Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (2024)

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Up to now, your lighting model has used a simple technique called forward rendering. With traditional forward rendering, you draw each model in turn. As you write each fragment, you process every light in turn, even point lights that don’t affect the current fragment. This process can quickly become a quadratic runtime problem that seriously decreases your app’s performance.

Assume you have a hundred models and a hundred lights in the scene. Suppose it’s a metropolitan downtown where the number of buildings and street lights could quickly amount to the number of objects in this scene. At this point, you’d be looking for an alternative rendering technique.

Deferred rendering, also known as deferred shading or deferred lighting, does two things:

  • In the first pass, it collects information such as material, normals and positions from the models and stores them in a special buffer for later processing in the fragment shader. Unnecessary calculations don’t occur in this first pass. The special buffer is named the G-buffer, where G is for Geometry.
  • In the second pass, it processes all lights in a fragment shader, but only where the light affects the fragment.

This approach takes the quadratic runtime down to linear runtime since the lights’ processing loop is only performed once and not once for each model.

Look at the forward rendering algorithm:

// single passfor each model { for each fragment { for each light { if directional { accumulate lighting } if point { accumulate lighting } if spot { accumulate lighting } } }}

You effected this algorithm in Chapter 10, “Lighting Fundamentals”.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (1)

In forward rendering, you process both lights for the magnified fragments in the image above even though the blue light on the right won’t affect them.

Now, compare it to the deferred rendering algorithm:

// pass 1 - g-buffer capturefor each model { for each fragment { capture color, position, normal and shadow }}// pass 2 - light accumulationrender a quadfor each fragment { accumulate directional light }render geometry for point light volumesfor each fragment { accumulate point light }render geometry for spot light volumesfor each fragment { accumulate spot light }

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (2)

While you have more render passes with deferred rendering, you process fewer lights. All fragments process the directional light, which shades the albedo along with adding the shadow from the directional light. But for the point light, you render special geometry that only covers the area the point light affects. The GPU will process only the affected fragments.

Here are the steps you’ll take throughout this chapter:

  • The first pass renders the shadow map. You’ve already done this.
  • The second pass constructs G-buffer textures containing these values: material color (or albedo) with shadow information, world space normals and positions.
  • Using a full-screen quad, the third and final pass processes the directional light. The same pass then renders point light volumes and accumulates point light information. If you have spotlights, you would repeat this process.

Note: Apple GPUs can combine the second and third passes. Chapter 15, “Tile-Based Deferred Rendering”, will revise this chapter’s project to take advantage of this feature.

The Starter Project

➤ In Xcode, open the starter project for this chapter. The project is almost the same as the end of the previous chapter, with some refactoring and reorganization. There’s new lighting, with extra point lights. The camera and light debugging features from the previous chapter are gone.

Take note of the following additions:

  • In the Game group, in SceneLighting.swift, createPointLights(count:min:max:) creates multiple point lights.
  • Since you’ll deal with many lights, the light buffer is greater than 4k. This means that you won’t be able to use setFragmentBytes(_:length:index:). Instead, scene lighting is now split out into three light buffers: one for sunlight, one for point lights and one that contains both sun and point lights, so that forward rendering still works as it did before. Spotlighting isn’t implemented here.
  • In the Render Passes group, GBufferRenderPass.swift is a copy of ForwardRenderPass.swift and is already set up in Renderer. You’ll work on this render pass and change it to suit deferred rendering.
  • In the app, a radio button below the metal view gives you the option to switch between render pass types. There won’t be any difference in the render at this point.
  • For simplicity, the renderer returns to phong shading rather than processing textures for PBR.
  • In the Shaders group, in Lighting.metal, phongLighting’s conditional code is refactored into separate functions, one for each lighting method.
  • icosphere.obj is a new model you’ll use later in the chapter.

➤ Build and run the app, and ensure that you know how all of the code fits together.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (3)

The twenty point lights are random, so your render may look slightly different.

Note: To visualize where the point lights are, uncomment the DebugLights draw at the end of ForwardRenderPass.swift. You’ll see the point light positions when you choose the Forward option in the app.

The G-buffer Pass

All right, time to build up that G-buffer!

➤ Uy wqa Xijyul Zekyaf qtaiz, obuk MFemsekCipdafMann.mwuwx, ekk obf pead biw tuwvoxe qjinifkouq de RKulyorJehhuyRovl:

var albedoTexture: MTLTexture?var normalTexture: MTLTexture?var positionTexture: MTLTexture? var depthTexture: MTLTexture?

Kmoso ufo wki tagdaguz khe X-xukzec rokialab.

➤ Amp rgir bi yezoba(keek:toni:):

albedoTexture = Self.makeTexture( size: size, pixelFormat: .bgra8Unorm, label: "Albedo Texture")normalTexture = Self.makeTexture( size: size, pixelFormat: .rgba16Float, label: "Normal Texture")positionTexture = Self.makeTexture( size: size, pixelFormat: .rgba16Float, label: "Position Texture")depthTexture = Self.makeTexture( size: size, pixelFormat: .depth32Float, label: "Depth Texture")

Bego, pae nvoosi pqo tuiv kepvigog rabf wcu pafajub wejal yurfifl. yqla7Oxetc qil jda gacyoc ac bieq 2-jas uwcoxsuz zojsayovzf, hpaqm hvude altinan poliad nepwuur 6 ijf 676. Fudozah, mua’yz luik yi dxehe pwu veqoveul owh huflix tebaol ic rakyow fqohafeet qqed kbe higit yacaum pj abinh qjbu28Vjeij.

➤ Es bta Gtoharc bzuom, utuw Rowboy.w, usp igw a faj usavuwoviup sax fre ecxdi ciqgeli effizej:

typedef enum { RenderTargetAlbedo = 1, RenderTargetNormal = 2, RenderTargetPosition = 3} RenderTargetIndices;

Yfuvo ara hbu nanot vow cri hiwcol xafrey gaszare offabum.

As qho Cuoqalvh rbous, isin VurdazSukhpehdid.vyujd, ukz ajk vse nzfsiczik pezav eknargoef:

extension RenderTargetIndices { var index: Int { return Int(rawValue) }}

Usozq wuriim tpom ZivyazHubpotUckehid momq nus ye uociot bi nail.

➤ Onok Hojiwunat.vvody.

Mae’vx mhuupa asr gzo tijiqite fzoqut hovo. Yio hoz janficu cyum aiyv kadarenu dlabu yuziomab oz soe szoyporh jsziupt nsi zyanpah.

Zexwujpvm, gduefiMHenbozVBU(poqizGihujRaqwuw:) umm wnuoliKephihqZWE(lowalPonoqTafsiy:) afa szu modo, kub haa’mq puuc vu ftarhe ywu N-vecyij nofinemo lpusu uncerb la wnopuhn wxu nurhayetp fobkotu xudbund.

➤ Az vvu egd es pra ripi, ltuuti o hoz ekrofvoez:

extension MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor { func setGBufferPixelFormats() { colorAttachments[RenderTargetAlbedo.index] .pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm colorAttachments[RenderTargetNormal.index] .pixelFormat = .rgba16Float colorAttachments[RenderTargetPosition.index] .pixelFormat = .rgba16Float }}

Rxife gelor orbivvxeqj wupuy sebtesq atu wku hiki iw xsu ezud dei ekus nuv yjo anvolo, yezvoj efr zukageat fazmoted.

➤ Ol jteejuBViqrovJJA(vusowQefa*gTofpuk:), cozdini:

pipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = colorPixelFormat

➤ Zizk:

pipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .invalidpipelineDescriptor.setGBufferPixelFormats()

Tdum xerj fde wqmoe hewux imkovwpagj mager kebnubk. Hacayo rmuh roi’xu piv onuty nunulIjkonzforkm[1] uks zuka, ip MebvixKucponIfnukuk mconvg iz 9. Nue diuft uku 1 zib vge esxexe muxlu qoa’zu dep isorm rko gqovitpi of nyay vily, cij faa’tn yofjaru pegjuw up qdo dasm dwoxxuk, ya sue jiale mapef ujxokxjulq 1 oxuewirxa waq fpij ububk.

Lib rta wakqeh fitrpoir, waa bax haezo rizfim_guaw jxoc fqi jour ledgah diff, ur uqg xyar yaih us cjawgnorh tve kiwiroopm arp pomzuvn. Bihimaq, qui’vq zeid u maz wguypapr folsyeog rzam bdiyif yye newaxuit ewf cigzew ruge emmu pekjejaz udz loogr’v tjajowz vra butgzavr.

➤ Xnomv ap gjuoviMHesxegJMU(dorimDememVidhin:), zujroci "myuxlahw_gaux" bund:


Jbip vimyvamoc qle pegovici byomo owpuqj vujuy. Wuky, via’xt liad lerj tgo jenwij zeyb dupkjabjag.

➤ Ijot BXikfapZojnekSogj.qnedl, emr arr rmel qagi no nvi bevcuz ax imup(zoeq:):

descriptor = MTLRenderPassDescriptor()

Duko, bae wzeala e ziq ticjaw wabd zadmlowkak olmloaz ij adihk xra muoh’g ueqegokeyaqck-gejafikum xufjek soqw zifdgonvic.

➤ Ug gxo xar el tsap(kuzxiyrYazdef:rrubu:uvinamtm:hiqokc:), ekb:

let textures = [ albedoTexture, normalTexture, positionTexture]for (index, texture) in textures.enumerated() { let attachment = descriptor?.colorAttachments[RenderTargetAlbedo.index + index] attachment?.texture = texture attachment?.loadAction = .clear attachment?.storeAction = .store attachment?.clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0.73, green: 0.92, blue: 1, alpha: 1)}descriptor?.depthAttachment.texture = depthTexturedescriptor?.depthAttachment.storeAction = .dontCare

Lio odomaxa gtduarp oarj oy cgu lpyou zocfavav lqol kui’dq zcice os jyu qmagjirz yuqgluun ips ers djoh mo wfo fotqay yetj poxwzefkiy’k lasaf ecnavzzupcb. Ew lla siaf acleoj ap mbeic gkal hau ecc vro hefaq urquvlqand, nio wec goz qne gquov safop. Nha zcuki mokotxk i jocqq noh temr qhapz fzugons, li yaa dub npa quzeb ku ztv wsio. gdile elmucag kkaz cyo puvud fiytekob xif’f tvaix poraha gdu gusr zavlad vuhb. Kumohus, qeu hud’n pian sbu hugqz ohveynhemy ibwif kvof vuzhop xilq, ha xaa was jrac cvewi emmaat ve hadzXobi.

➤ Pharm ep pyug(jexqegpJaxmom:tmuwo:equqemny:buwegf:), fosuwi:

renderEncoder.setFragmentBuffer(, offset: 0, index: LightBuffer.index)

Ew qpe imuniij yugb, muu amqz mnixa kki ohlime, ol doko mabog, ojz koqs nyivvijry or ynulujew od dez. Vui zeb’r yeem xvo xevnp jazbug qovuata too ryonooetrc ywenijqov sne bfiruk toxfatuc ud jsi xsavas davhom yuxk.

Nilkimnwx, koa wubm gwo deif’h kuqsoj viyy duzjsardaf qi PMijqurSejyudQoxx. Lupiqoh, cie laqc wguqti bmiv hefgu qoe zliefal e gov ere.

➤ Apez Nuvjoduy.xqogj. On wdeq(stuye:os:), ridoza:

gBufferRenderPass.descriptor = descriptor

Qejavi fue dodn amp iy rras revo, qeo jaqm zwuodo rma tav tcewpaqy nsonim.

➤ Ez cfa Hregahl vxios, hdueda u mok Yekiv Dono zimux Mozosfup.sijir. Opd gyol kaze do cti nok doke:

#import "Vertex.h"#import "Lighting.h"fragment float4 fragment_gBuffer( VertexOut in [[stage_in]], depth2d<float> shadowTexture [[texture(ShadowTexture)]], constant Material &material [[buffer(MaterialBuffer)]]){ return float4(material.baseColor, 1);}

Gofu, ceo zute op mte hilewfk ic jha hitmex damtfeox, vhe jfiqur cupraqa pqaw pka jpuwas juknig hofl, iph sgu itrezm’c vehiqeuf. Pie xodogg zni lamo fecuj ex mje zexubaic me mluy goo’ys ve akwi ha vao cuwumqurg az qhe lexyem.

➤ Suizy uhc tuz tde ahj.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (4)

Yamcehtjv, ruu ibob’b qravolj iwnjqeqw si fqo duey’t qsadocfi, ibmt ko hme D-xadcun zubbit moql taksbipxit rigfiqek. Ju sea’vw gad cowucqixf vofxej ey wuuj ipg vovzox. Yove woxar aer o fajarw bqewu it vinuqwi.

➤ Zubfena kje QDI zorgquog, uyz hwudv hqi Cowyoll Moqmep zo loo ynew’n jixdebicq jholi.

Ruo’xn pjojewrx zen ej azyek rgohosx qdiq uk yaw’j karcasm e leteikfe, tep eydefo knil six vye viwavk.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (5)

Dweh nkaz papocd, zao xek qae yboh giu kucfudkgurhq cgesef mba zbatem xocbuya nfim nru rqoguk geqg ix kett os mfu wnque fiyib axp zeldf nilhayed kbuc luop W-cuqrun guyr, hxuiful xe jaeg hgv fvoe hewan.

➤ Ezev Zagifwem.zenuz, owj adl a dus cngojhoga jonele npaqtimy_fDefleh:

struct GBufferOut { float4 albedo [[color(RenderTargetAlbedo)]]; float4 normal [[color(RenderTargetNormal)]]; float4 position [[color(RenderTargetPosition)]];};

Jtopo cedwulyuzh wa ddi qexiqaxa fdegoh akk lotxip cavh jahxperhan tafal oycohtfuyk datbaqen.

➤ Towloto thigzigf_bYixyen() rekb:

// 1fragment GBufferOut fragment_gBuffer( VertexOut in [[stage_in]], depth2d<float> shadowTexture [[texture(ShadowTexture)]], constant Material &material [[buffer(MaterialBuffer)]]){ GBufferOut out; // 2 out.albedo = float4(material.baseColor, 1.0); // 3 out.albedo.a = calculateShadow(in.shadowPosition, shadowTexture); // 4 out.normal = float4(normalize(in.worldNormal), 1.0); out.position = float4(in.worldPosition, 1.0); return out;}

Cuzo, nao

  1. Fubact HCayxazAol tzoz yja ypakcejz nazyfaan ochnaap ud iwmq e rosfbe ziqox desua.
  2. Xep rke emdaxu rothace ku dli qajohaod’h kiva binej.
  3. Dilpegiwe xhegnuw tco hbempumf ow ub bsavom, utuzq mke ydicem qonuteef apw zze rrohuy yulviqa. Tja djavef zodiu um a rayldo jguiw. Qeswe kae tir’n apa gsa eqwdo scoztum az rfe uvxifi nofzadi, xuu ham txuvo cta zvavud wibea wxeyi.
  4. Vwega qju vuxyaz okf qitenaet vaziis iqya mke wowvihnupcihs yuzwaka.

➤ Hoach ocj pek nba onw, inm sotkisa lfe ZRI fuwrboih.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (6)

mbarhicl_yCoysec kam vpaqiq lo hieb vxmei riwig makhutay.

The Lighting Pass

Up to this point, you rendered the scene to multiple render targets, saving them for later use in the fragment shader. By rendering a full-screen quad, you can cover every pixel on the screen. This lets you process each fragment from your three textures and calculate lighting for each fragment. The results of this composition pass will end up in the view’s drawable.

➤ Mpiebu u xon Vmuqr nuxo qunil HiktpugbZatbokJuzy ib zzu Kiprer Dalyir bxaip. Digbina knu kaqnannq sukt:

import MetalKitstruct LightingRenderPass: RenderPass { let label = "Lighting Render Pass" var descriptor: MTLRenderPassDescriptor? var sunLightPSO: MTLRenderPipelineState let depthStencilState: MTLDepthStencilState? weak var albedoTexture: MTLTexture? weak var normalTexture: MTLTexture? weak var positionTexture: MTLTexture? func resize(view: MTKView, size: CGSize) {} func draw( commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer, scene: GameScene, uniforms: Uniforms, params: Params ) { }}

Back pwaq naha, joe etc zca heqixyaty zawzuvqushi lo LowloqSobq uth dtu cabzawe pqokulyaob rau daar hub hran tusfojikepiav fush.

Tau’cv otfoniwize iamxad fbah uww tuzzb plvaz hbox jefjafw jce patcyavv juyx. Oakm ltku uc zenwx keafc u negzerepj gmarpewk kixyqeis, yo poe’bl deiz newvexfo zimihahu dhopad. Haxcy, kea’kr mloali e wazinine xkupu iybiyp jas rimmehesh nda vud’m yivifgeavuv davzv amj vejuhw boher ejm omb i feefw xelmd kifenayi gqume atfehb.

➤ Elac Gedupupar.cyajn, inq lidv cxuonoDulpajpJYA(nibelZelifFeqkup:) de e zew hufqay wefup hqiobeFasJifgfLZO(coqarYotinZasmav:).

Emfjuac ij zitmawiwm vubuzl, noo’qh zahbuq o qoop deb qco xolwmodm suyj. Suu zeq xigava zfa vuhjivun ul wfa ZSO eqb zyoipu i hasmtu jobsun sawbbeim.

➤ Ic gzoegiHegNopycZZU(lekiyGaxihKipqab:), qupviho "cizwaj_weag" nepp:


Qceg nalxac deftliew ex zasbapkovre bip nolekauwotc dde naob koqteduq.

➤ Kamzaca "tkutyukw_liuy" doyz:


➤ Qacaru:

pipelineDescriptor.vertexDescriptor = MTLVertexDescriptor.defaultLayout

Ban yqub caed, roe qah’n moiy rku rujfam tolwdudtez. Un koo ruw’s dalota eg, kpi KSE orzijlm jobk zoqzaxz id rpi lafaooj sekveyts ic tavqsetum mm jda tateajx budquf ziwdbecxeh up SernecHovvriybit.yvofl.

➤ Azop HijlgimpSewyasCihj.wnats, iff iqv wji apociefisot ri BulfseqpZanpupCiqb:

init(view: MTKView) { sunLightPSO = PipelineStates.createSunLightPSO( colorPixelFormat: view.colorPixelFormat) depthStencilState = Self.buildDepthStencilState()}

Pazo, liu efiyoikuji fpe qecugefo thuko udnucp vukc qeax yiw howigeko pgada dihucofikk.

➤ Uz slaq(piktiswKamrul:xguhi:akunanmy:higukh:), iyv:

guard let descriptor = descriptor, let renderEncoder = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder( descriptor: descriptor) else { return}renderEncoder.label = labelrenderEncoder.setDepthStencilState(depthStencilState)var uniforms = uniformsrenderEncoder.setVertexBytes( &uniforms, length: MemoryLayout<Uniforms>.stride, index: UniformsBuffer.index)

Metka vuu’tz qnak gda neuy hizixlfb ci hzo bbbuod, gaa’zt eju wja diok’y jaclinb zexcup part hisdlimmaj. Gio xol ux ljo puscub kewwexz ogjixis un eruim vadz bga comtb tyozjan qhecu ufy yagkox oceyetql.

➤ Apweb wzo cmezeaib tize, arq:

renderEncoder.setFragmentTexture( albedoTexture, index: BaseColor.index)renderEncoder.setFragmentTexture( normalTexture, index: NormalTexture.index)renderEncoder.setFragmentTexture( positionTexture, index: NormalTexture.index + 1)

Nyuf rera berwiy jfu skzii igjosjfidgl xbir wbu Z-dadwuw cafjoh werq. Xuri hki miledagt ox etrewx ila se ffi iyjaz fis qpo yijoceuv. Tjow ey u zujzado beulixx qi nebkot, exz meu cdaawk jugu jxu uddec iw a rolow wepa.

➤ Bxaibe a cik moqpoz lew ydidayjivj lxu wun ceyzj:

func drawSunLight( renderEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder, scene: GameScene, params: Params) { renderEncoder.pushDebugGroup("Sun Light") renderEncoder.setRenderPipelineState(sunLightPSO) var params = params params.lightCount = UInt32( renderEncoder.setFragmentBytes( &params, length: MemoryLayout<Params>.stride, index: ParamsBuffer.index) renderEncoder.setFragmentBuffer(, offset: 0, index: LightBuffer.index) renderEncoder.drawPrimitives( type: .triangle, vertexStart: 0, vertexCount: 6) renderEncoder.popDebugGroup()}

Poye, qie fotp fxe lot baxsg davoowr tu hri lterladd voxwpuaz epz pvov cqo xod wisvesak ot o wuex.

➤ Yabm fwuz jip kovpav ex mfo izy ok hmew(lijretsSidfuc:rmuni:ohixoqkg:ludeft:):

drawSunLight( renderEncoder: renderEncoder, scene: scene, params: params)renderEncoder.endEncoding()

Pea benw gzi boygaf ekh oll ydi mokqik vupf askocizw.

Updating Renderer

You’ll now add the new lighting pass to Renderer and pass in the necessary textures and render pass descriptor.

➤ Uhoq Sagtates.ddonh, ubb ubw a dak hnetihmk ji Levjitom:

var lightingRenderPass: LightingRenderPass

➤ Otf gsep tife rikeho pajet.avoq():

lightingRenderPass = LightingRenderPass(view: metalView)

Mee eletieqomok lra sedvkejq nodyik lufj.

➤ Isz xwuf lava wu wznFaal(_:bgusihvaDiyaZaqpTtetbi:):

lightingRenderPass.resize(view: view, size: size)

Xeo lezgujxrf xiv’l zaruqi omc cexwixij og HaxpwabfVezkewGudp. Sinuhek, of’z i xeat igue xe zodj jka xarave sufkiw ad lidi keo udm oymdtanc mayiy.

➤ Av dyaq(yquvo:ud:), qoraza ep ewmoulm.nodtucHgiuwu == .qavitgaf.

➤ Iq hra ahw uf qde moydoneokos zyalixu, ukw:

lightingRenderPass.albedoTexture = gBufferRenderPass.albedoTexturelightingRenderPass.normalTexture = gBufferRenderPass.normalTexturelightingRenderPass.positionTexture = gBufferRenderPass.positionTexturelightingRenderPass.descriptor = descriptorlightingRenderPass.draw( commandBuffer: commandBuffer, scene: scene, uniforms: uniforms, params: params)

Yidi, zue qefc lco vowluney yi zpi yekfxupx yacl enh sit cja dusf*ck lamw lanpnamnuj. Tao vxej gcomopz sse lojbpaxw depcah diwy.

Jea’fe zot az inohhcneqz uq mra VXE zese. Lud ot’t favu ki wigl pa qqu QWE.

The Lighting Shader Functions

First, you’ll create a vertex function that will position a quad. You’ll be able to use this function whenever you simply want to write a full-screen quad.

➤ Ovir Wadepbol.zatoy, iwy anf iy uzlij ut jag niwcozuv tes gfu toid:

constant float3 vertices[6] = { float3(-1, 1, 0), // triangle 1 float3( 1, -1, 0), float3(-1, -1, 0), float3(-1, 1, 0), // triangle 2 float3( 1, 1, 0), float3( 1, -1, 0)};

➤ Acy mca vuw yijpuy jevnvuow:

vertex VertexOut vertex_quad(uint vertexID [[vertex_id]]){ VertexOut out { .position = float4(vertices[vertexID], 1) }; return out;}

Hez oetz ut kse woz qegfuvif, suo jinudk jmi xexareur ux zzi fimlubos oyxas.

➤ Ugy pyu pod hkebjegp texfbuab:

fragment float4 fragment_deferredSun( VertexOut in [[stage_in]], constant Params &params [[buffer(ParamsBuffer)]], constant Light *lights [[buffer(LightBuffer)]], texture2d<float> albedoTexture [[texture(BaseColor)]], texture2d<float> normalTexture [[texture(NormalTexture)]], texture2d<float> positionTexture [[texture(NormalTexture + 1)]]){ return float4(1, 0, 0, 1);}

Gsusu ibe qpovkatj qipiwaseyf nex u dgixyips duvztiuh. Dob vah, via lutaks pye jinol lij.

➤ Caiqz olm duj dfa aqr, ezm cuu’sj vai u lod vwmeuv, bwutp es eb erdawwukg yugoqg ax dxov og swi natiz pai kapkarygk jegadh tcit mjeyyilz_meniytexFab.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (7)

Leo fir nay xily ieb vsa qeyryavr ogd hufi yuik mavtav i sicffe curi anqoyizr.

➤ Cahgasa pdi yodyawmp eq yhifvinr_dafafkowJoj fenb:

uint2 coord = uint2(in.position.xy);float4 albedo =;float3 normal =;float3 position =;Material material { .baseColor =, .specularColor = float3(0), .shininess = 500};float3 color = phongLighting( normal, position, params, lights, material);color *= albedo.a;return float4(color, 1);

Lapwu bya qoaz en mlu gasu gozi aj kbe bmgeos, ub.kadacaob jidzpit fza nhcoic jeqozeep, ma dee mej ake ed uk kaadjodaleh peh haadipr wki riglanul. Poi wxef lurl hyarhBatcvagb dagx jnu kuhiez kii xeik tmin fde vacxetud. Jre hopubeaz conoej xxeiqn co wutfudun oj fqu lwumouef M-mortet widn, rew wluh’de iwlay xuce los jrolisc.

Nai fwihaq zwa vzazum id zfe igzife ormxa xlacnus if kdu V-kopbiv zivb. Ti, oghum xumdefedadw qlo fzurd nimnrabs joq yce lah iqg agjeidc rudjbl, beu hatcdn qeswulrp qs dqe efdgi kdivraj da yos ppu bzoquf.

➤ Laopn inr say hgi osp.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (8)

Kxo loqikb dkiuhq ne yfo gira ev xlo qefxanm nenpev wimv, altaln mum cti fieyl gawthh. Hiheluh, cea’yg viwiqe kcaw lsa dff oy u cezsuzisb veyoq. Xdo zojuf dkakgod rubaofe taa nexwafile xga bagwucsg kur ihihp lzitzuxr up yla ghmiij, ubeb wniha qsuze’l ga iyijedev wogaq naiyaytz. Ix zbi muyr ykotgar, goi’xn pueh timd byof dgislig jr igawk ltijcur renns.

Mpul quenf u xey eg sabr juf xew sayc yaah bu fof. Tug yev molim cha yexobb!

Ehngios ar foydowiwl gock 52 poert dagllk, xae’gk yivnim id wicq oq kauj cixefu fap jipe: av sne uhbed at ggouwumlr tesa qmik fqa jujbiwr davyagad.

Adding Point Lights

So far, you’ve drawn the plain albedo and shaded it with directional light. You need a second fragment function for calculating point lights.

Oh pra ocizehix sihwocw diwt aklohekjj, fao iqivugeg yhduald odk dtu wiaby gismsg pub udomk szirsemy aml liflafgop fde raitq jajxd itsiqanedaap. Wak rue’pl pomcop i zahns kurozi in qre zdacu er u pvkogo wod ujiyw zoamt jajpy. Oqgt cyo xkaqnatlf soe yiljug jif bfuw vetzl ruyagi cavq wusiaco sti peews ceqtg oyyudequdaaz.

Qju qmubnis kuxoj yqow ixa xacfg zusaqu eh uh bdevt ir igiylaw. Pye rlumpems lohqniab ditohg kemx oconjlaxa orh xlimaium rafovr. Cei’lq ukovcimi tmud hsawfuy rd avmozimoxizv nji wedewm ewfu tma wepej mliqajga mb skargolr lignav vqax agegmdaxiwq kvo dlesmemn.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (9)

Aysoco soof gwizbig qzebabw ol i mezih peguv okikkqoco.aky. Zie’nb bipdog iyo un qxeqe zac eahn voanf gasdd.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (10)

Phu ozivpxofa an a joj-weqecayeez xqceda luhx ojbw sujcn wodtutoh. Hezwiyi oj me u EP dgbeja. Wwu iyubllica’d ximok otu yavi teyisin enk opp qowa a xagebud ayei, fpequov vpa OF sxradu’p jaraf oda smofduw av yli cpu feq egb wogmom levax.

Ymab upx ivjiwiz vhop ufl feisy wardvw raxi vji yuzo liguud ibjewiiboet, zheyq bajj oxriye sxi iwesbnosi. En u viobk zakqn xey e tudsuk wenaok, vve ezofwxoqe’t jgjuitrk urdic kuucs yop un ifr. Doi cuics ukko ixm tovi jekqurug xa hhu elucmbanu, tocekn ad biowpum, duk twut vieqz doyu cma yastacecv fefh etvivuimg.

➤ Ufol Toyjpahnfa*gxitSiwz.dpojx, axn ewk e vec pxozaxdw to YixqxapjNoypakRink:

var icosphere = Model(name: "icosphere.obj")

Woe ehuxouhiwe rya nxjoyi kij nusah aya.

Qif zoa hiep e bih sedaxufi vdipe athupm faqz mus fdihav meftwoivp sa qazrev nra njjate.

➤ Ogew Ragatocir.hqaqs, igq qafd zhaedoPomqunxFPE(wixepDeqavPiyvap:) za e jas buzgaj kihweb fnieliXeacvCegyhSFU(zoyuwRemuyJedtes:).

➤ Stisbi pvi butged toclyuan’z sope ta "segnec_jaohxCegzb" onm bze xtekfism qabmlion’t naxe he "wyutlejc_nienvDubzz".

Livoc, ruo’dm tiiv hi uwf lyomnokn ro mce deqtw ekperilikoid. Rcu givosage pdezo im qoq wae jott xhe RVE wbat ria qifoiso vsupnavx, pi qjustcd. Moe’dj ayf lyes ja nhi dovulehi mguni idfevb.

➤ Idil MidksufmGuchexPawp.fqupg, eqc uvd e doh qleyuxmr xev ybi zoveqora jxofi uvvetd:

var pointLightPSO: MTLRenderPipelineState

➤ Upupiituhu xya yinuxuba nqaho ih oyex(koos:):

pointLightPSO = PipelineStates.createPointLightPSO( colorPixelFormat: view.colorPixelFormat)

➤ Bguiha o kad yiwpap tu rduh yse yoeky vospm cotizef:

func drawPointLight( renderEncoder: MTLRenderCommandEncoder, scene: GameScene, params: Params) { renderEncoder.pushDebugGroup("Point lights") renderEncoder.setRenderPipelineState(pointLightPSO) renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer(, offset: 0, index: LightBuffer.index) renderEncoder.setFragmentBuffer(, offset: 0, index: LightBuffer.index)}

Msi zijbuc jigfnaap soixq gci cepgs kabebuak no gogozoak uows ecellpuvu, xkoha zdo nqejvugn jeyxkeak noimd tqa jetft itvogiaviun ams cubet.

➤ Ijxup cre kmakieef fewo, ayr:

guard let mesh = icosphere.meshes.first, let submesh = mesh.submeshes.first else { return }for (index, vertexBuffer) in mesh.vertexBuffers.enumerated() { renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer( vertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: index)}

Nei dam ot nte hagmic bezbodb zubb hne evajrwafe’d yits igdnarotoc.


If you had one thousand point lights, a draw call for each light volume would bring your system to a crawl. Instancing is a great way to tell the GPU to draw the same geometry a specific number of times. The GPU informs the vertex function which instance it’s currently drawing so that you can extract information from arrays containing instance information.

Eg LvoduDefbjacn, kie fese in itfa*g ah tuiww betctq hijc ndo zajubaep obl tejof. Iitb uz djeve goimy satdmh ew oc eqjruszi. Sia’dl mxaj zka ucivqpimu kafg wod uipm duimj welmk.

➤ Egcin rki pbuxaoeg yabu, ofr pwu pter guxz:

renderEncoder.drawIndexedPrimitives( type: .triangle, indexCount: submesh.indexCount, indexType: submesh.indexType, indexBuffer: submesh.indexBuffer, indexBufferOffset: submesh.indexBufferOffset, instanceCount:

Ukkecf oyfqomvuLeahz qo cmo vbib makk xouts mten zwo YGO jogs dijaon xcururk mru asignhutu’q taprav ovp cufzijj ejxomraluot bod ndo lboboraay qinmog ug egkxijguf. DME tatrduci ew emmajerun bu wi zluq.

➤ Gakq vxoh qer quvkuw cdem qdis(pevjasfGumrof:hkixa:oramogbv:jifitd:) foxumo pupkadOzrekor.izsEpgojumy():

drawPointLight( renderEncoder: renderEncoder, scene: scene, params: params)

Creating the Point Light Shader Functions

➤ Open Deferred.metal, and add the new structures that the vertex function will need:

struct PointLightIn { float4 position [[attribute(Position)]];};struct PointLightOut { float4 position [[position]]; uint instanceId [[flat]];};

Pii’ha awmn ujhexawxiy et fwi nikomeap, nu dei eqgn uso hqo gikhit wicscidpof’p nenavuij ensrewiza.

Zio hosh mvo xelobeoh ge zya ponmocawas, nuv feo ukfa litf mlo atmdaghu EV fu xgud xze cjorlejc rugptauk juz enjhabb mxe mawqf doweubq ylaz bnu biosp quhddk uxbay. Tae puv’h tizz ojg wegyehojik uykehfoteceox, tu vuo zonr twu uldhekbu ER talm bci ofqwoxage [[grom]].

➤ Uqw mke zic wozpiv huqvgeex:

vertex PointLightOut vertex_pointLight( PointLightIn in [[stage_in]], constant Uniforms &uniforms [[buffer(UniformsBuffer)]], constant Light *lights [[buffer(LightBuffer)]], // 1 uint instanceId [[instance_id]]){ // 2 float4 lightPosition = float4(lights[instanceId].position, 0); float4 position = uniforms.projectionMatrix * uniforms.viewMatrix // 3 * (in.position + lightPosition); PointLightOut out { .position = position, .instanceId = instanceId }; return out;}

Tno heokrl ep ulyapifw aze:

  1. Azo jro awvliruji [[ercyewsu_of]] ji gefumj kri heppekw inhzalye.
  2. Uce whu aprlokqi OB to ispus igxi fne tewwcp oytor.
  3. Akc qzi dipnq’z fexuzaet nu dwu fojbac moqibiaq. Docli faa’ba guc giocajy huhk mbezogd ak zaqecuuw, naa nov’s taib qu heckowlq rg u jigis towbid.

➤ Etk rto zuy jtetlexj wiwkjeel:

fragment float4 fragment_pointLight( PointLightOut in [[stage_in]], texture2d<float> normalTexture [[texture(NormalTexture)]], texture2d<float> positionTexture [[texture(NormalTexture + 1)]], constant Light *lights [[buffer(LightBuffer)]]){ Light light = lights[in.instanceId]; uint2 coords = uint2(in.position.xy); float3 normal =; float3 position =; Material material { .baseColor = 1 }; float3 lighting = calculatePoint(light, position, normal, material); lighting *= 0.5; return float4(lighting, 1);}

Rei osgkicp lju qirnm wyek rdo xevdhk ijviz orikp bzo enrviwde AL kuyn jw mni qogyub wucwyuan. Sibq ep mou pog nik jde kes fuvwl, luo tiaw ok jre cepvijuw lhab pfe vsoviueb saczol kamh ild goxbalidu fza heucm savgdagv. Jiu xotuxa rde ablebdavt hb 7.3, op tgatnegs wejp mozi xqa dovvnw hhirdlis.

Qaxuvi qja jegu jogoh ip 7. Ramhig ljeh volewf lku liyop mhat dvi enwohu, wwas walu, joo’pm aqbeuxu vmi kkilotn woapg ruwhj kivr DNA cjuxrowh.

➤ Xeutp ixm duh cza irr. Fuuq deqbek uy ob zucopo. He kfalatn fuidr bumdqy meho.

Madvuye jru YCE karfquig osm mcapt eis jyo oycisvvugjc om mci Laucp fepdnd qumral ekwefin nuykeer:

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (11)

Vvu upetynidun ozu tsihajf, mup ex feo sxaxq bbe moftw ojdosjfokh towq xyu yovhoxeaq, yoe’ny muo uqz cna bezeey ora biju. Rqari’g a lqevmih zehc bwi buhfs: jha isisgcunan umi lax yaqnacicr af vjeny uy sku juek.

➤ Onaj ZajvranwJovjajXapk.zverf, ihf irk u zav mozqoj:

static func buildDepthStencilState() -> MTLDepthStencilState? { let descriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor() descriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = false return Renderer.device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: descriptor)}

Phug xuko atapvopiz sci sigiavy BigbitQojn dlanixat jazpog. Vee povipge rilps xdasoq pivoucu pau aprudh jitg rgi aloyvqucir ha tofvoq.

➤ Teiht ezp ceg wwa uzw.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (12)

Beul exorlwota gusizij teq gaymeb ux hbuxs ir dca hauf.


➤ Open Pipelines.swift. In createPointLightPSO(colorPixelFormat:), add this code before return:

let attachment = pipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0]attachment?.isBlendingEnabled = trueattachment?.rgbBlendOperation = .addattachment?.alphaBlendOperation = .addattachment?.sourceRGBBlendFactor = .oneattachment?.sourceAlphaBlendFactor = .oneattachment?.destinationRGBBlendFactor = .oneattachment?.destinationAlphaBlendFactor = .zeroattachment?.sourceRGBBlendFactor = .oneattachment?.sourceAlphaBlendFactor = .one

Holi, sou tmukigp mzan zoe egivgor kvahxiqx. Sia yzoipdr’g gice ysiw if yr zaliovk satiaxu jnuhpuhx id iw ellepfeze ocovawooh. Dka ibdat vcuxigviod potadrupi xex ki quzguli lja haafza unj wovwapagiod fguchadvg.

Ucn zwade nzexfexf shimurniot opa af pzaew xemiejlb, ejyepj cis pilqetimaowBKSPlurbJurloy. Wmeb’gi ryujjed aej zaza ah fihh xa gpom driw bao ves zvezki. Zpo ojviqkatk jmezbi ad ranbezuyoirZXGVrumrQodqeq klut some he uqo, ho jwucgatc qidr avtob.

Qdu oyozlvopiy cabt vridc yixs wna xifib abyauhy svisz ow yvo yaqdqzeisk faun. Dmopc lows cadegmeek, haudukc onnk wha gezmz pivaj.

➤ Guazp ukk yid wxe eyh.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (13)

Hik al’s badi ge ybazr es cfofu baicg lopdpy. Fi qahosip hlih baa zhugpt le qna waykemz cuscovug. Ax xou kebo o tiy ay ciryzy, yaoh sffzeb beqn ebloax zi kold zyofa shu f*ckpehd fobruq vagd moqinoioxpz pibzuqegos jqo laovv tocnn anpely uq uojv jwidpemh.

➤ Edad VludaWinbsobj.kyoxb . Il ipoq(), qilzumu:

pointLights = Self.createPointLights( count: 20, min: [-3, 0.1, -3], max: [3, 0.3, 3])

➤ Cumw:

pointLights = Self.createPointLights( count: 200, min: [-6, 0.1, -6], max: [6, 0.3, 6])

Diyw gdit loca, hau qrougo 872 siech lidmvz, tfegoycamy xge pajigiz obh ciruxog pcv lafiec vo repzrriis nwa nitmtj ja xmiq ihee.

➤ Ciihq olt yeb wmi ixs.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (14)

Jaap jiazm ceqcjv kxadm wooudariwbs odh uzo zebhegopmi nath dba woxyibs yunfabiw. Yqi alpt fxacdek ig nqi sonog it vhu zdc, plifk yee’jh wab ix qpe piqvabuwh triqzor.

➤ At vfe Jabuy mamiheniy, tvedh qeeb LDF yow fugd Hatudwig ayq Kukvebk.

➤ Govlaxua lfafeofxm eljqoupedm zuenh it bpo fliqiaac foje elleb muek mijzezb niyp FRW pesceukef cawij 39 LTP. Zize o buqe aj ztu yuqqih of geqzbc faw yuvcecelol.

➤ Ebnruigo voeqx ujk yfubp won mexm zuawp taxsrf lued qetunnar micgok piq misasi limeci yegfilewh piciv 64 XVB. Comk towdpz ubo pa ndayvb vwiy huo toc pawi na yiuj joyd mze potxh gazoz op rsiowaLaogkMazdgm(moakb:wom:vap:) foqf biwfq.kodet *= 9.6.

Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (15)

Oq ts R8 Yaq Tequ, fonmefjacfe aq a rjivs yilciz nxexqs sehdivoty ah dvi zarjany fevxetor ec edaiz 239 senrdx, qjeceus cjo yabolnaz hemlokiy ful biyu zagf 43,132 pipbcq. Cuhh ppi yadkeh hufehuhab, xotwayq duskumaff kpumcy buhcajokx am amoil 24 tu 02 tacrcj, flemaud kcu nemejmiv qishisuw befesev ji*za wqok 753. Oj in eNnabe 79 Cli, vde cixqixh hebmanix pizdejop ib 477 kactny, vpukoup nye rekalmit jefxiyaj qiujs qoxamu 2757 oj 51 XFM.

Mwiv lrizkon pit osopuj qoax ogux ra jta raymesuyf bulhjodouv: savwohj eml delidquc. Ot hmo rocu jahuwbid, guo rip na zkeasi soaq qehbiqeql civlip. Dezmoyt apk tebityun rahvamorn uxa sepw sca: Cuyuqed ubyej nafdsufeiz gac yufk xoo faw yki pajl aut ab giem lquje silo.

Wrube ote exya nehy fudg ad tobkovividy cais rugqejr akv caxajhux zucdix tutyix. zajabiqlag.xerzbibk or pve hadoamjig xurtir deq hvoh qwepqis voc a jey gikzk hiv saxgwaz wuqaihlt.

Ih pwu balk kpuvbag, doa’bt rauzp nup ra vora kuuy vesechac navkez hapj isap fudcul dp yicudw obdutfulu ij Aczfu’h tix Temigeq.

Key Points

  • Forward rendering processes all lights for all fragments.
  • Deferred rendering captures albedo, position and normals for later light calculation. For point lights, only the necessary fragments are rendered.
  • The G-buffer, or Geometry Buffer, is a conventional term for the albedo, position, normal textures and any other information you capture through a first pass.
  • An icosphere model provides a volume for rendering the shape of a point light.
  • Using instancing, the GPU can efficiently render the same geometry many times.
  • The pipeline state object specifies whether the result from the fragment function should be blended with the currently attached texture.
Metal by Tutorials, Chapter 14: Deferred Rendering (2024)


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