© Claire Swart, 2010.
Week 1
© Claire Swart, 2010.
Day 1 Integration: English (reading) (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Families – ‘Today’s number is…’
Mathematical Concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number: Exploring fractions
•Read: ‘Fractions are parts of things’ /by J. Richard Dennis. Discuss what we know about half, thirds and quarters, sixths and eighths.
• Introduce concepts of denominator and numerator and discuss how fractions are used in everyday situations.
• Create fractions using 4 strips of paper.
• Compare & order fractions and answer set of questions.
• Mark questions in class.
• Maths journal: Write down observations & findings on the day’s lesson.
Day 2 Integration: English (writing) (S & L)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Families – Addition Crossword Check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 80 minutes
Measurement: Exploring concept of Time.
- Elements of the clock and its functions; telling the time
- Time clues
• Telling the time: in large group, play ‘walking clock face’ outside. Stn to represent
the hour and minute hands on an analogue clock. Invite them to walk around clock
face – to show minute-and hour- hand positions for given time periods. Discuss that
sometimes a clock has 3 hands.
•Divide class in three groups: 1/3 play ‘cryptic clock’ game, 1/3 play ‘just in time’ dice
game and 1/3 play interactive clock game on computer:
http://www.primarygames.com/math/timeclock/index.htm. After 15 minutes –
•Understanding time: Classify different pictures of different times of the day/year
by looking for and using ‘time clues’ to decipher and discuss the pictures.
•Maths journal: write what is your favourite time of day and year and why.
Day 3 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Dice game – ‘Six sums’
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Number: Exploring fractions
Halves, thirds and quarters.
•Review what know about halves, thirds and quarters – revise concepts of denominator and numerator.
• In groups of 4, on large sheets of butcher’s paper; encourage stn to identify pictures from magazines that they can cut up and cover to represent 1 /2, 1/3 and 1/ 4.
•Share examples with the rest of the class, who must ‘guess’ what the pictures are that the students are only showing a fraction of.
•Complete ‘Fantastic fractions’ worksheet.
• Mark and assess as a whole class
Day 4 Integration: English (reading) (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Card game – ‘Secret pairs’ (multiplication)
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number – Fractions
What is a fair share?
•Read ‘Gator Pie’ by Louise Matthews. Discuss the idea of a fair share.
•Divide class in three groups: 1/3 does paper plate activity, 1/3 fairy
crumpet sharing and 1/3 play interactive activities on computer at:
efault.htm. After 15 minutes – rotate.
•Maths journal: write down findings and conclusions of workstation
Day 5 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Families – Multiplication Crossword check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Working mathematically – Problem solving – Word sums
• Introduction: Problem solving as a process: Think; Ask; Do.
•Problem solving strategies – materials, ‘guess & check’; ‘working backwards’; drawing a diagram.
•Introduce ‘Mathematics Problem solving template’.
• Reinforce strategies - whole class work on a word sum together.
• Divide stn into same ability groups: Columbus (high); Cook (mid); De Gama (low)
•Students complete own maths challenge (word sum) at their level, applying strategies discussed and using worksheet template.
• Share and discuss answers and strategies used with group members.
© Claire Swart, 2010.
Week 2
Day 3
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Families – ‘Today’s number is…’
Mathematical Concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Number: Exploring fractions – Parts of a whole
• Using pattern blocks, stn partition larger shapes into equal parts.
•Demonstrate Fraction pieces activity on Smart board from the National Library of virtual Manipulatives: http://enlvm.usu.edu/ma/nav/activity
• Students work in pairs to complete interactive activity to illustrate fractions by dividing a shape and highlighting the appropriate parts.
Day 2 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Addition Crossword Check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 80 minutes
Measurement: Exploring the concept of Time
- Converting time units: seconds, minutes, hours, days.
- Difference between digital and analogue time
•Discuss: number of seconds in minute, minutes in a hour, hours in a day etc.
•Complete ‘conversion’ table worksheet.
•Check out ‘How old are you?’ interactive website: stn can work out their age in weeks, hours, minutes and seconds and when their next birthday will be: http://www.time-for-time.com/howold.htm.
•Each student to make an analogue and digital clock. Discuss how time is represented on each clock. Ask questions: what time did you get up this morning?, what time did you leave for school? Stn to represent times on both clocks and choose one type of clock to represent the time that lapsed between rising and leaving for school.
•In maths journal; reflect write which clock they prefer to use and why
Day 1 Integration: English (speaking & listening)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Dice games – ‘Six sums’
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number – Fractions - Fractional language
•Revisit definitions of denominator and numerator and discuss how we use fractional language in everyday language, i.e. packet of chips is half full, quarter to 3, half way home etc.
•Brain-storm different fractional language.
•Demonstrate giving directions using terms (quarter turn, half turn, three quarter turn) – encourage stn to move as teacher gives direction. Relate this to time lesson and movements of hands on an analogue clock.
•Go outside, in pairs encourage stn to use same directions to guide blind-folded partner around a specific area. Swop roles
•Maths journal: reflect on how easy/difficult it was to give and receive direction using fractional language.
Day 4 Integration: English (reading) (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Card game – ‘Secret pairs’ (multiplication)
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number – Fractions - Fractional language
•Revise fractional language; 1/ 2 ; 1/3 ; 1/ 4 ; 1/5.
•Explicitly explain and demonstrate rules & expectations of ‘Fraction hunt game’.
•In pairs, play the ‘Fraction treasure hunt game’, students must analyse clues to ‘decode’ message to find hidden treasure; paying attention to fractional language and using their understanding thereof to divide words into fractions, e.g. First word is: ‘The first half of food + the last quarter of door’.
•Once complete, as a whole class review how clues were deciphered.
•In maths journal, reflect using ‘Thinking Hats’: to rate the game; indicate whether they enjoyed it, did they find it easy or not, how they would change it.
•In pairs, devise own ‘cryptic sentence’ using same fractional language that your partner must then decipher.
Day 5 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Multiplication Crossword check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Working mathematically – Problem solving – Word sums
•Recap problem solving strategies – materials, ‘guess & check’; ‘diagram’ etc.
•Applying problem solving strategies – divide stn into ability groups: Columbus (high) ; Cook (mid) ; De Gama (low) and allocate a ‘Maths Challenge Card’ box for each group to work from.
•Reintroduce concept of the Mathematics Problem Solving Template – must show ‘My Thinking ‘, ‘My working’ and ‘My answer’ written out in full.
• Students complete own maths challenge (word sum) from their allocated box, applying strategies discussed and using template.
• Share and discuss answers and strategies used with group members.
© Claire Swart, 2010.
Week 3
Day 1 Integration: English (writing) (S & L)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – Families – ‘Today’s number is…’
Mathematical Concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number: Exploring fractions - Fraction words
•Whole class review of fractional language. Introduce stn to ‘True/False’ fraction words worksheet.
•Stn complete worksheet individually.
•Whole class marking/review of worksheet.
•Demonstrate interactive ‘Pizza Party’ fraction game on http://www.primarygames.com/fractions.
•In pairs, stn work together to complete ‘pizza party’ task.
•In maths journal: record findings/conclusions of game.
Day 2 Integration: English (writing) (speaking & listening)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Addition Crossword Check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 80 minutes
Measurement: Exploring the concept of Time
- Telling time: two different ways to tell the time, e.g. 2:40 (standard notation) and 20 minutes to 3.
- 24-hour time (13h00; 20h00 etc)
- Schedules and timetables
•Explain different ways to tell time
•Brainstorm: Why is it important to have schedules? What are some of the schedules that stn keep?
•Divide class into two groups; half play ‘Tell the time twice’ card game ; half play interactive ‘transportation schedules’ problem solving game: http://www.ixl.com/math/practice/grade-4-transportation-schedules
• Have students make their own TV guide for one day a week. Student must record the day, channel and time, and draw a clock face indicating when the show begins and finishes.
Day 3 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Dice games – ‘Pyramid Placement’
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Number – Fractions words and parts of a whole.
• Fraction words: read sentences and encourage stn to draw/write their
interpretations of fraction words in context, e.g. ‘I need two and three
quarter cups of flour for my cake’, I’ve got two thirds of my chocolate bar
•In groups, play ‘Fraction box’ activity – place different
objects/collections in box and ask ‘stn’ to take turns to act as the
‘machine’ to sort collection/objects into different fractions, i.e. make
four fifths, a third etc. Rest of the students must check accuracy of
‘machine’s’ working.
Day 4 Integration: English (writing) (S & L)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Card game – ‘Secret pairs’ (multiplication)
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number – Fractions – Understanding/representing fractions
•Do ‘food fraction fantasy’ activity, using individual M & M sachets. (Children allergic to nuts/choc – can use jelly beans or coloured popcorn)
•Hand out individual sachet/box to each stn. Firstly (for a bit of fun) let stn guess how many M & Ms are in their sachet – write guesses on board (integration with Chance & Data).
•Discuss different colours M & M come in – list on board.
•Stn must open packets, sort different colours and write out numerically (2/6) and in long-hand (two-sixths) the fraction of the M & Ms that are green, red, yellow etc.
•Share & review results with shoulder partner.
•Randomly call on students and have them explain their colors in fractions on board to whole class.
•Maths journal: based on this activity, stn reflect on how they could use /represent fractions in everyday life.
Day 5 Integration: English (writing)
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Multiplication Crossword check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Working mathematically – Problem solving – Word sums
•Recap problem solving strategies – ‘guess & check’; ‘working backwards’ etc.
• Applying strategies – gather stns into ability groups: Columbus (high) ; Cook (mid) ; De Gama (low) and encourage them to independently solve word sum challenges from their allocated box.
•Reinforce Mathematics Problem Solving Template – focus on showing ‘My Thinking ‘, ‘My working’ and ‘My answer’ written out clearly.
• Share and discuss answers and strategies used with group members.
•Maths journal: write down which problem solving strategy you used to solve the word sum, why and did it work for you.
© Claire Swart, 2010.
Week 4
Day 1
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Dice games – ‘Pyramid Placement’
Mathematical Concepts: Duration: 60 minutes
Number: Exploring fractions - Equivalent fractions
•Equivalent fraction paper strips- stn to fold strips of equal length into halves, quarters, thirds, sixths, eighths, twelfths and label; line strips up to show equivalent fractions- focus on accuracy. Colour, decorate and laminate strips for future reference (These will be used in exit assessment later in the week).
•Conduct ‘chocolate block’ activity to reinforce equivalent fractions. Use grid paper ‘chocolate bar’ to show 4/8 is the same as 1 /2 and 6/8 is the same as 1 /4 etc.
• The ‘Great Chocolate Fight’ - encourage stn to solve problem most can relate to i.e. Jack has two thirds and his brother Martin has eight twelfths of the same chocolate bar. Who has more chocolate, or do they both have the same? Explore this concept of different sized and shaped bars too.
•Whole class discussion and summary
•Maths journal: write notes on conclusions made and why.
Day 2 Integration: English (reading) (writing) (S & L) + T & E + Science
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Addition Crossword Check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 80 minutes
Measurement: Exploring the concept of Time
-Elapsed time – passage of time: days, hours, minutes & seconds.
•Read ‘Just a minute’ /by Teddy Slater and discuss the terminology in the book.
•Challenge children to guess how long 1 minute is; close their eyes and lay down their heads while teacher watches clock. Each child raises a hand when he/she thinks 1 minute is up.
• Comparing times: brain-storm 4 things that take less than 20 seconds, about 10 minutes, more than 2 hours?
•Discuss ways of estimating passage of time and instruments used in the past.
•Maths investigation/experiment: ’Tinkering with time’. In groups of 4 make an egg timer (using plastic drink bottles, clean sand and tape). Encourage stn to test the duration of time the sand takes to run through and change the amount of sand to measure specific time durations (3 minutes, 5 minutes etc.) Use timer to record the time of daily events throughout week.
•Record ideas, draw diagram of instrument, make notes and calculations, i.e. what was the greatest time timer could measure? what would happen if used bigger bottles, made the hole bigger? etc.
•Share results with whole class.
•Maths journal – recall details and results of investigation, use De Bonos’ Thinking Hats to reflect on experiment (yellow hat, green hat, black hat, white hat).
Day 3
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
• Number – What number am I……? – ‘I am less than 1 but more than 0. I am bigger than one half’. Guess the number and discuss strategies
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Number – Fractions – Equivalent fractions
• ‘Equivalent Pizza Pie Fraction Munch’ activity.
•Introduce the activity of ‘munching fractions’ through demonstration.
•In groups of 2/3, using set of fraction cards and a bag of ‘pizza pieces’, stn must decide how much of their pizza is equivalent to the fraction on the card and "eat" that part of the pizza. After each student has decided how much of their pizza to eat, must write down the equivalent fractions and draw a pictorial representation of each fraction. Stn take turns. Activity continues until one student has "eaten" all their pizza. Students to check each other.
•Maths journal - review the equivalent fractions that were presented in the lesson: 1/4=3/12, 1/3=4/12, 2/3=8/12, 2/6=4/12, 1/12=1/12
Day 4 Duration: 60 minutes
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Card game – ‘Secret pairs’ (multiplication)
Mathematical concepts:
Number – Fractions – Ordering & comparing fractions
•’Fraction clothesline’ – string up length of wool in classroom. Add card labeled ‘0’ on one end and ‘1’ on the other. Ask stn to determine where fraction cards would be positioned on the line and justify suggestions.
•Whole class review of fractions. Introduce stn to Fractions assessment test. Retrieve Equivalent fraction paper strips that were cut out, coloured in and laminated earlier in the week.
•Read through questions – students complete test and hand in for assessment.
•FractONE interactive game at http://www.coolmath-games.com/ - make pairs that have a sum of one as fast as you can.
Day 5
Mental Maths: (15 minutes)
Number – Families – Multiplication Crossword check
Mathematical concepts: Duration: 45 minutes
Working mathematically – Problem solving – Word sums
•Revisit different problem solving strategies.
•Apply strategies – gather stns into ability groups: Columbus (high) ; Cook (med) ; De Gama (low) and encourage them to independently solve word sum challenges from their allocated box.
•Reinforce Mathematics Problem Solving Template –showing ‘My Thinking ‘, ‘My working’ and ‘My answer’ written out clearly.
• Share and discuss answers and strategies used with group members.
•Maths journal: De Bono’s Thinking Hats: Reflecting on problem solving strategies – How do I feel about the strategies? (Red hat); Facts about the problem solving strategies (White hat), Which strategy doesn’t suit my learning (Black hat) ; which strategy works for me (yellow hat).
•Think Pair Share thoughts with partner
© Claire Swart, 2010.
Daily Work Pad Year: 4 Learning Area: Mathematics Date: Monday, 11th October 2010 Term: 4 Week: 1
Time Outcomes:
Learning Experience: Resources,
questions and
Assessment and
11: 15
CF Values: 1.1, 1.3, 2.5
CF Overarching Learning Outcomes:
1, 2, 5, 12, 13.
Mathematics LAOs: Number
OSF – Maths - Number:
N6b : Understand fractions
Level 2 – 3
N8 : Calculate
Level 2 – 3
Integrated LAOs:
English: E8 - Reading & E9 - Writing
Specific Learning Objectives:
a) Identify examples of fraction parts in everyday life/classroom.
b) Order fraction strips from largest to smallest.
c) Complete a set of questions on fractions with 80% accuracy
Mental Maths activity (15 minutes):
Number – ‘Families’ – ‘Today’s
number is…’
Stn seated at their desk. Introduce topic by reading ‘Fractions
are parts of things’ scanned onto white board.
While reading, explain concepts of half, thirds and quarters, sixths and eighths.
Introduce concepts of denominator and numerator and discuss how we use fractions in everyday situations. Give example of fractions within the class:
Elicit further examples of fractional parts and pieces within the class e.g. no. of stn with brown hair, lace-up
shoes, glasses etc. Then, ask stn if they would rather have
1/4 or 1/8 of a slice from their favorite pizza? Discuss as a whole group.
Give each student four strips of pre-cut construction paper.
Instruct stn to fold one of their strips
• ‘Today’s number is…’ recording sheet
(enough for each student)
• Fractions are parts of things’ /by J.
Richard Dennis (scanned onto
electronic whiteboard)
•Construction paper cut into 3cm
strips (four per stn)
• Textas or coloured pencils
•Set of questions (written on
E.g. ‘how many stn are here
today? 22. This number stands for
the total number of students in the
class today. Out of all of you, how
many of you like to eat pizza? This
is the fraction out of all of us that
like pizza, e.g. 18/22
To what extent where
the students working
towards being able to:
a) Identify examples of fraction parts in the classroom.
Anecdotal notes taken on student
contributions in class discussion
b) Order fraction strips from largest to smallest.
Student work sample - Answer
sheet /memorandum
c) Complete a set of questions on fractions with 80% accuracy.
Student work sample - Answer
sheet /memorandum
into 2 equal parts, 4 equal parts, 8 equal parts and leave one unfolded.
Tell stn to trace the fold lines on each
strip and label each section of the strips with corresponding fractions such as: 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8.
Have students compare the 1/2 and 1/4 strips.
Next, have students compare the 1/4 and 1/8 strips.
Students should compare the whole strip to the other strips.
Hand out sheet of A4 paper; ask stn to write their name on the paper in
their ‘best bubble writing’
Instruct them to glue fraction strips on paper in order from largest to smallest.
Write following questions on white board for students to answer individually on same sheet of paper:
1. Which fraction is greater: 1/4 or 1/2? 2. Which fraction is less: 1/2 or 1/8? 3. Which fraction is greater: 1/8 or 1/4? 4. How many fourths are equal to 1/2? 5. How many eighths are equal to 3/4? 6. How many eighths equal one whole? 7. Draw a rectangle on paper. 8. Divide into 6 equal parts. 9. Color 4/6 of it using a texta/coloured
crayon. 10. Which is greater: 1/6 or 1/4?
When students are finished, swop work with shoulder partner.
Mark together as a class.
Hand back to classmate, with positive feedback. Collect and review by teacher.
Write in maths journals about observations and findings made in today’s lesson.
Ask: Which strip has more = parts?
What do you notice about the size
of the parts when there are more
equal parts? Which is larger 1/2 or
1/4? How many fourths = one
Ask: which has more equal parts?
Which is larger 1/4 or 1/8? How
many eighths equal 1/4? How
many eighths equal 3/4?
Ask how many halves = one
whole? How many fourths and
eighths equal one whole?
Daily Work Pad Year: 4 Learning Area: Mathematics Date: Tuesday, 12th October 2010 Term: 4 Week: 1
Time Outcomes:
Learning Experience: Resources,
questions and
Assessment and
10: 50
CF Values: 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2,4, 2.5
CF Overarching Learning Outcomes:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13.
Mathematics LAOs: Measurement
OSF – Maths - Measurement:
M9a: Understands units Level 2 – 3
M9b : Direct Measure Level 2 – 3
N8 : Calculate Level 2 – 3
Integrated LAOs: English: E9 - Writing
Specific Learning Objectives:
a) Demonstrate their understanding of the workings of an analogue clock.
b) Apply their understanding of the working of an analogue clock to solve a riddle.
c) Classify pictures into different times of the day/year based on ‘time clues’.
Mental Maths activity (15
Number – ‘Families’ – ‘Crossword check’
(addition game)
Stn seated at desks Introduce topic by discussing the
importance of being able to tell the time.
Paired Rally Robin with face partner; why they think telling the time is important and when they need to tell the time in their day (reinforce ‘inside voice’, eye contact and taking turns).
Introduce the idea of them practicing telling the time by doing a number of workstation activities.
Lead stn outside and make large circle (clock face) using bean bags as minutes and numbered cards for the hours.
Using ‘question cup’ randomly select two students to act as the
•Copy of crossword sheet (enough for
each student)
•Bean bags (for minute marks)
•Laminated numbered cards (for hours)
•’Cryptic clock’ worksheet – prepared &
photocopied (enough for each student)
•Laminated copies of ’Just in time’ dice
game (enough to be shared between 2
• Mobile trolley of laptops with link to
Interactive clock game.
•Magazines (enough for each stn)
•Pictures of events with ‘time clues’ e.g.
Easter basket
•Maths journals
To what extent where
the students working
towards being able to:
(a) Demonstrate their understanding of the workings of an analogue clock.
Anecdotal notes and observations
taken on student contributions in
walking clock face activity.
(b) Apply their understanding of the working of an analogue clock to solve a riddle
Student work sample - Answer
sheet /memorandum
(c) Classify pictures into different times of the day/year based on ‘time clues’
Maths journal – anecdotal notes
‘hour’ and ‘minute’ hand of the clock.
Invite stn to walk around the
inside of clock and show the hour & minute hand positions for given times. Do this a few times, choosing new stn each round. Discuss that sometimes a clock has a third hand (seconds).
Return stn to class and reintroduce idea of workstation activities and briefly explain how each will work:
Divide class into three (mixed
ability) groups for the rotation. Review & reinforce expected
behaviour for working in groups, class rules for using technology and give time limit (15 minutes each station).
Once work station time is up, regroup stn and discuss how we know what time it is by looking at various ‘time clues’. Demonstrate by showing different pictures, e.g.
chocolate eggs in a basket means its Easter, blossoms on a tree indicates its spring, a child eating cereal means its morning etc.
Hand out magazines and ask stn to identify 3 pictures that have time clues in them. Stick pictures in their journals and explain what time of year/day it is and why they say so.
Also write what is their favourite time of day and year and why.
Randomly select stn (‘question cup’) to share pictures & opinions with class.
Peers to remark whether agree or disagree.
• Question cup (with popsticks)
E.g. ‘Show how the hands will move
if you begin at one o’ clock and
stop at two o’ clock. Now begin at
2:30 and stop at 4:45’.
Workstation #1: ‘Cryptic clock’
Before stn start at this workstation,
teacher must read through
worksheet with them and model
explicitly how to complete this
activity (as it might be confusing for
some). Do the first couple of letters
with stn and then allow them to
solve the rest of the code on their
own. Stress although it is a group
workstation, the code must be
cracked on their own (this is a ‘solo
activity’). Worksheet must have stn
name written on and handed in for
review. Those stn that solve code
quickly can attempt to create their
Workstation #2: ‘Just in time’
A dice game to be played in pairs
or small group. First player rolls the
dice and moves forward to land on
a clock. The player must read the
time. If the time is correct moves
forward one, if incorrectly read the
move is canceled. Play continues
Collect journals for review by teacher.
until all players have reached the
Workstation #3: Computer
Stn complete interactive clock
game online. (The game should be
bookmarked on the computers for
students to use.)
Daily Work Pad Year: 4 Learning Area: Mathematics Date: Wednesday, 13th October 2010 Term: 4 Week: 1
Time Outcomes:
questions &
Assessment and
9: 30
CF Values: 1.1, 1.3, 2.4, 2.5
CF Overarching Learning Outcomes:
1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 13.
Mathematics LAOs: Number
OSF – Maths - Number:
N6b : Understand fractions Level 2 – 3
N8 : Calculate Level 2 – 3
Integrated LAOs: English: E9 - Writing
Specific Learning Objectives:
a) Distinguish between fraction pieces of a 1/ 2 ; 1 /3 and 1/ 4
b) Complete ‘Fantastic Fractions’ worksheet with 80% accuracy.
Mental Maths activity (15
Number – Dice game – ‘Six sums’ (addition
Teacher will review concept of halves, thirds and quarters as an introduction to lesson.
Teacher will tell stn that they will now play a fraction guessing activity in groups.
Teacher to allocate mixed ability groups and ask each group to number themselves off from 1 – 4 (‘Numbered Heads’).
Teacher will demonstrate & model expectations of the activity by showing pictures of objects that have missing parts, e.g. pizza that you only can see 1/4 of or a dog that has 1/2 of the dog showing.
Ask ‘No. head 1’ to collect 4 magazines for their group.
• A die numbered 1 to 6
• ‘Six sums’ recording sheet
(enough for each stn).
•Examples of fraction pictures of
1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 from magazines.
•Magazines (enough for each stn
in a group)
•Scissors (one per child)
•Glue (one per group)
• Large pieces of butchers’
paper (enough for each group)
•Prepared and photocopied
‘Fantastic Fractions’ worksheet
(enough for everyone)
•Construction paper/cardboard
Have 3 x (1/2, 1/3, 1/4)
examples of pictures cut out
of magazines to show
To what extent where
the students working
towards being able to:
(a) Distinguish between fraction pieces of a 1 /2 ; 1/3 and 1 /4.
Student work sample – anecdotal
notes and observations.
(b) Complete ‘Fantastic Fractions’ worksheet with 80% accuracy.
Student work sample - Answer
sheet /memorandum.
Ask ‘No. head 3’ to collect 1 sheet of butcher’s paper for group.
Ask ‘No. head 4’ to divide the sheet into 3 columns: 1 /2 ; 1/ 3 and 1/ 4 and to write group members names on top left hand corner.
Tell groups the idea is to locate 9 pictures (3 for each faction) and then cut and show each fraction on the butcher’s paper correctly under each column.
Stn can either cover up the ‘part’ with construction paper or black it out with marker.
Reinforce the rules for working in groups and give time limit (20 minutes).
After each group has finished, have them share their examples with the rest of the class.
Encourage classmates to guess what picture each group is showing only a fraction of.
Ask ‘No. head 2’ to hand out ‘Fantastic fractions’ worksheet.
Read through worksheet and tell stn they will be given 5 minutes to complete it individually.
Once completed, mark together as a class.
Collect butchers paper & worksheet to review later.
Congratulate students on great group work.
Use the time while stn are
busy to move between
groups ensuring everyone
knows what to do, all
members are participating
and to make anecdotal
notes and observations.
Daily Work Pad Year: 4 Learning Area: Mathematics Date: Thursday, 14th October 2010 Term: 4 Week: 1
Time Outcomes:
questions and
Assessment and
11: 15
CF Values: 1.1, 1.3, 2.5
CF Overarching Learning Outcomes:
1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13.
Mathematics LAOs: Number
OSF – Maths - Number:
N6b : Understand fractions Level 2 – 3
N8 : Calculate Level 2 – 3
Integrated LAOs:
English: E8 - Reading & E9 - Writing
Specific Learning Objectives:
a) Label fractional parts correctly. b) Write fractions correctly. c) Predict how many pieces of pie
there will be if you fold plate 4/5 times.
d) Accurately records results and findings.
Mental Maths activity (15
Number – Card game – ‘Secret pairs’
(multiplication game)
Tell students that there is a very exciting maths lesson planned; they will complete 3 workstations after a whole-class introduction that reviews fractions and equal parts.
Ask stn to take out their maths journals.
Introduce lesson by asking stn to demonstrate and predict in their journals using the following prompts: (Write prompts on the board. Encourage
students to use complete sentences & neat writing.)
-Draw a diagram to show how you
would you divide a pie for 2,3, 4
-Predict what will happen to the
pieces of pie if you were to continue
to divide it among more people.
•A set of 10 playing cards per
person (Ace to 10).
•’Secret pairs’ recording sheet
(enough for each stn).
• Scanned copy of ‘Gator Pie’ /by
Louise Mathews.
•Paper plates (enough for 2 per
student - with extras)
•Textas or colored pencils
•Pre-buttered crumpet (one per
• Hundreds and thousands
•Plastic knives
• Sealable plastic bags (for
•Mobile trolley of laptops with
links to Internet Web Lessons:
‘Fabulous Fractions’ and
‘Flowering Fractions’
To what extent where
the students working
towards being able to:
(a) Label fractional parts correctly (i.e. 1 /2 ; 2/4 ; 4/8)
Student work sample – checklist
(b) Write fractions correctly (correct use of numerator and denominator).
Student work sample – checklist
(c) Predict how many pieces of pie there will be if you fold the plate 4/5 times.
Student work sample – checklist
(d) Accurately record their results and findings
Maths journal – anecdotal notes.
Once journal entries complete, tell students to ready themselves (‘listening ears on, looking eyes in’) to listen to a story about dividing a pie amongst many.
Read ‘Gator pie’ by Louise Mathews’ (scanned onto electronic white board for students to follow).
Discuss concept of ‘equal shares’ and what the difficulty of this was in the story and why this didn’t work.
Reintroduce idea of the three workstations and briefly explain how each will work:
Divide class into three (mixed ability) groups for work station rotation.
Review & reinforce expected behaviour for working in groups, class rules for using technology and give time limit (15 minutes at each station).
Meet as a whole group and ask stn to refer back to their journal and review earlier ‘predictions’.Record notes and observations about what was done at the workstations (these should be done in complete sentences): -What happened to the pieces of paper plate pie as you divided it into more and more pieces? -What happened to the denominator of the fraction as you divided the pie into more
Allow 10 minutes for stn to
complete their journal
Workstation # 1: Before
stn go to workstation, model
how to divide a paper plate
by folding the plate in half,
counting the number of
pieces (2) and then again (4
pieces). Encourage stn to
divide a ‘pie’ equally by using
a paper plate. Instructions at
the workstation should ask
them to: firstly write their
name on the plate then fold
the plate in half, count the
number of pieces, shade one
in and write the fractional
part. Then fold plate again,
count the pieces and write
fractional part. Stn must
make 3 folds (8 pieces). On
the back of the plates, ask
stn to record their predictions
about what will happen if
they fold their plates a 4th
and 5th time. Stn write
down how many pieces were
in 1/2 of their pies when they
folded it, twice, then three
times and discuss
pieces? - How many fair shares of
the crumpet could they
create and why couldn’t
they make any more.
Share results as a whole class; review that 1/2 of the pie plate was the same (equivalent) no matter how many times the pie was divided and greater the
denominator the smaller the ‘piece of pie’.
Collect paper plates and maths journals for review by teacher.
Congratulate stn on a ‘job well done’ - focusing on their great group work - and then enjoy fairy crumpets together.
Workstation #2: Give each
stn a buttered crumpet on a
paper plate, some ‘hundreds
and thousands’ to make into
a ‘fairy crumpet’ and a plastic
knife. Ask: How many fair
shares can you create with
this crumpet? Everyone
divides his/ her crumpet into
fair shares. Discuss with
group members what
happened to the crumpet as
they divided it more and
more. Compare it to what
happened to the pie from the
story. Store in sealable
plastic bag to be enjoyed
later. (Directions should be
printed at the workstation for
Workstation #3: Stn
complete ‘Fabulous Fractions’
& ‘Flowering Fractions’
online. (The interactive
lessons should be
bookmarked on the
computers for students.)
Daily Work Pad Year: 4 Learning Area: Mathematics Date: Friday, 15th October 2010 Term: 4 Week: 1
Time Outcomes:
and notes:
Assessment and
9: 30
CF Values: 1.1 ; 1.3 ; 2.4 ; 2.5
CF Overarching Learning Outcomes:
1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 5 ; 6 ; 12
Mathematics LAOs:
Working Mathematically, Number
OSF – Maths - :
WM3 : Mathematical strategies Level 2 – 3
WM 4 : Apply & verify Level 2 – 3
N6b : Understand fractions Level 2 – 3
N7 : Understand operations Level 2 – 3
N8 : Calculate Level 2 – 3
Integrated LAOs:
English: E8 - Reading & E9 - Writing
Specific Learning Objectives:
a) Choose and apply an appropriate strategy to successfully solve a mathematics word sum.
b) Show their workings clearly and neatly in successfully solving a mathematics word sum.
Mental Maths activity (15
Number – ‘Families’ –‘Crossword check’
Stn seated at their desks, teacher introduces the idea of
problem solving of mathematical word sums.
Think –Pair-Share with face partner what students know about problem solving strategies and what method they usually use to solve maths problem (to generate and ascertain prior knowledge). Focus on taking turns and listening attentively.
Using ‘question cup’; randomly
ask stn what they know about problem solving strategies.
Introduce idea that there are a number of ways to solve maths problems.
Explain problem solving process: Think, Ask, Do.
Demonstrate type of questions to ask:
•Copy of crossword sheet
(enough for each student)
•Question cup (with popsticks)
• Mathematics problem
solving template – scanned
onto white board.
•Mathematics Problem solving
worksheet (double –sided),
prepared and photocopied
(enough for each stn).
• A selection of mathematic
word sum problems (set at
different levels).
Write stn responses on
To what extent where
the students working
towards being able to:
(a) Choose and apply an appropriate strategy to successfully solve a mathematics word sum.
Student work sample – checklist
(b) Show their workings clearly and neatly in successfully solving a mathematics word sum.
Student work sample – checklist
Explain different strategies one can use:
- materials(manipulatives)
- draw picture/diagram
- work backwards
- guess and check.
Teacher to demonstrate use of each strategy by working through an example of a word sum on the board, e.g.
Introduce ‘Mathematics Problem solving worksheet template’ to stn.
Hand out worksheet, read
through & explain. Reinforce strategies and
demonstrate how to use problem solving worksheet by working through word sum with whole class on the board.
Divide stn into three same/like ability groups, giving them Explorer names (as we are on a problem solving voyage of discovery):
Hand out word sum problems to each group (set at their level).
Encourage stn to solve problem individually using strategies discussed and showing their workings on second side of worksheet.
Discuss what they must focus on: choosing appropriate strategy and providing evidence of clear and neat workings to solve problem.
Give time limit (20 minutes) and begin.
- What do I need to find out?
- What is the problem
- What do I need to know?
- How can I find this out?
- Did it work and does
answer makes sense
On Tuesday, Larry went
to do his weekly
shopping. He spent ¾ of
his money at the
supermarket. He then
went and spent 1/3 of
what he had left at the
butcher’s shop.
Afterwards he had $12
left in his wallet. How
much money did he begin
Columbus (high) ; Cook
(mid) ; De Gama (low)
Stn to work through
problem with teacher
using one side of
Observe and make
anecdotal notes of stn
responses and
contributions in activity.
Use this time to visit each
group, reminding them of
strategies, guiding and
assisting at the point of
Once time is up, stn discuss their answers, strategies and workings in their group.
Collect problem solving worksheet – ensuring everyone has put their name on – for review by teacher.
Congratulate stn on their fabulous problem solving skills.
At this point, move
between groups to guide,
monitor discussion and
resolve any disputes that
arise (work through
problem with group again
if necessary).
© Claire Swart, 2010.