had arrived in most of the state by early December so fur has been in fairly good condition. SPORTS 29 Points for Jack Hepworth ALBION, Dec. 27 With Jack Hepworth, fast dribbling and sharpshooting guard, dumping in 29 points, Coach Clark Bell's Albion quintet knocked Coach Charlie Hawley's Eden team from the undefeated list last night. The score was 56 to 43, the largest combined total of the season. The defeat of Eden leaves Burley and Jerome in the A division Glenns Ferry and Declo in the group with unblemished records among the 37 schools playing basketball in the Magic Valley.

25 Point Average Hepworth's 29 points gave him 122 for the season, an average of slightly less than 25 per game. Last night he got 11 field goals and seven out of 10 free throws. Stephens, the Eden center, was right on his heels. He rang up 10 field goals and two free throws for 22 poins. The Eden star might have surpassed Hepworth's total but missed 10 free throws.

The game was rough with 30 fouls called on Albion and 15 on Eden. Eden Takes Early Lead Eden took a 14-9 lead at the end of the first quarter, but Albion jumped into the lead soon after the opening of the second period and remained there. Bell's players were in front 29-24 at the half and 43-36 after three periods. In a preliminary game. the Albion Rambling Wrecks gained their second straight triumph in outlaw competition, downing Malta, 43-25, after leading by five points at the half.

The tabulated score: VARSITY GAME Albion fg ft Eden ft Grey, 5 Vineyard, Mahoney, 0 0 4 Grant, Tremyne 5 4 Stephens, 10 Hepworth, 11 7 4 McLeod, Bennett, 2 Schwab, Harris 1 Steinmetz Asher 0 Clark Smith 0 Seifers Tremayne 0 0 Martin Totals 25 10 Totals 17 9 15 Free throws missed Albion (8), Grey 2, G. Tremayne, Hepworth 3, L. Tremayne 2: Eden (17), Vineyard 5, Stephens 10, McLeod 2. Referees- Reed and Mark Bolden. OUTLAW GAME Albion ft Amende, 4 2 0 F.

Bell, D. Bell, 4 Udy, Rowe, 2 Shaw, Carlson, 3 V. Smith, Bowlden, Smith, de L. 2 Thompson ca C. Bell 3 Olson Totals 18 7 16 Totals 14 7 Basketball SCORES MAGIC VALLEY Albion 56, Eden 43.

COLLEGE Kentucky 50, Wyoming 46. Stout Field 58, Fort Benjamin Harrison 30. Puerto Rico 40, Canisius 37. BAGS 115th COUGAR BOISE, Dec. 27 -Pat Reed, 31, is gunning for the title of Idaho's ged his 115th predator last mightiest cougar hunter.

Reed basal near Trinity mountain in the Boise national forest. Coach Terms Acequia Cage Tour Successful Southern Tennessee California- Tulsa TechGeorgia every advantage, including navy and marine trainees and tradition, easily could prevail by as many as five touchdowns. Duke tackled the best, acquitted itself creditably. The Blue Devils certainly were the finest losing club in the country, finishing like Whirlaway in the stretch. Eddie Cameron has stickout backs in Tom Davis and Gordon Carver and is strong in the middle.

As in the case of Army against the Dukes, Alabama will have to pass and run outside to get anywhere in particular. Like Tennessee, Alabama started from scratch following a year's layoff. Durl. has the Navy and margin, figures to prevail by touchdowns. Hurricanes Can't Take It Tulsa pours it on, but can't take it.

While the Golden Hurricanes have no Glenn Dobbs or Clyde Leforce in their back field this trip, not once have they failed to score enough to win two or three games. On the two occasions when they bumped into class, however, Oklahoma A. and M. and Iowa pre-flight rolled up 46 and 47 points, respectively, on successive week-ends. Georgia Tech has a perfect record in four bowl ventures.

Tulsa dropped two of three. The Engineers East and West Drill Twice Daily for Game SAN FRANCISCO, football squads time neared for for the benefit of Eastern coaches Hauser put together Dec. 27 (AP) Eastern and western resumed two-a-day workouts yesterday as the annual charity contest New Year's day the crippled children's hospital. Andy Kerr, Bernie Bierman and George two fields that make any college mentor smile in his sleep. The combinations lined up this way: Team A- Quarterback, Frank Dancewicz, Notre Dame; left half, Les Horvath, Ohio State; right half, Bob Kelly, Notre Dame; fullback, Dick Flannagan, Ohio State; and Vic Kulbitski, Minnesota, (alternating.) Team B- Quarterback, John Cannady, Indiana; left half, Earl Girard, Wisconsin; right half, Bob Brugge, Ohio State; fullback, Jack Breslin, Michigan State.

The 'west's ball packing artillery also was wheeled out and Coaches Homer Norton and Orin Hollingsbery concentrated on passes with these backfields: Team A- Bob Waterfield, U. C. L. left half, Walter Heap, San Francisco coast guard; right half, Forrest Hall, March field; fullback, Bob Kennedy, March field. Team Quarterback, Dick Otelle, Washington; left Harold Fischer, Texas; right half, Joe Scott, Texas A.

and fullback, Laverne Merritt, Alameda coast TROJAN STOCK RISES PASADENA, Dec. 27 (AP) Southern California's Rose bowl stock rose with the return to action of Dave Lavelle, reserve left guard who has been out of practice with a leg injury. Also, Don Burnside and Bob Morris, starting halfbacks who have been limping lately, appeared in top form in yesterday's practice. Meanwhile, their opponents, the Tennessee Volunteers, temporarily lost their towering center, Russell Morrow, who had to have an abscessed tooth yanked. Ben Miller takes over the pivot position until Morrow returns.

Both squads had strenuous workouts with pass defense occupying much of the time. TEAMS GET RESPITE MONTGOMERY, Dec. 27 (AP) Crisp weather gave blue and gray football coaches a respite from wilting temperatures of the past week and speeded training preparations for Saturday's north-south game. Both squads concentrated on light running and passing plays. Southern coaches delegated most of the passing duties to Georgia's former Rose bowl star, Charlie Trippi, now with the third air force, and Y.

A. Tittle of Louisiana State, while the brunt of the blue aerial offensive fell to Bob ho*rnshmeyer, Indiana, and John Chuckran, Penn State. TULSA SQUAD ARRIVES MIAMI, Dec. 27 (P) Twentyone of the Tulsa football players who will tangle with Georgia Tech in the Orange bowl game stepped off a train into 70-degree weather and agreed unanimously that "it feels fine." The players were met by Vernell Bush, the Orange bowl queen, who hung leis of oranges around their necks. Then they got a ride to their hotel in a horse--drawn wagon as a gasoline conservation measure.

Coaches Mike Milligan and Buddy "FRAM" FILTERS CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS Sold and Installed by BALLENGER VELTEX SERVICE Shoshone 9th Phone 619 ON THE SPORT FRONT By GEORGE Alabama Duke- and A. Texas Oklahoma Christian have met the sterner competition. They won in the Sugar bowl, 20-18, a year ago, and I them to repeat in another thriller. Texas Christian prevailed in what this year was a rather weak Southwest Conference by playing them close to the vest, but that will be difficult to do against the brilliant Bob Fenimore and his Oklahoma A. and M.

company. Everything, including comparative scores, points to considerable daylight between these teams. Don't celebrate too much the night before, enjoy the game even if it's only over the air, and have a Happy New Year! Cage Giants In Tourney OKLAHOMA CITY, Dec. 27 (AP) Oklahoma A. and Rice and kansas today reigned as favorites in the all-college basketball tournament opening today.

Teams arrived last night and several worked out at the Municipal auditorium. The afternoon session finds Rice meeting West Texas and Arkansas playing Denver. The night schedule pits Oklahoma, defending champion, against Texas Tech and the Oklahoma Aggies against Baylor. Oklahoma was seeded first in thea tourney but has lost two of its key players in Jim Robison, six feet, four inches, and Bill Miller, six feet, three inches. dropped out of school preparatory to entering the armed forces.

The Oklahoma Aggies, three-time winners of the tournament, are highly favored to be one of the finalists. The Cowboys have had a successful start this season, winning four out of five games. Bob Kurland, the Aggies' sevenfoot center, has been averaging 16.8 points per game to spearhead his team's offensive. FLORIDA TO COMPLY TALLAHASSEE, Dec. 27 -Gov.

Spessard L. Holland, Gov.elect Millard Caldwell and Sen. Claude Pepper said in a joint statement that Florida will comply with the federal racing ban but they doubted that it will yield the expected benefit to the war effort. READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS. LIBERAL CREDIT Vesse W.

Chase. BUY SELL TRADE Shoshone St. 2nd Ave. West Twin Falls Phone 553 50 CARS WANTED 1939 DE SOTO, 2 door, radio and heater. Good tires.

HIGHEST CASH PRICES 1937 DE SOTO, 4 door, radio and heater. Locally owned. 35 TO 41 MODELS 1936 FORD DeLuxe 2 door, tires and motor A-1. Locally owned. Several Others to Pick From Coach Finances Team's Trip to Sun Bowl Game MEXICO CITY, Dec.

27 (AP)The pen of Coach Bernard Hoban saved the Sun bowl game. When Manager Leopoldo Noriega of the University of Mexico football team presented a letter of credit from the Sun bowl committee, the bank reported it was not valid until after the New Year's day game. Hoban, who is coaching without pay, got out his pen and wrote a check for 18,000 pesos ($3,600) to finance the team's trip. Baseball Men Of Year Named ST. LOUIS, Dec.

27 (P) The Sporting News, national baseball weekly, said it has chosen as baseball's No. 1 men of the year William De Witt, general manager of the St. Louis Browns; Luke Sewell, the Browns' manager; Martin Marion, shortstop of the St. Louis Cardinals, and Wish Egan, Detroit, baseball scout. Leading the minor leagues were William G.

Mulligan, business manager of the Seattle Pacific coast Rainiers: Al Thomas, manager of the Baltimore International Orioles, and James (Rip) Collins, first baseman-manager of Albany in the Eastern league. Brothers will take the players out to the University of Miami in Coral Gables for the first workout. The Tulsans, who whipped the university, 48 to 2, Dec. 1, will use its athletic facilities. Head Coach Henry Frnka and 28 other players are due today.

CRIMSON DRILL TUSCALOOSA, Dec. 27 (AP) Checking in from their two-day holiday, Alabama's Crimsons were hustled through an hour-long offensive scrimmage and last night bags were packed for their initial trek toward New Orleans and its Sugar bowl. The left today by bus for Baton Rouge, where they will take over the LSU practice field until the eve of their Jan. 1 appearance in the bowl against Duke. LOCAL INTERSTATE MOVERS 1.C.C.

LICENSED TO OPERATE IN 5 WESTERN STATES FORD TRANSFER Write, Wire or Phone FULLY INSURED CARRIERS, 227 SKILLED ARE PACKING, MOST EFFICIENT STORAGE CAREFUL. AT MOVERS LOW MOVING COST. WHO We Connect With Van Service Anywhere in America ACEQUIA, Dec. 27 their three games, Coach Paul barnstorming tour last week put the team on edge for the campaign. "Roemer, our tall center, really Two Contests Set for Tonight In Magic Valley Undefeated Glenns Ferry will open its -game barnstorming tour of the Magic Valley tonight, meeting Miss Jean Parsons' Bulldogs at Kimberly.

Three other Magic Valley quints also will be engaged in games. Burley will open barnstorming tour at Rigby, while Oakley oppose the defending class champions, the Heyburn Panthers, on the latter's court. Bobcats Leave On Cage Tour BURLEY, 27 If Coach Rulon 'Budge and his Burley Bobcats return from their three-game tour of eastern Idaho still unbeaten, their championship stock is ed to become a case of odds-on favoritism. The Bobcats won all four of their pre-Christmas basketball campaigns by top-heavy scores. Included among their victims was Rexburg, ateam they will meet on Thursday night.

Ten players, Manager Richard Sprague, Clyde "Rip" Manning, one of the Bobcats No. 1 supporters, and Budge left at 10 a. m. today. This evening they will, meet Rigby, which is reported to have a strong quintet.

After playing at Rexburg, the Bobcats will oppose Sugar City Friday night. Budge doesn't believe the Bobcats will have everything their own way when they begin their Big Seven conference campaign after the Christmas holidays. He said there are a number of teams that will be stronger than they have shown in the pre-holiday campaign. The players making the trip will include the 10 that Budge has used in practically every game. They are Max Craner, Bill Toolson, Gerald Klink, Wesley Bel land Eddie Karlson, who have made up his starting five, and Carlos Powell, Cloyd Taylor, Dale Wyatt, Lyle Taylor and George Loveless, is second string quintet.

SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP SEATTLE, Dec. 27 (P) -The Pacific coast figure skating championship for 1945 will be held in the Seattle ice arena Feb. 14-17, Clarence Hislop, arena instructor, announced last night. Although the Indians lost two of McCloy believes that their was very successful in that it hard post-holiday basketball at the half. However, the Indians forged to the front, 27-25, in the third frame and at the end of the regulation time the score was 33-33.

Then Sackrell punched in the winning shot for American Falls. "I believe we would have won that one if the boys hadn't been too tired from the trip," McCloy stated. The tabulated score of the game at American Falls: Am. Falls fg ft plAcequia fe ft Sackrell, 4 Ferris, 1 Stroud, Shroeder, Cotterell, 1 1 Sullivan Sullivan Aguirre Hagar Stitts Jacoba Morgan Magg Grischka*wky Totals 14 7 12 9 11 Free throws missed- -American Falls (4), Wetzel 3, Shroeder: Acequia (6), Stroud, Roemer, L. Sullivan, G.

Sullivan 2. found himself on the tour," Coach McCloy stated. "Then, too, I discovered that in L. Sullivan I have one of the best checkers that I have ever coached. He's capable of holding down any player that I set him The Indians lost their opening game to Bancroft, 36-24, but came back the next night and swamped Georgetown, 55 to 21, with Roemer making 14 points, Ferrin 10 and G.

Sullivan 11. 5 Saturday night, the Indians fell before American Falls, 35-33, in overtime after Ferrin and Roemer missed setups in the afterpiece that would have won the game. American Falls led, 16-9, in the first quarter and was front, 19-15, at the half. However, the Indians Marine three What little hope that Ye Olde Sports Scrivener had that the Magic Valley would see some Pioneer league baseball this coming summer has gone glimmering now the war situation has seen to that. When the pudgy one left Pocatello after the November meeting of the Pioneer league moguls, there remained that one chance in 100 that the league would resume play next spring.

The war situation wasn't 80 terribly bad and there was a slight possibility that the nazis would crack, thereby releasing some manpower for baseball that could not otherwise be had. This ancient word puddler believes that even the baseball moguls who then turned their thumbs down on a resumption believed that they'd be called back some time in February and plans made for baseball. But there's no chance of that now. Even the most optimistic believes the end of the war is in the far distant future and that instead of manpower being released to baseball it will be continually subtracted. There is a possibility that this drain upon the athletic world will be such that the major leagues may find it necessary to suspend.

There has been a change of heart Washington. They are beginning to see, and rightly, that if a youngster can participate in rigorous athletic competition that, despite what the doctors say, he's able to bear. armsjust like your lad and mine. That's the mood that the nation has been put in by the reverses in Germany. It has come almost overnight.

You can feel it in the air. The war is the No. 1 business and there's no time for athletics that provide only amusem*nt. If athletics must be had, let them be turned into the war channel. Use them only to prepare youths in body mind for the business at hand, and that business is the war.

And that's that for now, except: Only six more days of duck shooting and the finale on all hunting for a number of months. KITTS, STEUBER TRANSFERRED OTTUMWA, Dec. 27 (P) Lieut. James R. (Jimmy) Kitts, coach of the Ottumwa naval air station football team, and Bob Steuber, former Missouri grid great, 1 have been transferred from the base to duty elsewhere, it was announced.

TED HUSING MARRIED MIAMI BEACH, Dec. 27 (AP) -Ted Husing, the radio sports announcer, brought his wife with him when he came to Florida to broadcast the Orange bowl football game New Year's day. For the first time, he announced that he was wed last April to Iris Lemerise, New York. A careful inspection of tears, rips and stains before laundering time will pay dividends in the long run. MATTRESS REBUILDING RENOVATING EVERTON MATTRESS CO.

328 Second Ave. S. Phone 51-W ED'S THE "THUMB SHIFT" GARAGE CAR CARE AVOID BY BETTER I put 3 If you want to be in the fortunate group, able to ride to work and to share the ride, do it by better car care, Let us help keep your car in proper trim MOTOR OIC UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY PEP 8S -Producers of High Quality Petroleum Products For More Than 40 Years GASOLINE IN Gasoline Powers the Attack Don't Waste A Drop MAKE THIS A WAR BOND CHRISTMAS. RADIATOR PARTS New Cores Thermostats Hose Clamps Zerone BENTON'S Glass and Radiator Shop 229 2nd East Phone: 483-W.

The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)


Who is the largest employer in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

biggest companies in Twin Falls, ID
  • Glanbia Foods Inc. ...
  • Cooper Norman. ...
  • KickBack Rewards Systems. Zippia Score 3.1. ...
  • Gem State Paper & Supply. Zippia Score 3.6. ...
  • Burks Tractor Co. Zippia Score 3.5. ...
  • Xavier Charter School. Zippia Score 3.7. ...
  • Twin Falls Canal. Zippia Score 3.1. ...
  • Twin Falls School District 411. Zippia Score 4.1.

What percentage of Twin Falls Idaho is Mormon? ›

Approximately 25 percent of Twin Falls County, and upwards of 60 to 70 percent in the eastern Magic Valley, is Latter-day Saint. There are four stakes in Twin Falls County, one in Jerome County, and one in Gooding County (which covers Camas County as well). Another stake serves Lincoln and Blaine County.

What is the average household income in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

The average household income in Twin Falls is $79,248 with a poverty rate of 12.1%. The median age in Twin Falls is 34 years: 33.8 years for males, and 34.1 years for females.

Is it expensive to live in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

Twin Falls's housing expenses are 14% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 13% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 1% higher than the national average. Twin Falls has grocery prices that are 2% lower than the national average.

Who is the richest person in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

Frank VanderSloot: Frank VanderSloot is the founder and CEO of Melaleuca, a wellness product manufacturer based in Idaho Falls. As of February 25, 2023, Forbes estimates his net worth to be $3.1 billion, making him the richest person in Idaho.

What is a living wage in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

Living Wage Calculation for Twin Falls County, Idaho
0 Children1 Child
Living Wage$20.04$35.42
Poverty Wage$7.24$12.41
Minimum Wage$7.25$7.25

What is the most Mormon town in Idaho? ›

Rexburg, Idaho, U.S.

What is the race population in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Twin Falls, ID are White (Non-Hispanic) (76.6%), White (Hispanic) (7.22%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (4.43%), Other (Hispanic) (3.93%), and Two+ (Hispanic) (3.63%). None of the households in Twin Falls, ID reported speaking a non-English language at home as their primary shared language.

How fast is Twin Falls Idaho growing? ›

Twin Falls, ID Projected population for 2025. 53,485

For year 2025, Twin Falls, ID population is expected to grow 7.4% from 2020.

What is the main industry in Twin Falls, Idaho? ›

Agribusiness is the primary foundation for Twin Falls Economic Development with a full range of food production, processing, science, and related support services.

What is the crime rate in Twin Falls, Idaho? ›

Twin Falls Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes243793
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.4814.60

Is Twin Falls Idaho a nice place to live? ›

Twin Falls has a very low cost of living, 9% lower than the national average. Twin Falls is located in a beautiful part of the country, with mountains, rivers, and lakes nearby. Twin Falls is a safe community with a low crime rate. Twin Falls is known for its friendly and welcoming people.

Where is the least expensive place to live in Idaho? ›

Pocatello, Idaho is not only the least expensive city in Idaho in which to live, it is one of the least expensive places in the U.S.

What are the best neighborhoods in Twin Falls, Idaho? ›

5 Safest Neighborhoods in Twin Falls ID
  • #5 North Twin Falls. The north side of Twin Falls, including neighborhoods surrounding Canyon Ridge High School. ...
  • #4 North West Twin Falls to Curry. The geography here is pretty large and includes both newer and more established neighborhoods. ...
  • #3 Cascade Park. ...
  • #2 Northeast Twin Falls.
Jun 12, 2024

How much are property taxes in Twin Falls Idaho? ›

Twin Falls County

The county's average effective tax rate is 1.09%, above the state average. The median home value in the county is $182,100, and the median real estate tax payment is $1,977 per year, which is a bit more expensive than the state median.

Who employs the most people in Idaho? ›

Detailed List Of The 100 Biggest Companies In Idaho
1Albertsons Companies325,000
3Micron Technology49,000
4AMI Semiconductor36,000
74 more rows
Mar 19, 2024

What is the main industry in Idaho Falls? ›

Idaho Falls serves as a regional hub for health care, travel and business in southeast Idaho. The community's economy was mostly agriculturally focused until the Atomic Energy Commission opened the National Reactor Testing Station in the nearby desert in 1949.

What is the most popular job in Idaho? ›

Truck driver is the most common job in most states, including here in Idaho, according to NPR's Planet Money team. “Driving a truck has been immune to two of the biggest trends affecting U.S. jobs: globalization and automation,” Planet Money's blog explains.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.