Pets in Space (Pets in Space, #1) (2024)

Am4u ❀ ~ AprilMarie4u ~ ❀

89 reviews253 followers

March 11, 2017

Pets in Space (Pets in Space, #1) (2)

Book type: Anthology
Main genre: Science Fiction Romance

To my crazy wonderful friends who asked me:

1) It's humans falling "in love" with their pets? No.
It is not that kind of book.

2) The pets are main characters? No.
The pets do play an important role in each story, but they are more like side characters. In a couple stories, readers are given a brief POV from the animal, which btw was super cute.

3) Is it pets falling in love with other pets? No.
The romance in the stories are between humanoid beings.

This is a fun, sweet, & cute anthology. Recommended for when your sweet tooth needs something to chomp on.

    500-plus-pages adult anthology


1,694 reviews267 followers

October 19, 2016

I received a free copy of this book and voluntary reviewed it

The concept of this box set caught my attention, the whole pets in space theme sounded perfect for me as I love pets and sci-fi book. I knew a few of the authors in this box set already and decided I had to read this one.

As this is an anthology with multiple stories, I'll share my thoughts on each of them and summarize my thoughts of the anthology as a whole at the end.

A Mate For Matrix: Cyborg Protection Unit By S.E. Smith
Overall I enjoyed this one. I liked the concept of the Cyborg Protection Unit and the cybernetic enhanced animals. I had a bit of trouble getting into the story at first with a time skip that didn't feel as smoothly and then a skip back and then forward again, but once that was over I got into the story. Overall it was a fun one and there's a scene later on where matrix things he is walking into an enemy trap that was quite fun to read.
One thing that bothered me a bit where these small things that felt a bit unrealistic. Like how the Janna is a vet assistant but when a dog/ wolf is bought to her office the first thing she thinks is that it's going to eat her, it just felt a bit weird a vet assistant would think that as she is supposed to understand animal behavior. There are a few more things like that with how she kept her kittens in a bag in a critical scene instead of a carrier and how Matrix was this strong epic warrior but a female easily distracted him. But despite those things I did found myself enjoying it and by the end I was curious and wanted to know more about this world. This story is a science fiction romance, a tad light on the sci-fi elements and heavy on the romance, but still enough sci-fi to give it a sci-fi feel. It made me curious about this world and I liked how the pets all played a role in this story.

Stray by Susan Grant
I really enjoyed this one! We get both the point of view of the two main characters and the dog, it was fun. I also liked how real this story felt and how much I could feel their love for each other even though their relationship wasn't always smooth. we got to see their first meeting a few precious memories in flashbacks and then their current adventure where Carlynn goes missing. It also showed the pain of a mental illness, in this case PTSD and how it can put a strain on relationships. I also liked how the world got brought alive I could nicely imagine how things looked like and on an alien planet they encounter alien creatures and they really seemed alien. It was a really nice story, the was well done, it was realistic and I could feel the emotions.

Spark Of Attraction by Cara Bristol
This was a fun story, it's pretty story focused. There is this ship who came to rescue some survivors of an alien planet after they got attacked. My main complaint is that there were lots of things I would've liked to see explore a bit more. Like the hostile aliens and what the people were doing on that planet, what being a cyborg meant the characters personalities and background and the romance. The romance happened quite fast and didn't quite feel their connection. I did like the robot dog, although half of the book he is turned off sadly, I would've like to see him in action a bit more. He did play an important part in the story though. There also are some twists, although I did manage to predict both of them after a few wrong guesses. The pace didn't feel rushed, but it didn't allow for much time to expand on topics and characters sadly and feel like it lacked a bit of depth due to that. I did like the way it was written and I would like to give another one of her stories a try.

Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott

This is one of my favorite stories so far in this box set! The set-up was great and you just feel the whole world around this has been thought out, even though we only get a little glimpse of the world in this story. And it only makes me more curious to finally read one of her full length novels. I own two of them by now, so I have to make sure to make time to read those soon. The pace of this one was great with enough personality and depth of the characters. I liked seeing how everything developed, both the plot and the romance. I also liked how much Owen cared for her and he was willing to sacrifice everything for her. There are hints of the darker side of the galaxy and I felt bad for what the female main character had to go through. I liked getting a glimpse at her powers and her beliefs. The pets in this one were great too. There was a cat and alien pet called Midori, which just seemed like the most adorable and awesome pet! There are some great scenes involving the pets.

The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones
I am sorry to say it, but this story was a miss for me. I have caught a bit of a cold, so maybe it's because my head didn't feel as awake as normal, but this story just felt confusing. Like I always missed one or two pieces to full grasp what was going on. Not a good feeling when you're reading a book. I didn't really managed to get invested in the story or the characters. It felt a bit rushed at times and with the main character her memory loss it was even harder to piece things together. I did like the bearded dragon pet. And the set-up does seem promising, but it just didn't work for me.

Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner

This one was okay, I did like it for the most part, but it didn't fully grab me. The beginning was a bit slow, but gradually I got more into it. I did like the pet in this one as it was quite original, but I would've liked getting to know it a bit more. There also was a bit of backstory and how what they were doing related to a bigger missions, but we never get to see the mission or anything. It felt more like watching an episode in the middle of a tv series and not fully knowing how they got there or what happens next and just enjoying the glimpse you do get.

Stardog by Laurie A. Green

This was another great story! It had a mysterious captain and ship, a controlling and oppressive force who controls the galaxy and a bit of rebellion. The plot follows the navigator and a vendor girl he meets to help with a viper infestation on board. The characters had enough depth to make me feel invested and I liked where this story went. In fact I just bought Inherited the Stars by this author after finishing this story as I want to know more of this universe. One small complaint was the ending, it felt just a bit off. With the two events that happened there it felt more sad than happy, I wasn't quite sure what Taro thought of what happened. But overall this was a great story and I liked the pet Katrina, she was adorable, and I was very curious about the captain and her story. Looking forward to read more by this author!

Space Ranger By Lea Kirk

This one didn't quite work for me, can't really put my finger on the why, but I just didn't really care about this story. I didn't really dislike it or anything, but it didn't quite capture my attention. The characters made a few not so smart decisions and maybe I read over something, but if not we only find out the hero is a blue skinned alien about halfway through the story. I also feel this story is part of a larger universe/ series, although I did like that we get to know enough to understand this story. The dog was adorable and I liked we got a prequel and epilogue from her point of view.

Escape Run by Carysa Locke
Really enjoyed this one. I already knew this author before Picking up this set and I have read the prequel and first book in her telepathic space pirates series, it was a great read to finish this box set with. It's set into her Telepathic Space Pirates world, but we get to see a character we haven't seen in the main books. It was interesting to get to see another piece of this world and meet new characters. There are also some new talents we hear about and the hunters always seemed pretty cool ad here we get a bit more about them. For those new to this world there is enough description to give you a feel of the world. The story was short and to the point, but it was enjoyable. I liked the characters and the fox pet. Things did get resolved pretty fast and easy, but I also appreciated things not getting dragged out and I did think it was resolved nicely. The epilogue was a nice touch.

To summarize: I really enjoyed this anthology with science fiction romance stories that all involve pets. There are some stories I enjoyed more and some I enjoyed less, but that's normal for a box set. Overall I think it had a good group of stories and some of these authors I definitely want to read more of. This set had a few authors I had read something by before and it was a good mix of some familiar and quite some new to me authors. I like how there is a picture of each pet or pets in one case before the start of the story. It was a nice touch and gave a nice visual image of what the pets looked like. This anthology is perfect for people who like stories with pets and/or science fiction books.

    books-that-i-own e-books-on-ipad got-a-copy-for-review-reviewed

E.G. Manetti

Author17 books155 followers

November 15, 2016

Like most anthologies, this is a mixed bag. Some really good, some okay, and a couple I couldn't get into.

Star Cruise Stowaway by Veronica Scott is my favorite of the series. The heroine is a alien of unknown origin with paranormal powers that are coveted by criminals and the authorities. The hero is a cargo master (regular guy, regular job) who refuses to give up the woman he loves. Totally fun. 5-stars 3-flames.

A Mate for Matrix by S.E. Smith - is blend of the alien warrior/cyborg tropes with a brilliant dog thrown in. 4-stars/3 flames

Stray by Susan Grant features a wounded hero, his dog, and his fiancé with some super great action of the 'deadly alien' variety. 4 stars/1 flame

Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol has a rescued woman and her cyber dog join forces with a cyborg starship captain to hunt down a serial killer aboard ship. 4-stars 3-flames.

The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones has a good premise, but I couldn't get into it. It was more than a little repetitious and predictable after the first few chapters. Dnf.

Spike, by Alexis Glynn Latner did not grab me at all. Neither Ten or Anastasia had enough dimension to keep me engaged and the overall story arc dragged. Dnf

StarDog by Laurie A. Green is more a prequel than a novella, setting up a battle against an evil empire with the help of genetically engineered dog, a gift navigator, and a starship captain with issues with her ex. Entertaining, but a little cliffy. Not a romance. 3-stars

Space Ranger by Lea Kirk starts with a stray dog and the couple who finds it. This reads as the sequel to a longer novel, picking up after the hero and heroine defeated alien invaders of earth. The alien hero leaves to follow his duty, breaking his and the heroine's heart, but ultimately chooses love over duty. 3-stars. 1-flame.

Escape Run by Carysa Locke was another one that didn't hold my attention. But I'm not a big fan of 'second-chance' love stories. Dnf.

    romance-sci-fi steamy

Becky Burciaga

1,480 reviews17 followers

October 31, 2016

What a fun book of seven novella's by wonderfully talented authors, some who are new to me. The stories are based around pets, dogs, cats and other fantasy creatures, who drive the stories. These are sci-fi stories that are short but packed with adventure, humor, great dialog and especially these pets that have such uniquely captivating personalities. Many times, with Anthologies, I'll skip around and read just the stories that interest me, but I read each story within this book because they were all so perfectly engaging. This was really a fun bunch of stories, some of these pets I wish I could keep...they all seemed so real!!

This book was provided by the Publisher and Netgalley, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

Laz the Sailor

1,613 reviews82 followers

October 27, 2016

This is a clever collection of short stories that combine somewhat traditional scifi romantica with at least one pet. As one might expect, the two entries by the more recognized authors (at least by me) are the best, but there isn't a bad story here. Several are prequels or side-stories to existing series, while others are one-offs. There are a few sex scenes, and nothing outrageous; always powered but more love than lust.

I found at least one new author to follow. Proceeds go to a good cause.

    anthology rom-lite scifi

KJ Van Houten

31 reviews7 followers

October 15, 2016

Disclosure: I received an ARC of Pets in Space courtesy of one of the authors. I was also a beta reader for one of the short stories presented in this anthology.

Overall, in most of these stories, the pet is not only a catalyst for finding love, but also proves to be a hero in its own right, solving the mysteries and saving the day with or without the assistance of the humans around them. I do not read many short stories or novellas, but this anthology contains works by many authors I already read and enjoy, so felt it was worth a try. I was pleasantly surprised, and found it to be fun and relatively light reading. My biggest concern right now is being sure I have space for all the new ebooks I need after reading these stories! I’m going to be getting that storage capacity is full message on my iPad really soon!

Since this is an anthology, I’m only writing a very brief summary and comment for each of the stories. And it’s still a long review, lol…

A Mate for Matrix by SE Smith
K-Nine is a cyborg wolfhound paired with an enhanced human names Matrix, trained as an elite fighting team. They are tasked with chasing and eliminating an escaped, harmful creature. They find themselves on a distant planet, Earth, where they encounter Jana, a vet assistant with three kittens. There’s fighting, a dangerous creature, a creepy landlord, and falling in love at first sight – who can resist a cyber wolfhound who claims you as his pack, after all?

OK, I’ll admit, SE Smith is one of those authors that is sort of hit-and-miss for me, so I’ve been backing off on reading her work for a while, BUT I enjoyed this story so much that it totally changed my mind about reading more of her series! I’m excited that she says there will be a full novel to tell more of this story and I’m eager to go get the Zion Warriors series that this is a prequel to! And I’m particularly grateful that the heroine is not a pretty, petite, ‘wisp’ or frail-looking, but instead is a woman with plenty to hold onto! More like this, please!

Stray by Susan Grant
Interplanetary marine Lt. Lukas Frank adopts a stray pup from the streets of the planet Baresh and names him Bang-Bang, training him to be part of a K-9 military unit. Lukas finds himself literally dragged into a relationship with starpilot Capt. Carlynn Riga. Their relationship is a bit rocky, as, while they are hopelessly in love with each other, Lukas is holding back because of a tragic mission in his recent past. When Carlynn is on a mission and her team loses all communication with base, it’s up to the Lukas, Bang-Bang, and their teammates to rescue them. And hopefully Lukas can rescue his relationship with Carlynn at the same time.

Beware, descriptions of Italian cooking will probably make you hungry! And the ending may require tissues to take care of happy tears. This story fits into the Star World Frontier Series (which follows the Star Series), but it doesn’t require reading any of the other stories first, although I think there are a couple of references to characters/events in the other stories that just make the ‘world’ of this story more complete for those who have read them. As with all of Susan Grant’s full novels, this story is rich with characters and world-building.

Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol
Cyborg Dante Stone is commander of a ship that has rescued colonists on the remote planet of Verde Omega, where they had been attacked by the savage Tyranians who control nearby space. One of the colonists is Miranda Lowell, who starts off on the wrong foot when her cyborg dog, Sparky, gets overly protective and bites Dante. Despite the pain of titanium teeth in his ankle, Dante still finds himself drawn to Miranda. As days go by, Miranda and Dante find themselves uncertain of the attraction growing between them, learning to trust each other, and solving a mystery as colonists begin to disappear.

OK, I know Sparky is a cyborg inside of a cute little fluffy dog body, but I can’t help remember my father’s former dog named Sparky! But he was a large fluffy long-haired German Shepherd, much more ferocious in appearance than our hero-dog in this story! I like to think Miranda’s Sparky has that same German Shepard protectiveness and large-dog-in-a-small-dog-body spirit. This story fits into the world of the Cy-Ops series but is completely fine as a standalone.

Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott
We have two pet heroes in this story: Moby, a cat belonging to Cargo Master Owen Embersson on the ship Nebula Zephyr, and Midorri, a green furry creature left on the ship by a former passenger, adopted by the entire crew. Both pets have full-reign of the ship and seem to pop up in interesting places. The story begins when the pets lead Owen to a cargo container that is damaged and leaking fluid. Inside, Owen finds a cryosleep unit with a woman inside. Upon her awakening, they discover her name is Tyrelle and she has been enslaved by an intergalactic mob. The pets and Owen take turns helping Tyrelle heal and adjust, while plotting ways to free her from both the mob and the government agency that want to use her. And of course, falling in love along the way.

This story fits into the Star Cruise series, and while it can be read alone, I think readers will enjoy characters and references to events from the rest of the series, particularly if read after Star Cruise: Outbreak. Readers of Veronica Scott will appreciate how her stories weave together! As always, can’t help falling in love with her characters, no matter what the species!

The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones
Heroine Emma Standish finds herself in a bit of chaos with a pet bearded dragon from her past turns up – talking and typing! After her pet takes her to meet an extraterrestrial named Mazan, her life gets really crazy when lost memories from her past start popping into her head. Together, the trio must sort out the missing memories, long-felt emotions, save the Earth from potential annihilation, and deal with Emma’s father’s pending marriage to his boss.

This story has Pauline Baird Jones’ usual humour in her unique writing style, which is totally fun to read. It also could open the way for more stories (hint, nudge). There are a couple of interesting twists to the story, and while it ends HEA, I love that the bearded dragon is more than a pet and is able to fully communicate as a full character. I seriously wish I shared this type of communication with my dog! Although my head would probably be filled with constant requests for treats, belly rubs, and more walks.

Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner
Ten Jaxdown is happy making some rather unique robots designed to fly into small areas, survey, and analysis. These are described in a way that sound very much like mechanical butterflies. His butterflies become an important part of a mission led by Stasia Steed to uncover sabotage of an important deep-space rescue mission. This also brings Stasia’s secret ‘pet’ – an energy plasma creature named Spike – who is able to help out in its own unique way.

This story sets up wonderfully for a sequel. There are also a number of ‘world-building’ concepts that I’d love to see expanded upon. I also like that there were essentially two types of pets important to this story – the way Ten feels about his robots makes me see those as his pets, while Spike is very much a pet for Stasia. Alexis Glynn Latner is a new-to-me author, but I enjoyed this story enough that I will be adding some of her other works to be digital TBR list!

StarDog by Laurie A. Green
Katrina is a very unique pet – she is a StarDog, a creature designed from DNA of canine, feline, weasel, and mongoose. StarDogs were designed to function as exterminators on spacecraft, getting rid of pesty creatures like rats, or in the case of this story, sand vipers. The story centers around ship’s navigator Taro Shall and Adini Kemm, the vendor who sells StarDogs, as they explore their attraction to each other against a backdrop of restrictive government control, rebellion, and a mysterious secret technology.

Given my own phobia of snakes, anything that can get rid of snakes as quickly and completely as Katrina does is instantly a hero to me! This story introduces a number of interesting characters, and I’m glad to discover it is part of Laurie A. Green’s Inherit the Stars universe, as there are a number of unanswered questions or unresolved issues that I want to read more about, but know that they would not have fit into this story. Of course, this means those writings of hers that have been floating around my TBR pile for a while are shooting right up to higher place, so I’ll be reading those soon! While I enjoyed this story, I do wish the pet, Katrina, had a larger role in the story, hoping to see her in others.

Space Ranger by Lea Kirk
The story revolves around the relationship between Matiran warrior Graig Roble and Simone Campbell, a human botanist. Graig finds a stray puppy and gives her as a gift to Simone who names her Ranger. When the situation calls for Graig and Simone to part, Ranger is an ongoing symbol of what they once shared. To Graig, Ranger is also a comfort knowing that the dog will be a protector for Simone, and to Simone, Ranger provides companionship and love to help her through the loneliness she feels.

Craig and Simone are from Lea Kirk’s Prophecy series, and I think it helps to read her novel, Prophecy, first. This is due to getting a better sense of where these characters are coming from and what their relationship is with some of the secondary characters in this story. I’d call this story short and sweet. So far, each story I’ve read by Lea Kirk has left me feeling I need more, and she is very good at writing emotions.

Escape Run by Carysa Locke
Teegan is a Hunter, one of the Talented – a race that grew out of humanity’s attempts to enhance itself with strong psychic abilities. She is bonded with Ember – a kith which is a fox-like, extremely intelligent, and psychic creature. Cole, an old love of Teegan’s, returns after a long absence, needing her help to track down an escaped killer. It takes the skills of all three to accomplish their mission, and find that some old flames still burn.

Carysa Locke is another new-to-me author, or rather, writing team. They managed to weave a very intricate story with a rich background into a very few pages. I’ll be adding more of their stories to my digital TBR pile, too!


Author5 books367 followers

October 9, 2016

The title says it all. This anthology is full to the brim of sci-fi romances feature pets in key roles. I was eager to dive in and experience familiar and unfamiliar authors along with sampling some potential new series to follow. It also has the distinction of having 10% of the proceeds go toward the Hero Dogs organization that provide service dogs for America's heroes.

As its an anthology, I'll do mini-reviews of each story.

A Mate for Matrix: Cyber Protection Unit by SE Smith 4 Stars
Cyber Protection Unit Prequel

K-9 and his partner are one of the CPU teams sent out to eliminate the threat of the genetically enhanced creatures that got loose into the galaxy and treat any planet's population as food. Matrix and K-9 end up on a remote planet with a more primitive people. They are separated and this leads to K-9 finding the perfect female to be his gruff partner's life mate and her three kittens to become his pack. But first they must destroy the crawler before it can lay it's eggs to infest earth.

I love cyborg stories and how cool is that when the cyborg is the animal partner to an alien warrior. Definitely want more of this series.

Stray by Susan Grant 4.5 Stars
A Star World Glimmer novella

This story is associated with the Star Series and Star World Frontier Series. A stray dog, a stray Marine, and a lovely lady star pilot find love, home, and family together only to begin struggling when PTSD and survivor's guilt causes trouble. Right when it all might be over, a dangerous mission gone bad shakes them all up and makes them really take stock and figure out what needs to be done.

Alternating narration- even the dog which was adorable.
I found this exciting story a perfect glimpse into a new to me writer and pair of series that I now want to read. Great blend of sci-fi action, romance, and character development.

Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol 4 Stars

Captain Dante Stone, cyborg and known for his lock-down on emotion, has his world turned upside down when his ship picks up refugees from a plant brutalized by an attack. One of the refugees and her robot dog thaws his stone heart even as they rush to figure out the mystery behind the missing people on the ship.

I love Cara Bristol's cyborgs. This was a fun one with a murder mystery in space. I believe it is standalone.

Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott 4.5 Stars
Star Cruise series

Gruff and workaholic Cargo Master, Owen, with the help of his cat, discovers an unusual stowaway. He is instantly taken with the unusual female alien with the sad story and wants to help her. Unfortunately, her situation is dangerous and has complications.

I was taken with this story where the hero is an average joe (not the captain, not the security guy) who steps up and does the hero thing for a beautiful abused woman caught in a desperate situation. Their tender love story had depth and was developed well. The back history of the story has me eager to go back for the others in the series.

The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones 4 Stars

Emma is having a surreal day when her scientist, widower father announces that he is marrying his boss and her pet bearded dragon returns with the ability to talk. She learns that she didn't just block out of her memories the night of her mom's death, but a whole bunch of other things. And her to-do list takes a turn towards the dire when she realizes she has to prevent the destruction of a little chunk of Texas.

Interesting and humorous one. Loved the inclusion of the dragon pet and the mystery behind her lost memories. The romance wanted an eensy bit more development. Fun writing style that I would try again.

Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner 4 Stars
Aeon's Legacy series

Ten Jaxdown is a roboticist whose little robots are needed for a recon mission to help find out who is sabotaging the mission groups new ships. He partners with the fiery Commander Anastasia Steed and her unique 'pet' to get the job done.

I loved the broader world building and tone of this story. It has an unique feel. Nicely done with a likeably beta-style hero partnered with the warrior heroine. There is a strong sense that this is a betweener story in a longer series as it is so things are ended open toward the next book.

Stardog by Laurie A. Green 4.5 Stars
The Inherited Stars universe

When the ship has a snake infestation, navigator, Taro, is sent out at the spaceport to find and exterminator. He encounters Adini and her unique Star Dog who can do the work. Their encounter leads to more when her father's connection to a rebel secret organization against the cruel Alliance sends them rushing to save him.

An exciting space adventure full of intrigue and a delightful alien dog. I enjoyed encountering all the characters and definitely want to read the full-length story that goes with this companion novella.

Space Ranger by Lea Kirk 4 Stars
The Prophecy Series universe

Graig and his people have helped the decimated people of Earth re-establish themselves after a devastating attack. He has lived with botanist, Simone, as she sets up farming and teaching others to farm. Now it's time he returned to his duties in the stars serving under his best friend Gryf. Graig leaves behind a puppy and he knows he broke Simone's heart, but she has her calling and he has his. Only, returning to duty is now a hardship and doesn't feel like a calling. He's lost his focus and desire to serve aboard ship.

This was a light and humorous and heartwarming story of a man who must figure out where he really belongs and realize what truly makes him happy. The story is a follow-up piece and I could feel the connection though it was easy to read it without having read the other. I'm curious to get Gryf and Alex's story.

Escape Run by Carysa Locke 4 Stars
Telepathic Space Pirates World
Teegan lost almost everyone she cared about on the job as Hunter for the Talented who were dangerous or broken. It has been seven years since she walked away from her work as a Hunter and from Cole. Now he needs her again for a hunt that brings her past back into stark detail. She can't refuse because this particular Talented can't be allowed to escape and kill the masses. With the aid of her fox-like companion and Cole, Teegan is back on the hunt.

I enjoyed this interesting world of gifted humans, pirates, and the poignant story of a woman who grieves deeply yet needs to let go of her past and her anger to heal and find love. It was an exciting chase and a tender ending. Yes, more pirate space world, please!

Alright, this was jam-packed with wonderful sci-fi romance. I loved the variety and creative worldbuilding, writing styles, and fantastic new to me writers and series that I now will be eager to pick up and read again. Most of the stories are attached to a series or at least from the world of the series, but work well as a novella. The animal characters theme shines through even to the service partner idea. I would definitely recommend this anthology to sci-fi romance lovers.

I received this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

    miltary-romance-contemp-fut-hist net-galley-reads sci-fi-romance

Judy Lewis

1,568 reviews51 followers

October 13, 2017

Title: Pets In Space
Authors: Multiple
Genre: #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Romance #Petfriendly #Anthology #Adorable
#Heartwarming #Sexy
Reading Platform: Kindle Edition
WOW! I love, love, love the Pets in Space Anthology! For months, I've been filled with anticipation after hearing whispers across Facebook reader groups for plans to release a collection of stories featuring pets. My excitement grew when I learned it would not only highlight animals but also include sexy aliens and dreamy romance. I became obsessed with trying to glean more details about the set. Thank heavens the wait is finally over! Today's the day! Anyone who has read my reviews in the past probably already knows how much I enjoy box sets. Well, there's one thing I love more and that's animals, but combine the two, then throw in some sexy aliens, thrilling adventure, and dreamy romance and I'm in absolute HEAVEN! And this fabulous set has it all and more! It just doesn't get any better than this, folks! Pets in Space is a collection of nine unique, original, imaginative, well crafted and beautifully written novella-length tales written by nine of the most well-renowned, bestselling authors in the science fiction/fantasy/paranormal genre today, and each is filled to the brim with heart-pounding danger, spine-tingling action, spellbinding adventure, hilarious hijinks, riveting drama, dreamy romance, steamy sex, handsome out-of-this-world alien heroes, smart plucky heroines and loyal, loving pets so cute, so smart and so adorable, they're sure to capture your imagination as well as steal your heart! And some are even robotic but these wonderful man made creatures defy the laws of science to demonstrate their love and loyalty to their masters. Please don't ask me to pick a favorite, I simply can't. I loved them all. Of the collection, eight are original, never-before-released stories and the ninth is a previously released but now expanded version giving readers nine complete standalone reads with NO Cliffhangers! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity with authors like Susan Grant, S.E. Smith, Cara Bristol, Pauline Baird Jones, Veronica Scott and Alexis Glynn Latner who are six of my all-time favorites. Also included are stories by three new-to-me authors, Lea Kirk, Carysa Locke and Laurie Green. After reading their contributions, I have also added them to my list of favorites. Holy Batman! This is not only a wonderful collection; it's also a fabulous bargain! I've paid much more than $3.99 for just one story by several of these authors. But what really sealed the deal for me was the fact that 10% of the first month's profits go to, one of the charities I support wholeheartedly. Their cause is one that's near and dear to my heart. For anyone unfamiliar with the Hero Dogs organization, they raise and train service dogs, then place them free of charge with US Veterans to improve their quality of life and help restore their independence. So grab a cup of tea, cuddle up with your pet and settle in for several hours of delightful entertainment while doing your part to help a worthy cause!

Did I like this collection? No, I LOVED it! I read them all and LOVED them all! Would I recommend it? You bet and I am but only for adult readers. It does contain some steamy, dreamy sex. Hubba! Hubba! Will I read these authors again! Absolutely! Was I entertained? Completely! Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read! If you can only afford to purchase one box set, BUY THIS ONE! And yes, I'm screaming it to the world! It's not only a mind-blowing collection of fantastic stories, but it's for such a wonderful cause! I'm convinced you will love it just as much as I did! Happy reading fellow pet lovers.


2,813 reviews442 followers

July 11, 2017

So over all 4 stars, but only because the 2nd and 3rd story make it worth while.

I wanted to give it more than 3*, but I just found the romance to instant and kinda flat. The story was a little confusing at first because there was a fair bit of world building for such a short story. Matrix is a cyborg/enhanced alien special ops guy with a canine cyborg side kick, K-9 (get it? ha ha... well yes it's a lame joke). Jana is a lonely curvy young woman, who has no family except 3 stray kittens. Matrix' latest mission of course brings him to Earth to save the entire planet.. 'Cause I guess the space Alliance is short on funds that they only send one guy and his dog. I did enjoy it, and the part where they first meet made the story worth reading.

STRAY By Susan Grant *****5stars
This is a fantastic little tale that makes the purchase of the anthology worth it!
Bang Bang isn't really a dog but an extraterrestrial animal that resembles a dog, but is smarter. H brings together his owner, Lukas (a brusk but sweet war hero) and Carlynn (a loving Italian-American starship pilot). The story switches POVs between all three MCs and I loved Bang Bang's POV! Lukas has pretty bad PTSD that threatens to ruin their romance, and there's also some action packed danger. Set in the same universe as the author's Star series, but more 'down to Earth'.

SPARK OF ATTRACTION By Cara Bristol ****4stars
Another winner! Captain Dante Stone's lack of emotion reflects his name and is due to his being a Cyborg. He thought emotions a thing of the past until he meets a refugee named Lucille and her robo-dog, Sparky. Rescued with 1200 others from a viscous attack by the Tyranians, the ship carries them to safety, but the ship is no longer safe. A serial killer stalks the refugees and nobody believes Lucille except Stone and her dog. Her dog who has suddenly become dangerous.

STAR CRUISE: STOWAWAY By Veronica Scott ***3stars
A little slow in places but nice character building. Tyrelle was too sweet and ott perfect. the H was a great character though. On a ship run by ex-special forces soldiers, he's the cargo chief with a nosey cat and an equally curious alien fur ball. Another routine voyage until his pets discover a dying alien woman in one of the crates... cute story but kinda meh.

THE REAL DRAGON By Pauline Baird Jones
DNF read the first couple pages but didnt like the author's style of prose. It felt more like she was beating around the bush instead of telling me a story.

SPIKE By Alexis Glynn Latner
skipping this one

skipping this one

ESCAPE RUN By Carysa Locke
oh well, skipping this one too... just not my cuppa.

    anthologies-and-boxsets genre-scifi-romance kindle-books


505 reviews8 followers

October 12, 2016

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
What an awesome collection of stories by wonderful authors while supporting a terrific charity, Hero Dogs. I haven't read all the stories yet but the ones I have read are heartwarming and sweet. I am reading and enjoying stories about all kinds of pets, dogs, cats and am reading authors who are new to me. One author who is familiar to me Cara Bristol, has branched out and now writes excellent Sci-Fi books and her story about a cyber dog is delightful with laugh out loud moments and an occasional tear. She makes her story realistic and believable. I will continue to read more of the other pets.


599 reviews24 followers

April 4, 2017

I bounced off every single story in this collection.

    bookclub-picks sci-fi

Laurel Wanrow

Author13 books93 followers

October 11, 2016

Like many readers attracted to this anthology, I love animals, plus I already read science fiction romance. Opening this beautifully formatted ebook has been a treat, and the cherry on top—for me—are the custom animal drawings at the start of each story. After discovering the first, I had to retreat to the table of contents to view each one. Laugh if you wish, but we are talking about a diversity of animals in this collection: husky-type cyborg caring for kittens, furry pups, the usual ship’s cat, but accompanied by his alien fluff-ball friend with the striped tail—who turns out to have a marsupial pouch! The teaser drawings made discovering each one’s role even more fun, then surrounding each of these lovable creatures was an edge of danger, the thrill of future technology and a heart-tugging romance. Purr-fect reading!

In A Mate for Matrix by S.E. Smith, the wolf cyborg is truly an equal partner to the alien hero when it comes to deciding their future.

In Stray by Susan Grant, Bang-Bang is described as a ‘yipwag’, but his empathic skills far exceed a canine’s when the damaged hero needs help.

In Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol, Sparky, a furry robot protector has much in common with the grumpy hero.

In Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott, the aforementioned ship’s cat and alien fluff-ball discover the stowaway—and help save her more than once.

In The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones, a bearded dragon first reveals he’s more than he seems when sits down to type.

Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner had the most undecipherable image at the start of the story—a swirl of threads. They aptly represent a robot swarm—which pleasantly reminded me of the spot creatures in Tamora Pierce’s Trickster’s Queen.

In StarDog by Laurie A Green, a canine-feline-weasel-mongoose mix is hired on to rid a ship of vipers, and he's lucky he is!

In Space Ranger by Lea Kirk, a stray puppy brings two determined people together.

In Escape Run by Carysa Locke, only a psychically gifted fox can track down psychically gifted people.

I receive a review copy in exchange for my honest review.


Lyndi W.

2,043 reviews199 followers


May 20, 2017

Adding reviews as I finish the stories, newest on top.

SPARK OF ATTRACTION by Cara Bristol - 3.5 stars
Took me a little while to warm up to the characters, which isn't really a good thing when you're reading such a short story. But I liked the robot dog and the basic plot. The climax is the real winner here - very well written, tense, and surprising.

STRAY by Susan Grant - 4 stars
Pets in Space (Pets in Space, #1) (15)
Wow, that's a dark opening scene. Really f*cking dark, Susan. Especially with that god damn illustration. And it gets WAY worse, but then it gets better. As an animal lover, that was a rough scene to read - I imagine a vegan would be very uninterested in reading this story. But aside from that, it was also a good read. The story is disjointed in that it's told in both character's flashbacks, journal entries, present day, and past. It's a lot to juggle, but it manages to work. I thought the action here was really interesting - Susan Grant has a fantastic imagination when it comes to alien creatures, but let us never forget that she wrote a story in which her H/h have sex on top of a house-sized snail.

STARDOG by Laurie A. Green - 3.5 stars
I waffled on this one while reading it because it just wasn't flowing well. After reading it, I liked it well enough but I'm waaay more intrigued about a side character that ends up being the main character in the Inherited Stars series. Unfortunately, I'm more interested in her past than her future. Still, the author got me interested in the world and characters, so I feel generous towards the story.

STAR CRUISE: STOWAWAY by Veronica Scott - 4 stars
Lots of fun. Features characters from her Sector SF series. I really like Scott's grav-tube concept, which is like a zero gravity elevator shaft in which you move up and down to get to various floors in a cruise ship. I dunno if it would work, but I dig it. And imagining six-legged space cats flying in zero grav cracks me up.

THE REAL DRAGON by Pauline Baird Jones - 4 stars
The plot's kinda twisty, but I thought it was quite an interesting story line. I would really enjoy an expanded story here.

SPACE RANGER by Lea Kirk - 2.5 stars
So I feel like this story was written before this anthology was put together and Kirk just wrote a dog in there at the last minute to have it included in this collection. The dog plays zero part in the story but gets the whole epilogue in its POV. f*cking weird. Aside from that... it's mostly just the H being miserable and alone because he dumped his GF and then trying to win her back. And the GF has a dog. So there's that. *shrug*

SPIKE by Alexis Glynn Latner - 5 stars
This one hooked me quick and sunk its claws in deep. I thought the little robots were super neat and the pet in this story is totally unique. It played a big part in the story and I liked the bond it seemed to form with the h. The H was a little awkward, but he was also endearing. I believe this is set in the same world as (and with possible spoilers for) her Aeon's Legacy series. If so, I'll be picking that up like asap.

ESCAPE RUN by Carysa Locke - DNF
Started off interesting with a psychic fox and surprise snow in the summer, but then the h was just a snarky bitch and I was just kinda "meh" about the whole thing. Didn't get very far.

A MATE FOR MATRIX by S.E. Smith - ? stars



2,534 reviews52 followers

December 28, 2017

3.75 stars.

Pets + SF Romance is a pretty good combination. As usual, with a multi-author anthology, you're going to get some stories that you like better than others, but overall, the quality of the works in this were above average and the various types of pets just so cute.

In A Mate for Matrix by S E Smith, we have a lost alien dog/wolf K9 adopting a vet assistant and her 3 kittens and then promoting a match with his partner. Loved the way the K9 tolerated the kittens' antics. This is a novella in the Zion Warriors series.

In Stray by Susan Grant, a stray puppy is adopted by a Marine suffering from PTSD. This is a novella in the Star series.

In Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol, the hero is a Cyborg commander of a rescue ship of a group of colonists. The heroine has a robotic K9 and is instrumental in finding out that some of the killers have smuggled aboard. This is a novella in the Cy-Ops series.

In Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott, the pet companions of the cargo master of a cruise ship discovered the heroine in a broken cryo unit inside a cargo container. One of the pets is some sort of fluffball who's allergic to humans... :0 This is part of A Sector SF series.

In The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones, the heroine's blue-tongue dragon turns up after missing for 8 years with the ability to talk telepathically.

In Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner, the heroine's pet is a sentient electrical spark and helps the hero's drones discover sabotagers in a Shipyard. This is probably the most unusual of all the pets.

In StarDog by Laurie Green, when a ship is infested with snakes, the navigator hero is tasked to find an exterminator. StarDog is created by the heroine especially to seek and kill pests and is sold to the captain of the ship. This is part of the Inherited Stars series.

In Space Ranger by Lea Kirk, the hero gave the heroine a stray puppy just before he returned to his fleet command, supposedly so that the dog can keep the heroine company. You can guess how that turns out!

In Escape Run by Carysa Locke, the heroine is asked by the hero to hunt the killer of her first consort. The kilt is the heroine's fox-like telepathic pet, who's trying to get the heroine to forgive the hero. This is a novella in the Telepathic Space Pirates series. This is the only story with menage undertones.. as the heroine was considering to take the hero as her second consort when her first consort was killed.

Apart from that last story, all the others are straight MF romances.


Anne Szlachcic

757 reviews17 followers

October 9, 2016

I was tempted to this anthology by the author , S E Smith whose books I have really enjoyed .
On the whole I enjoyed the stories ,a few are shorter than expected . But I found a couple where the pet was almost an afterthought .

S E Smith - A Mate for Matrix
This was a lovely story of a Cyber- enhanced K-9 and his alien male partner , Matrix Roma , who are sent out into the galaxy to rid it of threats to Planets' population and food by genetically engineered creatures . In this instance K-9 has also the motive of looking for a 'mate' for his partner . I love his adoption of the kittens as part of his family , their antics brought a humerous note to the story . At the end we were introduced briefly to a young Gracie - from Gracie's Touch , an excellent book .

Susan Grant - Stray
This book brings together a stray dog , a stray marine and a lady star pilot .
The story is covered from all three characters point of view - of love at first sight , a relationship damaged by PTSD and the rescue of both the pilot and the relationship . - a good read

Cara Bristol - Spark of Attraction
A Cyborg Fleet Captain known for his lack of emotion, has his world turned upside down when his ship picks up refugees from a plant brutalized by an Alien attack. One of the refugees and her robot dog thaws his heart even as they strive to figure out the mystery behind the missing people on the ship. An enjoyable read .

Veronica Scott - Star Cruise : Stowaway
This books hero makes a welcome change in that he is not the Captain of the ship as usual in such stories but is in fact a Cargo Master . He finds a reluctant stowaway with the help of his cat and finds she has been forced to become an assassin . This book fell a little short for me as the cat only plays a minor part in the story
This is one book where I felt knowledge of previous books in this series would have been welcome .

Pauline Baird Jones - The Real Dragon
An excellent story of a talking dragon returning to Emma just in time to help prevent a marriage between her father and his boss .Her memories of her mothers death have been blocked for years but are now coming to the fore with a little help .This was one of the most humerous and developed stories within the anthology and I will be looking for more books by this author .

Laurie A Green -Star Dog
Navigator Taro has been tasked by his captain to find a way to exterminate pests , in this case snakes, from their ship the Calypso . He meets Adini who sells him a StarDog , a combination of several species especially designed to rid spacecraft of vermin . The story sets off at a fast pace as Adini must flee from the Alliance with the help of Taro and his 'special' spaceship .This story has very little involvement of the 'pet' other than to introduce the main characters which was a little disappointing . The overall story is good and I would like to see what follows in this story line .

Alexis Glynn Latner -Spike
Anastasia Steed of the starship Aeon is preparing a mission to rescue the non-humans left behind in Starcloud . She needs all the help she can get and but feels that some of the departments that are supposed to be coming up with new solutions to the plan are dragging their feet . With the help of Ten Jaxdown and his robotic 'flutterbys' she seeks to expose those sabotaging their rescue efforts . This is a book that would benefit from an overview of the story to date , but enjoyable all the same

Lea Kirkwood -Space Ranger
Graig is a Senior Commander of Security for the Guardian Fleet . His ship is sent to help the people of Earth recover from an Alien attack . He meets and falls in love with Simone a botanist who puts her knowledge to use in feeding her community . The puppy they find makes their family unit complete . But his duty is to his own people and he decides that he must return to space . The journey he must take between duty and love makes for a pleasant read .

Carysa Locke - Escape Run
Teagan is a 'psyhcic hunter 'along with her fox , Ember. Using their psychic gifts they track down 'talented' psychics who are driven insane by their gifts . Cole , once almost part of her family unit , tells her that the man responsible for her family's deaths has escaped from the rehabilitation center under his control . Teagan must pull herself from the misery of the past and use her skills to track the killer before he makes it her last . One of the longest stories and most enjoyable .


36 reviews10 followers

October 15, 2016

Great set of pet stories, they steal the book.


521 reviews57 followers

October 27, 2016

This was a delightful collection of stories gathered together under the theme of sci/fi stories involving pets - of one kind or another. They are all somewhat romantic, but a central romance is stronger in some than others. I haven't labeled it erotic, although there are erotic elements in a few of the stories. The stories I enjoyed most had pets who played a more central role in the story, and a stronger romantic element - no surprise there! From what I can tell, most (or all?) of the stories are part of a series - but most stand alone pretty well. I've discovered some new authors in this anthology whose books I'm sure I'll be reading in the future.

The stories in order are -

5 stars
This was adorable, involving a matchmaking cyborg dog and three playful kittens. I loved the combination of a strong, but nurturing woman who loves animals and cooking, with a strong man in who needs to connect with his emotions after becoming a cyborg. I definitely want to read more about this world.

STRAY - Susan Grant
4.5 stars
The blurb of this story didn't entice me that much, but it ended up being one of my favorites. I loved Bang-Bang, (a yipwag - what a great name!) and absolutely cheered when he got his happy ever after... oh, and his people too of course. This was an exciting story with a lot packed in for such a short book, and such a heartbreaking beginning with a heartwarming conclusion. I definitely want to read the promised story about the little puppy we meet in the opening scene of this one.

5 stars
It was this story that attracted me to the anthology. I've read several of the author's contemporary spanking stories, but, despite enjoying them, wasn't particularly enticed by her cyborg series. An email from Ms. Bristol gave information about the collection and the dog she used as a model for Sparky in her story. When I saw it was a cute little white dog, I was hooked. I want a Sparky for my own! This story was great - exciting, with strong, likeable protagonists, a satisfying romance, and some really nasty evil aliens. I definitely want to read more about her cyborg world now.

4 stars
This author is new to me, but I hope to read more in the future. The pets in this story were great and definitely an integral part of the story. I particularly liked the supporting characters and how the crew worked together. The central romance was satisfying but didn't draw me in as strongly as some of the other stories.

THE REAL DRAGON - Pauline Baird
3 stars
I was a bit lost reading this story, although eventually it became clear what was going on. Having it written in the first person POV made it more difficult for me to relate to the male protagonist or to feel drawn into the relationship.

STARDOG - Laurie A. Green

4.5 stars
I really liked this one, so much so I'll have to read more about this world for sure. The backstory was a bit confusing at first, but I easily caught on enough to enjoy the story. I particularly like the pet in this story, a stardog that's a combination of canine, feline, weasel, and mongoose - I want one!

SPIKE - Alexis Glynn Latner
3 stars
This story had me rather lost for most of it and there were too many technical bits and pieces to really be able to follow along. The relationship was a very minor part, actually we don't get to know either character enough to feel much investment in their feelings for one another. The 'pet' in this story wasn't very compelling either, since I didn't really understand what it was. I did like the idea of a botswarm of tiny butterfly like robots - very cool.

3 stars
Ranger, the pet in this story, was the best part. The rest of it was just okay for me and I felt disconnected from the central relationship, much of which was told in past tense. This story didn't stand alone as well as some of the others, in my opinion, and would probably have been more enjoyable if I'd read the previous book in the series.

ESCAPE RUN - Carysa Locke

3 stars
This was another story that would probably have been more enjoyable if I was more familiar with the backstory. It was okay, but didn't draw me in enough to be particularly memorable.

    anthology romance sci-fi-fantasy

Ola Adamska

2,882 reviews24 followers

Want to read

December 19, 2016

Soon more stories in this review

It's a fast paced novella with alpha man and determined women who love her kittens.
I liked characters especially K-nine, although it wasn't main characters, but it was do funny to read about it.

STRAY By Susan Grant
Alpha male with post traumatic problems meets his loved one. In this story we find a huge change in thinking made by Lukas, and now he deals with his nightmares.
Chapters from Bang-Bang perspective - i loved them ;)
I really appreciated the way he was dealing with his trauma - it didn't disappeared like in few minutes it was still there - good job!

A male without emotions who start to feel when he meet THE ONE for him. Women that disappear suddenly, love, robot dog with strange behavior - VERY GOOD mix :)

This was do sweet. I fell in love with Cargo Master. Pets were adorable and for sure really helpful not only a decoration. I would read it once again for sure!

THE REAL DRAGON By Pauline Baird Jones
Memory loss in strange conditions. Emma is a likeable character for sure, she's inteligent and strong willed. Her dragon was a funny thing, especially with part of being submissive.

SPIKE By Alexis Glynn Latner
This one definitely wasn't my story, even if it could have fans. But the concept was good.

STARDOG By Laurie A. Green


ESCAPE RUN By Carysa Locke

    anthology finish-later for-review


118 reviews

October 16, 2016

Fantastic book!

This book is the best! When I read that it would contain stories with pets in space, it sounded so appealing I had to buy it . I am so glad I did. Most times when I get a book with assorted stories, I like some of the stories but some are so so. Not this group. I absolutely loved each and every one! I love the concept of the characters having interesting and unusual space pets. The authors came up with truly fantastic pets and I liked that although some were canine types, there were others that were fun and different. I enjoyed the stories, how the pets helped save the day, and the various romances but especially the happy endings. This was a fun read and I highly recommend it. If you love quirky pets, great characters, and. Intriguing romances in a space setting, you'll love this book, too.

Jessica Subject

Author63 books398 followers

February 7, 2017

There is something for everyone in this super collection of science fiction romance titles that feature various Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial pets. I really enjoyed this collection. Not only did I get new stories from authors I've read before, I was also introduced to new authors I am anxious to read more of. From space ports to space ships to far away planets, this really is a wide collection of stories that is sure to satisfy any romance reader.

    futuristic own-it science-fiction-romance

Jessica Maynard

6 reviews

October 13, 2016

Pets in Space is a collection of science fiction romance short stories which feature, you guessed it, pets in space. The best part of short story collections is the fact that you get introduced to numerous authors in one book. It is a great way to see if you enjoy the author’s writing and may lead to reading other works by that author. The romantic pairings are well written in this collection and are complemented by the inclusion of their furry friends. As the introduction claims, every alien needs a pet.

A Mate for Matrix by S.E. Smith

A Mate for Matrix introduces us to sexy alien cyborg Matrix Roma and Jana Dixon, an endearing veterinarian assistant with a heart of gold. While Matrix is on planet Earth on a mission for the Cyborg Protection Unit, his lost cyborg wolf hybrid K-9 is hit by a truck and taken in by Jana. K-9 is not the first animal she has given a home. She also has three kittens named Butter, Honeybun and Biscuit. Will Matrix be able to find them in time and save them from his dangerous mission?

I thoroughly enjoyed this short story by S.E. Smith. It was a good story to lead with considering it could appeal to both cat and dog lovers. The passion between Matrix and Jana simmers off the page and their pets add humorous and protective layers to the story. At the end of the short story, S.E. Smith left an author’s note indicating this is a prequel and there will be more books to the Zion Warriors series. I look forward to reading more in this series by this talented sci-fi romance author.

Stray by Susan Grant

Stray by Susan Grant begins with a unique prologue written from a dog’s point of view. The dog turns out to be Bang-Bang, a starving street dog rescued by Interplanetary Marine Lt. Lukas Frank. Bang-Bang repays his savior by pulling him over to meet starpilot Capt. Carlynn Riga. The couple have a love-at-first-sight type of whirlwind romance; that is, until Carlynn goes missing.

There is no doubt that Susan Grant can weave an intriguing love story with tangible characters but her most notable strength is the way she addresses post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in her short story. She handles the sensitive topic in a way which makes her characters honest, raw and above all, real. Bang-Bang is an adorable addition to the story. His protective, playful and loyal nature truly make him man’s best friend.

Spark of Attraction by Cara Bristol

Captain Dante Stone is the cyborg captain on the spaceship the Crimson Hawk. He is considered as emotionally cold as his last name implies, until he comes face-to-face with the traumatized colonists they rescued from an alien attack on Verde Omega. One refugee in particular named Miranda Lowell, and her robot dog Sparky, seem to invade his thoughts often. He tries to keep a professional distance until mysterious occurrences on the ship slowly bring them together.

I enjoyed the strong and silent hero and the intelligent and resilient heroine in this story. It was also interesting to see the use of a robotic pet, which I could imagine being common in the futuristic setting of Spark of Attraction. Cara Bristol did a superb job of weaving in an element of mystery in this science fiction romance short story. The romance, characters, plot and world building were well done, considering the author had to do it in seven chapters. I would be interested in reading more of Cara Bristol’s cyborg series.

Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott

Owen Embersson is the Cargo Master on the space cruise ship Nebula Zephyr and the caretaker of the ship’s two pets named Midorri and Moby. When Midorri and Mody discover a stowaway and Owen helps to save her life, it changes his life in ways he never thought possible. Be prepared for a science fiction romance filled with a mix of magic and danger.

The stowaway, Tyrelle, is the character which intrigued me the most. She is a supernatural alien described as a beauty with green skin and hair. The dialogue for Tyrelle was written well, showing she knows the language of the ship but appears to speak it with an accent. She has a gentle and healing nature which does not seen to be marred by her turbulent past. She is the perfect distraction for lonely workaholic Owen. Star Cruise: Stowaway was a pleasurable read with a well built world and characters which draw you in from page one. I look forward to reading more from Ms. Scott.

The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones

The Real Dragon features Emma Standish and her talking bearded dragon named Peddrenth. The dragon went missing on the day her mother died and returns on the day her dad announces he is getting remarried. Add in an alien boyfriend that she doesn’t seem to remember and it all gets quite complicated.

In a collection of stories, it is bound to happen. There is going to at least one story that does not tickle your fancy. Unfortunately, The Real Dragon was that story for me. It was difficult for me to get beyond the point when Emma was talking with someone from her past. They had a long conversation that hashed out the details of their history and the day Emma lost her mother and it slowed the pace of the story. There are others who may read this collection and say this one is their favorite one. Everyone’s preferences are unique and I would recommend still giving this one a shot when you read the short story collection.

Spike by Alex Glynn Later

Spike by Alex Glynn Later is the story of Roboticist Ten Jaxdown and mission designer Anastasia Steed. Ten is designing investigative robots for a rescue mission planned by Anastasia and the two grow close while working together on the mission. When faced with sabotage, will they be able to save the mission and their budding relationship?

There were parts of this short story by Alex Glynn Later that I did enjoy, but there were other parts that were too difficult to get past. First off, for those readers (like me) who are not technical or engineer minded, the descriptions of the robot building may be hard to follow. Secondly, there is a well planned build up of the relationship between Ten and Anastasia, until it seems to fall flat when Anastasia keeps her distance the night before the mission.

Anastasia tells her friend she won’t have sex with anyone before marriage because she is “Old Catholic”, referring to a religion left behind on Earth. I respect her choice but there is no harm in a little cuddling or kissing before the mission. It was a letdown for me and I chose to move on to the next short story. As I mentioned with The Real Dragon, there will be readers who may find this is their favorite one of the collection. Everyone’s tastes vary and it would be worth it to give this short story a chance before deciding whether or not it is your cup of tea.

StarDog by Laurie A. Green

Snakes on a spaceship are a curse turned into a blessing when they bring Adini and Katrina, a StarDog, into Navigator Taro Shall’s life. Laurie A. Green’s short story includes corrupt governments, underground rebels, family drama, a pet who is as intelligent as she is adorable and of course, plenty of romance.

StarDog was strong enough to draw me back in after not being sold by the prior two short stories. Thank you Ms. Green! It was interesting to see a close look at a spaceport, a concept that is mentioned in many science fiction romance novels but is not always fleshed out. The hesitation by the characters was realistic given their past experiences but it did not slow the pace of the story. It kept me hooked and reading, wanting to know what would happen to Adini and Taro, or even Katrina.

Space Ranger by Lea Kirk

Space Ranger by Lea Kirk is the story of alien Graig Roble, human Simone Campbell and their dog Ranger. Graig and Simone develop a relationship while Graig is stationed on Earth to assist the humans after an attack by another alien species. Unfortunately they are separated when Graig is drawn back to the Atlantis by his job as a security commander for the Guardian Fleet. Will he realize his prior life and duties no longer hold any appeal without Simone before it is too late?

Based on Lea Kirk’s choice of plot and characters for Space Ranger, she understands the importance of short stories as a way to draw in new readers. She can consider that mission complete. As soon as I finished reading her short story in Pets in Space, I purchased her book Prophecy (Book 1 in her Prophecy series). Ms. Kirk provided enough of a glimpse of the cherished characters featured in her Prophecy series to make me, and hopefully other readers, want to read more about them.

Escape Run by Carysa Locke

Teegan is a part of the Talented, a species created for their valuable powers and gifts. She is a hunter who can track down others, along with her gifted pet fox named Ember. When Cole comes to Teegan for help hunting down someone from their past, can they both keep their feelings out of the mission?

It is easy to see why they put Carysa Locke’s short story Escape Run at this spot in the lineup; they were saving the best for last. Carysa Locke, the pen name for a friend writing duo, is the reason I chose to read Pets in Space. I have read and enjoyed this author’s other books. I highly recommend the Telepathic Space Pirates series, which includes Pirate Bound (a prequel, book #0.5), Pirate Nemesis (book #1) and Pirate Consort (book #2) which is expected to be released in December 2016.

I hope my review was helpful. I highly recommend Pets in Space, a short story collection which includes nine talented authors. Science fiction romance stories are always enjoyable but when you add loyal pets in the mix, it takes the plots to a whole new level. Enjoy!

*I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reading copy if this book.


3,093 reviews223 followers

October 18, 2016

Originally published at Reading Reality

If you enjoy science fiction romance, with or without the addition of adorable animals (and other creatures), Pets in Space is a marvelous collection.

It’s also a marvelously big collection. With one notable exception, the stories here are all novellas and novelettes. They are as big and as expansive as science fiction and science fiction romance themselves. And the stories run the gamut from alien invasions to spaceship stowaways, and everything in between.

I’ll confess right now that I didn’t manage to read the entire collection. I’m saving a few for nights when I need a little pick-me-up of a story to take me away from life, the real universe and the 2016 Presidential Election. But the ones I did read I absolutely loved. And while I also confess that I went looking for the cat stories first, everything I read was wonderful.

My two favorite stories in the collection are A Mate for Matrix by S.E. Smith and Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner.

A Mate for Matrix had me laughing out loud at lots of points. It begins as a story of partnership. Matrix Roma and his partner K-Nine are members of the Zion military’s elite Cyborg Protection Unit. While the mostly human Matrix has been enhanced a bit, his partner K-Nine has been enhanced a lot from his biological origin as a Wolf/Canine hybrid. K-Nine has lots of enhanced sensors, a reinforced frame, and enough intelligence to speak and use all kinds of tools. Which doesn’t stop K-Nine from chasing a squirrel on their mission to hunt down the genetically engineered Crawler – an intelligent hybrid that plans to colonize and consume Earth.

K-Nine’s squirrel chase ends the way all too many such chases do, bouncing off the grill of a speeding truck. But unlike most terrestrial canines, the cyborg K-Nine survives and finds himself in the care of a vet tech with a lot of love to give to three tiny kittens, the great big K-Nine, and maybe even K-Nine’s reluctant human partner.

But when Matrix first finds his missing companion, he makes all sorts of mistaken assumptions about K-Nine’s current situation. The point where Matrix identified the three tiny kittens as explosive charges had me rolling on the floor. Because kittens ARE explosive charges – at least until they get hit by a nap attack!

The love story is fast but sweet, especially since Matrix falls for Jana, and K-Nine falls for the little furballs that Jana has adopted. In the end K-Nine gets everything he wanted. This is a terrific story and I’m looking forward to finding more by this author.

My other favorite story in the book is Spike by Alexis Glynn Latner, the only true short story in the collection. I wasn’t sure I’d have time to fit this one in, but I’m so glad I did.

This one is just plain adorkable. I think it would also be a terrific story to introduce lovers of young adult and new adult romance to SFR. This is a spaceship based story, set on a ship that escaped a dying earth and is now looking for a home. The hero is a young engineer with a bent for miniaturized robotics. His pets in this story are the cluster of tiny robots that he has lovingly built with his own hands. His “kaleidoscope of flutterbys” can do scanning, sampling, analysis and exploration independently. They are adorable but also very effective. When the ship’s captain discovers that sabotage is wrecking the new ships that are being built, she puts Ten Jaxdown and his tiny robots to work to find the saboteurs, with the help of Stasia Steed and her even more unusual pet – a telfer – a collection of intelligent sparks. In the process of getting her telfer to work with his flutterbys, Ten and Stasia save the mission and find each other.

And it’s lovely.

There is one other cat story in this collection, Star Cruise: Stowaway, set in the universe that Veronica Scott has created aboard the Nebula Dream and her crew of military veterans turned cruise ship operators. It was lovely to revisit that world in the company of Monty and Midorri. There are several other dog stories, and even one with a Komodo Dragon! While the animals in each story do provide more than a bit of comic belief, they also adore their humans and help get whatever job needs doing done.

Escape Rating A-: If you enjoy romances that include an animal companion, or if you just love SFR, this collection is a sweet and spaceworthy treat!


922 reviews

October 11, 2016


Can anything possibly be better than having pets and sci-fi romance combined together? How about having it told by some of the most SPACETACULAR authors out there? Then add in the fact that 10% of the first month’s profits go to and you get one ABSO-FURRY-LUTELY PAWFECT collection to make you purrrrrr... and if you are a sap like me, you will probably shed a few tears, maybe even howl too! What can I say? I am a sucker for stories told from the PAWINT of view of a defenseless little one! Which is why I couldn't help but whimper with poor little soon-to-be Ranger in Lea Kirk's story in this collection! Of course the ending made it all worthwhile! And for the record Ranger, I love puppy kisses! wink I fell in love with Lea's debut release Prophecy and am LOVING this short story that continues that SPACETASTIC series! Having it told in part through the eyes of a little puppy was adorable!!! And getting more story about Simone & Graig made my heart soar!!! Then there was the kith in Carysa Locke's Escape Run in her PIRATETACULAR Telepathic Space Pirates Universe! What I wouldn't give to bond with an animal at that level!! I have tried with my own Sheltie - who also looked like a little fox when she was younger - but I guess we don't have the same thought waves! wink But having such an amazing friend (you definitely do not want to call Ember a "pet") who you can speak, feel & connect with at that deep of a telepathic/psychic level adds so much more to this story!! Or at least it does for me! Seeing things from the point of view of a "Fox" adds some humor and tenderness, as well as the PAWFECT way to share backgrounds, histories, thoughts & feelings, and to even play Cupid, making Ember one KITHTACULAR addition to this story, and the kith as a whole to the series!! I have only had the chance to read those 2 stories so far, but look forward to reading the others as soon as I can!


5,154 reviews198 followers

February 21, 2017

I picked up this anthology specifically for Veronica Scott's and Carysa Locke's stories. I ADORE the Sectors SF series and seriously can't get enough of it. As for those telepathic space pirates, they're TELEPATHIC SPACE PIRATES. I'm halfway convinced those guys were custom written for me.

Now I picked it up this anthology for those two books, but I genuinely enjoyed the entire set. Sci-fi romance is my not-so-hidden secret love, so the entire set of books thrilled me.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal

    ebooks read-in-2017 sci-fi


5,026 reviews45 followers

October 15, 2016

4.5 stars
Worth it for S.E. Smiths book alone but there are two others I really enjoyed and have joined those authors newsletters.
HERO DOGS.ORG get 10% of the first month’s profits so get buying NOW.
But what is not to like about special animals that tug on your heartstrings along with some hot hunky owners combined with good stories.
Ms Smith does it again with another great start to a new series. I have read everything by this author and she never goes wrong.
Loved K-Nine and the kittens. Matrix was lovely and Jana was such a good female lead, I wish more authors would write heroines like Ms Smith does. They are just down to earth strong capable women.
Wish I could have been there when they confronted old man Marker, the landlord from hell.
I also really appreciated the fact that Matrix treated Jana like and equal by telling her the truth of what was happening in regards to the danger coming.
I have never read anything by this author before and I have been missing out. What a wonderful story that kept me reading right to the end. It grips you from the first words and you feel yourself in Bang Bang’s place.
I felt for Lukas with his PTSD and was sorry it made his relationship with Carlynn difficult.
Both Carlynn and Lukas felt real to me without any silliness and I just loved Bang Bang. What a sweetie.
I was glad to read the puppy also gets her own book.
Will be looking for more from this author.
Another new author with a very enjoyable read. Loved Sparky and even as a Cyborg Dante was pretty cool. Liked Miranda as well. Do not like the Tyranians, YUK.
Another new author. What a wonderful read. I really enjoyed this story and even pushed dinner back to finish it. Lots of believable interaction with some great characters and a fantastic crew on this ship. I have done a quick search and I believe there are more books with this crew of characters in them. I will be reading them all.
There is always one or two books in a box set that just do not click with a reader. Whilst I enjoyed this story it did nothing for me. I thought it strange that Mazan and Emma had a prior history which was over 8 years old and would have made her only 17.
Just too much overload of information at the beginning took away from the story. Then it stayed technical and I got bored so stopped reading.
I really enjoyed this book and want to know what happens with the Network in the fight against the Alliance. A very well written interesting read with a good plot and tension as well as Katrina, a cute multi genetic breed called a Stardog. I also want to know the background story on Captain Dava Jordon.
An okay story but didn’t stand out as anything special. I think I would have enjoyed this more if I had read the series it is part of.
A very sad but lovely story that truly made you feel the pain that Teegan felt at losing so much. I also felt bad for Cole that he had to wait so long to get his woman back and that they had to chase the cause of all their pain to be reunited. Glad to ratbag was sorted out. Loved Ember, want one for myself.

This is my honest review of this box set from Netgalley

Under the Covers Book Blog

2,841 reviews1,352 followers

November 3, 2016

Pets in Space (Pets in Space, #1) (27)

I can't even describe to you how excited I was when I saw this book pop up. I adore Sci-Fi romance, and now there is an anthology not only full of them, but also their pets as well. I had to have it. The anthology has a whole host of authors only one of which I had read before so it gave me a chance to see what other authors I could delve into. And now after having read this, I now have a whole host of authors I need to get to.

As with most anthologies though, I had a mixed reaction to each story, some of them I loved and was left wanting more, some I liked and some I wasn't as keen on. I liked the variety that Pets in Space had though, although they were all Sci-Fi and involved a pet or animal in some way, they were all different enough that they would match a variety of tastes. From the robot dog to the psychic fox, there is going to be something that catches your interest.

Would I recommend you pick this up and give it a go? If you are a fan of Sci-Fi romance than yes, it's a cute offering that will open your eyes to authors that perhaps you haven't read before. If you aren't a fan, but fancy something a little different than I implore you to give this a try, it's a lot of fun.

*ARC provided by publisher
Reviewed by Suzanne

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2,005 reviews54 followers

November 22, 2016

2.5 stars

A mixture of stories, some (like the first) falling more definitely on the side of romance-set-in-space while a couple were more like SF with a dash of romance. Most of the pets were some type of K9 (robotic dog, or police/army dog), and one wasn't even a pet. Luckily the second half had some variety.

Unfortunately the first story did not grab me. It was weak, with too many convenient plot holes. In fact, most didn't grab me. A couple were okay, but the first I actively enjoyed was The Real Dragon by Pauline Baird Jones - a unique story with a nice twist of humor. Stardog by [Laurie A. Green] was a nice balance of SF and romance and had a new kind of pet, a nice change after all the other dogs, while Escape Run by Carysa Lock gave a stronger finish.

I wasn't wild about the layout either. I'm used to anthologies with a short intro of the author (not a summary of the story) with a little listing of the contributing authors' works at the end; each short story was like a self-contained individual publication. And some of them were pretty long for supposed short stories. I don't think I've seen as many chapterized stories, or stories with prologues, in any other anthology, nor did I expect 2 that started fairly similarly.

All in all, I'd consider this as an airport book (read on the plane and leave at the next airport) but wouldn't reread. I might look out the three authors I actually enjoyed though.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

    netgalley romance sf


2,662 reviews65 followers

October 11, 2016

This is a must read for all Science Fiction Romance fans. The stories in this collection are all outstanding. Most are by authors I knew but a few introduced me to some new authors. I had seen reviews of stories by S.E. Smith but this was the first time to read anything by her. Susan Grant takes us back to Baresh. She gives us a story about a great couple brought together by Bang-Bang the dog. See if you ask what happened to a minor characters. If you do you will find out that the character is going to get his own story. Cara Bristol bring us another cyborg who does not know he is ready for love until it smacks him in the face. My favorite is Star Cruise: Stowaway by Veronica Scott. I really enjoyed visiting the Nebula Zephyr again. It was nice to meet the new characters and get to visit with the ones for Star Curise: Outbreak. Pauline Baird Jones is anther of my favorite authors and she has a real dragon as the pet in her story. Alexis Glynn Latner, Lea Kirk and Carysa Locke were the other three who I had never read but really enjoyed getting to know. I read a book by Laurie A Green several years ago and I got a re-introduction in Pets in Space. This was a can't put down read for me and I think it will be for all of you.

    ebook fiction netgalley

Rhonda Jones

2,682 reviews13 followers

October 23, 2016

Fantastic Boxset

I bought this boxset specifically to read SE Smith's story. I have been a long time fan of hers and knew I would love the story, which I did. It was serious in the sense that a real bad critter needed to be contained. But it also had LOL moments and wonderful characters. The Despairing Wolfhound, one of the good guy characters, was an awesome pet. Well, more a partner than a pet. And the Wolfhound played a major role in the story, not a bit part.

But I also loved the premise of this boxset being about pets in space. I am an animal rights advocate and pet lover. I also love sci-fi romance. Normally I do not read all stories in a box set, but this time I did, and I loved the stories. Most of the stories I would rate 5 stars on their own, with just two given a respectable 4 star rating. And I am thrilled to find some new authors that I will be checking out to add more books to my library. This box set was a win win for me!


3,914 reviews30 followers

February 7, 2017

A great set of stories. Each is a romantic space story with some type of animal in it, even a robotic dog. Some of the stories get a little hot and some are very sweet. If you line sci-fi romance, you will enjoy this set. I know I have found some new authors to follow.

I received through NetGalley and voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of the book.

Pets in Space (Pets in Space, #1) (2024)


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